Report Title:
Motor Vehicle Rental Industry
Replaces "collision damage waiver" with "damage waiver" in the motor vehicle rental industry law. Repeals requirement to place notices of certain vehicle laws in each rental vehicle and repeals power of DCCA to prescribe form of signs to be posted at rental sites. Clarifies charges that may be assessed a lessee for damage to a rental vehicle. Repeals requirement to submit collision damage waiver statistics to DCCA.
H.B. NO. |
1696 |
relating to Motor vehicle rental industry.
SECTION 1. Section 437D-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "collision damage waiver" to read as follows:
""[Collision damage] Damage
waiver" means any contract or contractual provision, whether separate from
or a part of a rental agreement, whereby the lessor agrees, for a charge, to
waive any or all claims against the lessee for any damages to the rental motor
vehicle during the term of the rental agreement."
SECTION 2. Section 437D-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Rental agreements; delivery to director. No lessor shall offer a rental
agreement or [collision] damage waiver unless a specimen of the rental
agreement or [collision] damage waiver is delivered to the director
prior to its use."
SECTION 3. Section 437D-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Rental agreements; [collision] damage waivers. (a)
Each rental agreement [which] that contains a [collision]
damage waiver shall disclose, at a minimum, in plain language and in at least
ten-point boldface type, the following information:
(1) That the [collision] damage waiver is
(2) That the [collision] damage waiver entails
an additional charge;
(3) The actual charge per day for the [collision]
damage waiver;
(4) All restrictions, conditions, and provisions in
or endorsed on the [collision] damage waiver;
(5) That the lessee may already be sufficiently covered and should examine the lessee's personal automobile insurance policy to determine whether it provides coverage for collision damage and the amount of the deductible;
(6) That by entering into the rental agreement, the lessee may be liable for damage to the rental motor vehicle resulting from a collision; and
(7) The acknowledgment described in section 437D-11.
(b) The rental agreement shall not contain an
unreasonable restriction, condition, or provision in or endorsed on a [collision]
damage waiver. The [collision] damage waiver shall not exclude damages
caused by ordinary negligence on the part of the lessee."
SECTION 4. Section 437D-5.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Offers or sales of collision insurance by lessors or limited line motor vehicle
rental company producers. (a) The provisions in this chapter relating to
or otherwise regulating the offer or sale or [collision] damage waivers
shall apply to the offer or sale [[]of[]] collision insurance by
lessors or limited line motor vehicle rental company producers.
(b) For purposes of this chapter, collision
insurance means coverage to pay a specified amount to or on behalf of the
lessee for claims by the lessor relating to loss of or damage to the rented
vehicle. The definitions of collision insurance and [collision] damage
waiver stated in this chapter shall apply only to this chapter. No definition
of insurance in this chapter or in any other statute shall be deemed to include
[collision] damage waiver as defined in this chapter."
SECTION 5. Section 437D-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Rate disclosure requirements[:]; advertising. Each
lessor, and each officer, employee, agency, or other representative of the
lessor, who states or permits to be stated the rental cost of a rental motor
vehicle in any advertisement, shall state conspicuously, in plain language and
in conjunction with the advertised rental cost of the vehicle, the daily rate
of the applicable [collision] damage waiver, and that the rate
constitutes an additional daily charge to the lessee.
(b) When a written advertisement, including all print media, contains the statement of the rental cost of a vehicle, the disclosure required by this section shall be printed in type no less than one-third the size of the type used to print the rental cost, or twelve-point type, whichever is larger. When the video presentation of a television advertisement contains the statement of the rental cost of a vehicle, the depiction of the disclosure required by this section shall be no less than one-third the size of the depiction of the rental cost. When a radio advertisement or the audio presentation of a television advertisement contains the statement of the rental cost of the vehicle, the oral statement of the rental cost shall be immediately accompanied by an oral statement of the disclosure required by this section.
(c) Except as set forth in this section, the statement of the rental cost and the disclosure shall be equally prominent in all respects."
SECTION 6. Section 437D-8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Rate disclosure requirements; oral or written statements. Each lessor, and
each officer, employee, agent, or other representative of the lessor, who makes
any oral statement, excluding telephonic communications, or written statement
of the rental cost of a vehicle, shall disclose, in plain language and in
conjunction with that statement, the daily rate of the applicable [collision]
damage waiver and that the rate constitutes an additional daily charge to the
SECTION 7. Section 437D-8.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§437D-8.5 Commissions.
(a) No lessor or officer, employee, agent, or other representative of the
lessor shall pay or receive a commission for selling [collision] damage
waivers, except as provided in subsection (b). Any violation of this section
shall be an unfair or deceptive act or practice as provided in section 480-2.
