H.C.R. NO.














urgING THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH to work with the counties to develop strategies for establishing effective gray water recycling programs and the use of individual rain catchment storage systems.




     WHEREAS, at 18 percent higher than the national average, Hawaii consumes the most water per capita in the nation, and the demand for water in Hawaii is not likely to decrease; and


     WHEREAS, the wastewater reuse rate is not as high as it could be—-three of the four counties reuse wastewater at a rate of less than five percent, the remaining county at a rate of less than 15 percent, and the State at a rate of less than 25 percent; and


     WHEREAS, a low wastewater reuse rate is also taxing our wastewater treatment facilities—-it will cost $1,000,000,000 to repair an aging sewer system; and


     WHEREAS, the sewer system has failed in the past, and another failure of the sewer system potentially has disastrous consequences for the health, safety, and economic welfare of our residents and visitors; and


     WHEREAS, much of the wastewater currently treated at the City and County of Honolulu's wastewater facilities is otherwise reusable gray water that can be diverted from the sewer system; and


     WHEREAS, gray water can replace potable water for many uses, thereby saving money, increasing water supply and treatment effectiveness, and reducing operation and capital costs of treatment facilities; and


     WHEREAS, gray water has a history of safe use in the nation, and does not contaminate the natural surface and ground waters because it is purified to a high degree in the upper, most biologically active region of the soil; and



     WHEREAS, under section 342D-70, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), counties, with the approval of the Department of Health (DOH), may implement a gray water recycling program within their jurisdictions in which gray water, defined as any water from the domestic plumbing system of a residence, except toilets, is used to irrigate lawns and gardens; and


     WHEREAS, although DOH has adopted rules authorizing use of gray water recycling systems, no county appears to have sought approval to implement a gray water recycling program in its jurisdiction; and


     WHEREAS, the counties have adopted national plumbing standards that have deleted gray water reuse provisions; and


     WHEREAS, legislation was considered in 2008 that would place responsibility for developing gray water recycling programs with DOH; and


     WHEREAS, the Director of Health testified that while DOH has rules authorizing the use of gray water for subsurface irrigation for residences with individual wastewater systems, it lacks the resources to oversee implementation of a gray water program for residences served by county sewer systems; and


     WHEREAS, numerous other states facing water shortages have adopted gray water reuse standards that have reduced potable water use in recognition of the importance of conserving valuable potable water; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2009, the Senate concurring, that DOH is urged to work with the counties to develop strategies for establishing effective gray water recycling programs and the use of individual rain catchment storage systems; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that DOH is requested to provide the counties with technical guidance and support to incorporate international research and technology for the reuse of gray water and conservation and facilitation of individual water systems; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Director of Health, and the mayor and chairpersons of the county council of each county.









Report Title: 

Gray Water Recycling; Department of Health Rules