Report Title:
Science and Technology; Hawaii State Plan; Economy Growth
Provides for the development of a Hawaii State Science and Technology Plan. (HB610 CD1)
H.B. NO. |
610 |
H.D. 2 |
S.D. 2 |
C.D. 1
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the lucrative jobs of today are more and more found within the diverse fields of science and high technology. Economies that ground themselves in science and high technology have found success, armed with a workforce that is well-educated, benefiting from work products that provide for a better lifestyle, and able to compete on a national if not international scale.
It is important that first steps be taken by stimulating the interest and achievement of Hawaii's students in this arena, and during the 2007 legislative session, various related programs were established and expanded. However, Hawaii lacks an overall, statewide plan to progress in science and high technology beyond the schools.
The purpose of this Act is to develop a Hawaii state science and technology plan.
SECTION 2. Hawaii EPSCoR, with the assistance of the high technology development corporation, shall develop a Hawaii state science and technology plan. The Hawaii state science and technology plan shall be statewide and shall include:
(1) An evaluation of the effectiveness of past and current science and high technology legislation, including legislation relating to industry development, incentives, oversight, and sustainability;
(2) A plan for the direction of Hawaii's science and high technology sector, including:
(A) A list of goals established for the science and high technology sector in the state;
(B) A plan to reach the established goals; and
(C) A timeline for implementation and completion;
(3) Criteria to measure the growth of emerging growth industries in the science and high technology sector;
(4) Guidelines for future science and high technology legislation to assist the legislature in maintaining an overall framework to guide the development of science and high technology in the state; and
(5) Recommendations or proposals for science and high technology legislation to meet the goals established in the plan.
SECTION 3. (a) The Hawaii state science and technology plan shall incorporate Hawaii EPSCoR planning efforts, as well as all other prior reports relating to the University of Hawaii's and the State’s efforts to grow and develop a high technology industry and promote technology-based economic development in the state.
(b) The plan shall reflect collaboration among the University of Hawaii and its research institutes, state and county high technology development boards, and entities conducting private, non-profit technology-based economic research activities.
(c) The following shall be consulted in the development of the plan:
(1) The director of business, economic development, and tourism, or the director's designee;
(2) The superintendent of education, or the superintendent's designee;
(3) The chairperson of the board of directors of the high technology development corporation, or the chairperson's designee;
(4) The University of Hawaii;
(5) The economic development boards of all the islands;
(6) The Hawaii Science and Technology Council;
(7) Members of the Hawaii house of representatives and senate; and
(8) Members of the private and public sector and national and international, research and technology-based economic development organizations.
(d) Hawaii EPSCoR through the office of the vice president of research of the University of Hawaii shall provide administrative, professional, technical, and clerical staff support.
(e) Non-general funds may be used to develop the plan; provided that chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall apply to the procurement and selection of vendors and contractors.
SECTION 4. Hawaii EPSCoR shall submit the Hawaii state science and technology plan to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2011. Every five years thereafter, Hawaii EPSCoR shall submit to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of the legislature, an updated report that reassesses the plan and includes metrics and recommendations.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.