January 17, 2008-Thursday-11:30 O'CLOCK A.M.
Invocation by The Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker
Hawaii State Senate
Roll Call
Approval of the Journal
Dated December 14, 2007, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Annual Report of the Stadium Authority - Stadium Special Fund for fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. |
Dated December 17, 2007, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Annual Report of Claims and Lawsuits Arbitrated, Compromised, or Settled for $10,000 or Less for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, pursuant to Section 41D-4, HRS. |
Dated August 3, 2007, transmitting the Department of Agriculture's Expenditure Report on the Emergency Budget Reserve Fund, pursuant to Act 118, SLH 2006. |
Dated November 28, 2007, transmitting the Pesticide Use Revolving Fund Annual Report prepared by the Department of Agriculture, pursuant to Act 154, SLH 2000. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Report on Administratively Established Appropriations as of October 31, 2007, and the Report of New Administratively Established Appropriations from November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007, prepared by the Department of Agriculture, pursuant to Act 178, SLH 2002. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Department of Agriculture's Annual Report pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Energy Feedstock Program Report prepared by the Department of Agriculture, pursuant to Act 159, SLH 2007. |
Dated July 13, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Report on Expenditures Relating to Emergency Relief for Natural Disasters, pursuant to Act 118, Section 24, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General 's Report on the Case-Based Strategy Pilot Project of the Child Support Enforcement Agency, pursuant to Act 213, Section 63, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Report on Litigation Deposits Trust Fund Transactions and Collections Made on Behalf of Other Departments and Agencies for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, pursuant to Section 28-16, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Annual Report of the Tobacco Enforcement Unit for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, pursuant to Section 28-15(d), HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Annual Report of Proceedings Under the Hawaii Omnibus Criminal Forfeiture Act for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, pursuant to Section 712A-16, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General 's Report on the Number of Pen Register Orders and Orders for Trap and Trace Devices Applied for by Law Enforcement Agencies of the State, pursuant to Section 803-47(c), HRS. |
Dated December 11, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Report on Receipts and Expenditures of the Antitrust Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2006-07, pursuant to Section 28-13, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Study of the Impact of Cigarette Fire Safety Standards Established in Other States, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 32/ S.R. No. 14 (2007). |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Interim Report of the Compacts of Free Association Task Force, pursuant to S.R. No. 142 (2007). |
Dated July 14, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Efforts to Increase the Number of High-Skilled Jobs in Targeted Industry Clusters, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Section 201-16, HRS. |
Dated August 6, 2007, transmitting the State of Hawaii Enterprise Zones Partnership Program Report for Calendar Years 2003-2006, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, pursuant to Chapter 209E, HRS. |
Dated December 12, 2007, transmitting the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 173, SLH 2002. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Study to Create A One-Stop Permit Shop for Renewable Energy Projects, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to S.C.R. No. 164 (2007). |
Dated July 19, 2007, transmitting the Department of Defense's Annual Report for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2006. |
Dated November 5, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Office of the Governor, pursuant to Act 78, Section 20, SLH 2006, on gasoline prices. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's Petroleum Industry Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Program Summary Report for 2007, pursuant to Section 486J-5, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2006, pursuant to Section 269-5, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting report prepared by the Public Utilities Commission, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 3 (2007), on the rate structures of private entities that furnish water used for agricultural purposes. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's Special Fund Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, pursuant to Section 269-33, HRS. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Status of Hiring the Positions Authorized by Act 213, Section 112, and on the Progress Made Towards Implementation of the Restructuring Plan Resulting from the Organizational Review Conducted, pursuant to Act 143, SLH 2006, prepared by the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to Act 213, Section 112, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's 2006 Annual Report on Special Purpose Revenue Bonds Authorized Under Act 262, SLH 1998. |
