March 18, 2008






TO:           All Senators

                 Senate Majority Office

                 Senate Minority Office


FROM:     Carol Taniguchi

                 Senate Clerk


RE:           Floor Action for Tuesday, March 18, 2008 -- UPDATE


This memo updates the previous floor action memo sent out yesterday. 


The following measure is being scheduled for floor action today as an item under Miscellaneous Business.  The Senate will be reconsidering yesterday's action to pass H.B. No. 3161, SD2 on Third Reading and a floor amendment will be offered to correct an error in the bill.  If the motions for reconsideration and to adopt the floor amendment pass, the amended bill will be scheduled for a Third Reading vote on Thursday, March 20th.



Measure No.




HB 3161, SD2


Emergency Appropriation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation


If you have any questions, please call me at x6-6656.  Thank you!