H.C.R. NO.














Requesting the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the county of hawaii to provide financial support to agricultural operations that have incurred significant losses due to the effects of vog.




     WHEREAS, in March of 2008, a rupture in the lower east wall of Kilauea's Halema'uma'u crater resulted in the release of large quantities of volcanic emissions that, mixed with air, formed what is commonly referred to as "vog"; and


     WHEREAS, emissions from the newly created vent have continued throughout the year, resulting in elevated levels of vog in the atmosphere; and


     WHEREAS, vog contains sulfur dioxide which, in addition to being a potential health hazard in high concentrations, has also proven to be particularly harmful to agricultural crops; and


     WHEREAS, sulfur dioxide, and by-products like sulfuric acid, damage both the leaves and the flowers of plants, including protea and other cut flowers, rendering them unsalable; and


     WHEREAS, acid rain resulting from vog represents another threat, particularly to ranchers whose fences and other infrastructure are susceptible to acid rain effects; and


     WHEREAS, farmers provided testimony on the devastating impact of vog on their businesses at fact-finding meetings convened by the House Special Committee on Vog Effects; and


     WHEREAS, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture approved the Governor's request for a disaster designation for the County of Hawaii due to the ongoing impact of vog, thereby allowing farmers in the county to apply for low-interest loans from the federal Farm Service Agency; and


     WHEREAS, notwithstanding the assistance already provided and in light of the continuous nature of the vog emergency, there is a need for additional financial aid for agricultural operations on the island of Hawaii; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2009, the Senate concurring, that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the County of Hawaii are requested to provide additional forms of financial support for agricultural operations that have incurred significant losses due to the effects of vog; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the USDA is requested to use funds in existing federal disaster relief programs to provide grants and other forms of financial aid to assist the affected agricultural operations; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Hawaii is requested to implement real property tax relief to the affected agricultural operations; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mayor of the County of Hawaii, and each member of the Hawaii County Council.









Report Title: 

Financial Support; Farming Operations; Vog