Dated December 19, 2007, transmitting the Department of Budget and Finance's Plan of Action for Implementation of Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 17, 2007, transmitting the Department of Budget and Finance's Executive Supplemental Budget for the Period 2007-09, pursuant to Section 37-72, HRS; the Variance Report for FYs 2007-08, pursuant to Section 37-75, HRS; and the Budget in Brief for FY 2009. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs' Annual External Review Report, pursuant to Section 432E-13, HRS. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs' Lost Mitigation Grant Program Report, pursuant to Section 431:22-102(c), HRS. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs' Annual Report of the Insurance Commissioner 2007, pursuant to Section 431:2-211, HRS. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Report Relating to the Emergency Appropriation to Investigate the Major Power Outages that Occurred on October 15, 2006, on the Islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Division of Consumer Advocacy, pursuant to Act 68, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Condominium Management Dispute Resolution Process Pilot Program, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Act 277, Section 2, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Institutional Network ("INET") Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Cable Television Division, pursuant to Act 213, Section 111, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Medical Claims Conciliation Panel Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 671-11, HRS. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the 2007 Annual Report of the Hawaii Real Estate Commission, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Professional and Vocational Licensing Division, Real Estate Branch. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting a Report on How the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs' Expenditures will be Aligned with its Special Fund Revenue Collections, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Act 213, Section 196, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the 2007 Annual Compliance Resolution Fund Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 26-9(o), HRS. |
Dated December 7, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation on the Establishment of the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Board of Directors, pursuant to Act 290, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 17, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation on the Establishment of the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional System Board of Directors, pursuant to Act 290, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation on the Establishment of the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional System Board of Directors, pursuant to Act 290, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation on the Establishment of the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional System Board of Directors, pursuant to Act 290, SLH 2007. |
Dated May 7, 2007, transmitting the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation's Consolidated Financial Statements for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005, Supplemental Information for the Year Ended June 30, 2006, and Independent Auditors' Reports, pursuant to Section 323F-22, HRS. |
Dated November 8, 2007, transmitting the Annual Financial Report for the Newborn Metabolic Screening Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to Section 321-291 HRS. |
Dated November 8, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Disease Outbreak Control Division, Immunization Branch, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 202 (2007), Requesting the Department of Health to Review the State's Vaccination Requirements and Determine Whether Vaccination for Pneumococcal Disease for Children Entering Child Care Should be Added to the Current List of Required Vaccinations. |
Dated November 13, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Receipt and Expenditures from the Trauma System Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-22.5, HRS. |
Dated November 14, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Dental Health Activities, Expenditures and Recommendations, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-63, HRS. |
Dated November 14, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report that Outlines the Status of the Office of Health Care Assurance Special Fund, Including the Amount of Monies Deposited Into and Expended From the Fund, and Sources of Receipts and Uses of Expenditures, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-1.4, HRS. |
Dated November 14, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report of the Disability and Communication Access Board, July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Health, Disability and Communication Access Board, pursuant to Section 348F-4, HRS. |
Dated November 19, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 31, SLH 2007, Requiring the Department of Health to Increase the Annual Pensions for the Residents of Kalaupapa Settlement. |
Dated November 27, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 70 (2006), Requesting the Director of Health to Convene a Task Force to Determine a Means for a Child to be Screened Prior to the Start of the Child's Education, at the Child's First Entry into Preschool and Elementary School, to Provide for Diagnosis, Referral, Correction or Treatment, and to Integrate the Efforts of Community and State Organizations Related to Screening Under this Hawaii Childhood Screening Initiative. |