(b) As used in this section:
"Commission for selling [collision]
damage waivers" includes any compensation, bonus, award, or remuneration
that corresponds directly to the amount of sales of [collision] damage
waivers. "Commission for selling [collision] damage waivers"
does not include any compensation, bonus, award, or remuneration to an employee
that corresponds to the overall gross receipts of a sales location, where sales
of [collision] damage waivers are one of many factors contributing to
overall gross receipts.
"Sales location" means any location at which the employee worked or had oversight responsibility during the applicable compensation period."
SECTION 8. Section 437D-9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Posting requirements. Except as provided in section 437D-17, each lessor
who offers the [collision] damage waiver shall conspicuously display at
the rental area of each rental location a notice, in plain language and
printing, [which] that includes all of the information in section
437D-5(a)(1), (2), (5), and (6), and a statement that restrictions or conditions
SECTION 9. Section 437D-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Pamphleting requirements. Before the execution of a rental agreement,
each lessor who offers [the collision] a damage waiver option to
a lessee shall provide to the lessee a pamphlet, written in plain language, [which]
that includes all of the information described in section 437D-5(a)(1)
through (6). The requirements of this section shall be deemed to be satisfied
if the lessor places the pamphlets prominently and conspicuously on the rental
desk [or], countertop, or in a wall holder, where the
pamphlets may be easily seen and reached by lessees and potential
SECTION 10. Section 437D-13, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§437D-13 Notice and posting required
concerning motor vehicle laws. [(a)] Every lessor shall display at
all times a sign or signs in a conspicuous place in [each rental
motor vehicle offered to the public, a decal,] the main rental area of
all rental locations, written in plain language and in no less than
ten-point type, that informs the lessee of:
(1) Hawaii's seat belt and child passenger restraint laws and the prohibition against operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant and leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle; and
(2) The existence and location of additional information concerning the laws relating to seat belts, child passenger restraints, operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant, and leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle.
[The requirements and penalties of Hawaii's seat
belt laws and child passenger restraint laws, as provided in sections 291-11.5
and 291-11.6, and the prohibition against and penalties for operating a vehicle
under the influence of an intoxicant, as provided in section 291E-61, and
leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle, as provided in section
291C-121.5, shall be printed on a card which shall be placed in the glove
compartment of every rental motor vehicle offered to the public.
(b) Except as provided in section
[437D-17], a sign or signs written in plain language calling attention to the
laws referred to in subsection (a) shall be prominently posted in the main
rental area of all rental locations in a place and manner conspicuous to the
(c) The notices and signs required by this
section shall include symbolic representations that are of common understanding
and clearly recognizable to the public as conveying the required use of seat
belts and child passenger restraint systems in the operation of a motor vehicle
and the prohibition against operating a vehicle under the influence of an
(d) The director shall prescribe the form
of the notices and signs required by this section.]"
SECTION 11. Section 437D-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§437D-15 Unfair trade practices. Each lessor, and each officer, employee, agent, and other representative thereof, is prohibited from engaging in any practice constituting a violation of chapter 480. The following shall be per se violations of section 480-2:
(1) The making of any material statement that has the tendency or capacity to mislead or deceive, either orally or in writing, in connection with the rental of, offer to rent, or advertisement to rent a vehicle;
(2) The omission of any material statement that has the tendency or capacity to mislead or deceive, in connection with the rental of, offer to rent, or advertisement to rent a vehicle;
(3) The making of any statement to the effect that
the purchase of a [collision] damage waiver is mandatory;
(4) Any violation of sections 437D-5 through 437D-14, and section 437D-17.5;
(5) The charging by the lessor to a lessee of:
(A) More than the cost of the parts and labor necessary
to repair a damaged vehicle in accordance with standard practice in the [automobile]
motor vehicle repair industry in the community, if the vehicle is
(B) More than the actual cash value of a vehicle if it is declared a total loss; or
(C) More than the [diminution in value of a
vehicle] costs of the parts and labor necessary to repair a damaged
vehicle in accordance with standard practice in the motor vehicle repair
industry in the community if it is not repaired and not declared a total
(6) The making of any statement by the lessor to the effect that the lessee is or will be confined to remain within boundaries specified by the lessor unless payment or an agreement relating to the payment of damages has been made by the lessee;
(7) The charging of a lessee more than a reasonable estimate of the actual income lost for loss of use of a vehicle; and
(8) The charging of a lessee more than actual towing charges."
SECTION 12. Section 437D-8.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§437D-8.6 Collision
damage waiver statistics. Lessors shall submit data or information to the
director regarding their sale of collision damage waivers in a given year and
amounts expended to repair damage to rental vehicles caused while the vehicles
are subject to the collision damage waiver. Lessors shall maintain all records
reflecting these statistics. Neither the director, nor any other employee of
the department of commerce and consumer affairs, nor any other person appointed
by the director as provided by law, shall release or divulge any of the
information or data required by this section, except as may be required or
allowed by rules adopted pursuant to section 437D-18."
SECTION 13. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 14. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.
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