Report Title:
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority; Board of Directors; Department of Budget and Finance
Moves natural energy laboratory of Hawaii authority to the department of budget and finance for administrative purposes. Expands the number of directors for NELHA to thirteen. Modifies appointment process for directors. Removes requirement that chairperson and secretary of the research advisory committee serve as directors.
H.B. NO. |
1352 |
relating to the natural energy laboratory of hawaii authority.
SECTION 1. Section 227D-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (a) and (b) to read as follows:
"(a) There is established the natural
energy laboratory of Hawaii authority, which shall be a body corporate and
politic and an instrumentality and agency of the State. The authority shall be
placed within the [department of business, economic development, and tourism]
department of budget and finance for administrative purposes, pursuant
to section 26-35. The purpose of the natural energy laboratory of Hawaii
authority shall be to facilitate research, development, and commercialization
of natural energy resources and ocean-related research, technology, and
industry in Hawaii and to engage in retail, commercial, or tourism activities
that will financially support that research, development, and commercialization
at a research and technology park in Hawaii. Its duties shall include:
(1) Establishing, managing, and operating facilities that provide sites for:
(A) Research and development;
(B) Commercial projects and businesses utilizing natural resources, such as ocean water or geothermal energy;
(C) Compatible businesses engaged in scientific and technological investigations, or retail, commercial, and tourism activities; and
(D) Businesses or educational facilities that support the primary projects and activities;
(2) Providing support, utilities, and other services to facility tenants and government agencies;
(3) Maintaining the physical structure of the facilities;
(4) Promoting and marketing these facilities;
(5) Promoting and marketing the reasonable utilization of available natural resources;
(6) Supporting ocean research and technology development projects that support national and state interests, use facilities and infrastructure in Hawaii, and foster potential commercial development; and
(7) Engaging in retail, commercial, and tourism activities that are not related to facilitating research, development, and commercialization of natural energy resources in Hawaii; provided that all income derived from these activities shall be deposited in the natural energy laboratory of Hawaii authority special fund.
(b) The governing body of the authority shall
consist of a board of directors having [eleven] thirteen voting
members[.], who shall be selected on the basis of their knowledge,
interest, and proven experience. [Three members from the general public
shall be appointed by the governor for staggered terms pursuant to section
26-34, except that one of these members shall be a resident of the county of
Hawaii. The members shall be selected on the basis of their knowledge,
interest, and proven expertise in, but not limited to, one or more of the
following fields: finance, commerce and trade, corporate management, marketing,
economics, engineering, energy management, real estate development, property
management, aquaculture, and ocean science. The chairperson and secretary of
the research advisory committee shall serve on the board. The director of
business, economic development, and tourism, the chairperson of the board of
land and natural resources, the president of the University of Hawaii, the
mayor of the county of Hawaii, an appointed member from the board of the high
technology development corporation, and an appointed member from the board of
the Hawaii strategic development corporation, or their designated
representatives, shall serve as ex officio, voting members of the board. The
director of business, economic development, and tourism shall serve as the
chairperson until such time as a chairperson is elected by the board from the
membership. The board shall elect other officers as it deems necessary.]
Of the thirteen members of the board of directors:
(1) The governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives, respectively, shall appoint three members each, of which:
(A) One member appointed by each appointing authority shall have knowledge and expertise in business, economics, finance, law, or real property management; and
(B) Two members shall have knowledge and expertise in aquaculture, biology, chemistry, engineering, hydraulics, ocean science, physics, and renewable energy;
provided that one member shall serve for a two-year term, one member shall serve for a four-year term, and one member shall serve for a six-year term;
(2) The president of the University of Hawaii shall appoint one member from the University of Hawaii faculty, who shall have knowledge and expertise in business, engineering, law, or science, to a four-year term;
(3) The mayor of the county of Hawaii shall appoint one member, who shall be a resident of the county of Hawaii, to a four-year term; and
(4) The tenants of the natural energy laboratory of Hawaii authority shall elect two members from among the tenants of the authority, of which one member shall serve a two-year term, and one member shall serve a four‑year term. Each tenant shall be entitled to cast one vote for each member position. The tenant members shall be recused from voting on setting lease rents, water rates, or utility rates, but may participate in discussions.
The board of directors shall select a chairperson from among its members, provided that the member appointed by the mayor of the county of Hawaii shall serve as the chairperson until the board of directors selects a chairperson."
SECTION 2. All appointments for the board of directors of the natural energy laboratory of Hawaii authority shall be made by October 1, 2009, pursuant to the criteria for appointments set forth in section 227D-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The previously seated members of the natural energy laboratory of Hawaii authority board of directors shall be discharged effective upon the convening of the first meeting of the new board of directors.
SECTION 3. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.
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