Dated December 10, 2007, transmitting a Report on Purchasing Equipment for the State Laboratory, prepared by the Department of Health, State Laboratories Division pursuant to Act 213, Section 51, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to Children, prepared by the Department of Health, Health Resources Administration, Family Health Services Division, Children with Special Needs Branch, pursuant to Act 289, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report of the Activities of the Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Facilities, prepared by the Department of Health, Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatments Facilities, pursuant to Section 340B-12, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Receipt and Expenditures from the Emergency Medical Services Special Fund, pursuant to Section 321-234, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report that Breaks Down Emergency Ambulance Services by Contracts, Cost Categories, and Expenditure Amounts; and Report Expenditures for an Emergency Medical Technician Training Stipend Program, pursuant to Act 213, Sections 32, 33, 34, 36 and 37, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Progress Report on the Number of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities or Mental Retardation Who Choose to Live Independently as Provided by Act 303, SLH 2006 and the Financial Impact Act 303 Has Had on the State, prepared by the Department of Health, State Council on Developmental Disabilities, pursuant to Act 40, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the State Council on Developmental Disabilities' Expenditure and Progress Report of Its Activities to Support a Statewide Self-Advocacy Network, prepared by the Department of Health, State Council on Developmental Disabilities, pursuant to Act 213, Section 53, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Primary Care Incentive Program, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-1.5, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report on the State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund, prepared by the Department of Health, Environmental Health Administration, Environmental Management Division, Wastewater Branch, pursuant to Section 342D-82, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Initiatives and Improvements in Kalaupapa Settlement and to Track Patient and Non-Patient Costs Separately, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 326-25.5, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report Requesting the Executive Office on Aging to Coordinate Family Caregiver Support Services, prepared by the Department of Health, Executive Office on Aging, pursuant to Act 213, Section 64, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 162 (2007), Requesting Certain Action Concerning the Conducting of a Test to Convert H-Power Ash to Reusable Material. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Solid Waste Management, prepared by the Department of Health, Office of Solid Waste Management, pursuant to Section 342G-15, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Status of the Environmental Health Education Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-27, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report Evaluating the Requirements for a Statewide Process to Decontaminate Illegal Methamphetamine Manufacturing Sites, prepared by the Department of Health, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response, pursuant to Act 170, Section 3, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Annual Audit of the Sanitation Branch, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-27.5, HRS. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Loan Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 340E-33, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Implementation of Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 38, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Activities of the Deposit Beverage Container Program, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 176, Section 16, SLH 2002; Act 228, Section 2, SLH 2005; and Act 231, Section 2, SLH 2006 (Amending Section 6, SLH 2005). |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report for the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Health, Health Resources Administration, Family Health Services Division, Maternal and Child Health Branch, pursuant to Section 321-1.3, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on Purchase of Family Planning Services for Women's Health for FY 2008, prepared by the Department of Health, Family Planning Program, pursuant to Act 213, Section 41, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Adult Mental Health Division's Purchase of Service Contracts, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 48, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Expenditures and All Activities Performed for the Suicide Early Intervention and Prevention Program, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 35, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 14, 2007, reporting pursuant to Act 253, Sections 119 and 120, SLH 2000, that there was no selection of Separation Incentives by any employee as there was no Reduction-in-Force (RIF) in the Executive Branch for the 2007 calendar year. |
Dated December 14, 2007, transmitting a Report on Parental Preferences in Government Contracts, Programs, and Services, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to Act 162, SLH 2002. |
Dated December 14, 2007, transmitting the Department of Human Resources Development's Annual Report on Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 14, 2007, transmitting the 2008 Report on Positions Exempted from the Civil Service, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to Act 300, SLH 2006. |
Dated July 20, 2007, transmitting the Department of Human Services' Semi-Annual Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Progress Report, pursuant to Act 178, Section 42, SLH 2005. |
Dated August 8, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services pursuant to Act 178, Section 162, SLH 2005, on the transfer of funds between program IDs and cost elements for the previous twelve months for the 4th quarter of FY 07. |
Dated August 8, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services pursuant to Act 178, Section 159, SLH 2005, on position vacancies of over one year for the 4th quarter of FY 07. |
Dated November 15, 2007, transmitting the Office of Youth Services and Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility Annual Report for FY 2006, prepared by the Department of Human Services pursuant to Section 352D-6, HRS. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the Annual Status Report on Homeless Programs, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Hawaii Public Housing Authority, Homeless Programs Branch, pursuant to Act 100, Section 2, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the Office of Information Practices' Annual Report for FY ending June 30, 2007, pursuant to Section 93-16, HRS. |
Dated November 1, 2007, transmitting the following reports on Non-General Fund Information 2006-2007 prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations: the Employment and Training Fund, pursuant to Section 383-128, HRS; the Premium Supplementation Fund, pursuant to Section 393-41, HRS; the Special Compensation Fund, pursuant to Section 386-151, HRS; the Special Fund for Temporary Disability Benefits, pursuant to Section 392-61, HRS; the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, pursuant to Section 383-126.5, HRS; and the Special Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund, pursuant to Section 383-127, HRS. |
Dated November 13, 2007, transmitting the Occupational Safety and Health Report of Contested Cases for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division, pursuant to Section 396-11, HRS. |
Dated November 14, 2007, transmitting the Employment and Training Fund 2006-2007 Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Workforce Development Division, pursuant to Section 383-128, HRS. |
Dated November 30, 2007, transmitting the Hoisting Machine Operators Advisory Board's 2006-2007 Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 396-20, HRS. |
Dated December 12, 2007, transmitting the 2006-2007 Annual Report of the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Sections 368-3, 368-4 and 515-9, HRS. |
Dated June 29, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement's Efforts to Improve Electronic Report Writing, Data Collection and Retrieval for Field Inspection Reports, and Telecommunications With and Between Officers in the Field, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 160, Section 19.2, SLH 2006. |
Dated July 16, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to Emergency Relief Expenditures For Natural Disasters Occurring in February and March 2006 and Status of Dam Safety Inspections and Assessments, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 118, Sections 24 and 25, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 13, 2006, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's Report Concerning Special, Trust, and Revolving Funds for fiscal year 2005-2006, pursuant to Act 178, Section 161, SLH 2005. |
Dated August 24, 2007, transmitting a Report on Position(s) Not Authorized by the Legislature for the Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission, pursuant to Act 213, Section 191, SLH 2007. |
Dated September 12, 2007, transmitting a Report Authorizing the Grant of a Term, Non-Exclusive Easement Covering Portion of Submerged Lands at Lahaina, Maui, for Dive Site for Commercial Submarine Tours, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to S.C.R. No. 24 (2007). |
Dated November 16, 2007, transmitting the Report on Identification of Rivers and Streams Worthy of Protection, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management, pursuant to Section 174C-31, HRS. |
Dated November 16, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to Public Land Liability, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Na Ala Hele Trail and Access Program, pursuant to Act 82, Section 4, SLH 2003. |
Dated November 16, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Status of the Program for Environmentally-Themed Products to Support the Environment, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195D-5.5, HRS. |
Dated November 16, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Status of the Kaho`olawe Rehabilitation Trust Fund, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission, pursuant to Section 6K-9.5, HRS. |
Dated November 30. 2007, transmitting the Report on Revenues Generated from General Administrative Penalties Imposed Under Chapter 183, HRS, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resource, pursuant to Section 183-5, HRS. |
Dated November 30, 2007, transmitting a Report on Certain Aquatic Surf Resources in the State Including the Cost of Funding a Study on the Feasibility of Constructing Artificial Reefs, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to H.C.R. No. 174 (2007). |
Dated November 30. 2007, transmitting a Report on Geothermal Royalties Dispositions and Status of Geothermal and Cable System Development prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Sections 182-18 and 196D-11, HRS. |
Dated November 30. 2007, transmitting the Report on the Dam and Reservoir Safety Program for Fiscal Year 2007, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 262, SLH 2007. |
Dated November 30, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Implementation of Chapter 190D, HRS, Ocean and Submerged Lands Leasing, prepared by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 176, Section 12, SLH 1999. |
Dated November 30. 2007, transmitting a Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 37-52.5, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Analysis of Incentives to Promote Landowner Protection of Important Mauka Lands, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 200 (2006). |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Operations of the Filing Office for Financing Statements Under the Uniform Commercial Code, Secured Transactions (Revised Article 9), prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 490:9-527, HRS. |
Dated December 21. 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the Forest Stewardship Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, pursuant to Section 195F-6, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the Land Conservation Fund and the Legacy Land Conservation Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 173A-5, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Hawaii Statewide Trail and Access System "Na Ala Hele," prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Na Ala Hele Trail and Access Program, pursuant to Section 198D-9, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report Relating to the Natural Area Reserves System, Natural Area Partnership Program, and The Financial Condition of the Natural Area Reserve Fund, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195-6.6, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the Wildlife Revolving Fund Fiscal Year 2006-2007, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 183D-10.5, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Status of the Issuance of Incidental Take Licenses for Endangered, Threatened, Proposed, and Candidate Species; and the Condition of the Endangered Species Trust Fund for the Period July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195D-26, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on Disaster Relief Expenditures Resulting From the October 15, 2006 Kiholo Bay Earthquake, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 78, Section 5, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the Activities by All Conservation and Resources Enforcement Officers that Denote General Locations, Dates, and Outcomes and the Improvements Made Due to Increased Funding for Equipment Upgrades and Clerical Staff, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 213, Section 30, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Status on the Environmental Baseline Study of the Waianae Ocean Area, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation, pursuant to Act 6, Special Session of 2005. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Recommendations of the Task Force on Beach and Water Safety, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources in conjunction with the Task Force on Beach and Water Safety, Act 152, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report Requiring All Departments and Agencies to Identify Their Goals, Objectives, and Policies, to Provide a Basis for Determining Priorities and Allocating Limited Public Funds and Human Resources, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 100, Sections 6 and 7, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report Authorizing the Issuance of a Term, Non-Exclusive Surface Easement at Kahaluu, North Kona, Hawaii, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to S.C.R. No. 25 (2007). |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report of the Narcotics Enforcement Division, Department of Public Safety, pursuant to Section 329-11, HRS. |
Dated October 29, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Operations of Qualified High Technology Businesses From 2002 Through 2006, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 206, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 3, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Efforts to Improve Revenue Forecasting Accuracy for the Council on Revenues for the Period July 1, 2007 through November 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 213, Section 120, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 3, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Appropriations to be Used for Contracting with Specialized Experts to Support Income, General Excise, and Other Tax Audits for the Period July 1, 2007 through November 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 213, Section 119, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 14, 2007, transmitting the Department of Taxation's Annual Report 2006-2007, pursuant to Section 231-3, HRS. |
Dated December 17, 2007, transmitting the Department of Taxation's Report on Its Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 17, 2007, transmitting a Report Detailing the Level of Staffing and Funding Necessary to Administer County Surcharge Collections, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 213, Section 121, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 17, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Number of Taxpayers Who Were Assessed the Two Percent Penalty for Failing to Timely File by an Approved Electronic Funds Transfer Method, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 177, SLH 1997. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Department of Taxation's Report providing draft legislation to re-codify the Capital Goods Excise Tax Credit, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 115 (2007). |
Dated July 20, 2007, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Transportation listing expenditures incurred by the Department's Highway Division to repair damage and destruction caused by heavy rains and flooding in February and March 2006, pursuant to Act 118, SLH 2006. |
Dated November 28, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report on the Progress of the Conceptual Planning and Design for the New Connector and Automated People Mover System, the Elliott Street Support Facilities, the New Mauka Concourse Improvements, and the Diamond Head Concourse Improvements, pursuant to Act 213, Section 127, SLH 2007. |
Dated November 28, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's interim report identifying some of the programs implemented to improve pedestrian safety, pursuant to Act 10, Special Session of 2007. |
Dated December 3, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Progress of the Conceptual Planning and Design for the Terminal Expansion at Kona International Airport at Keahole, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 213, Section 128, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 11, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report on Planned Uses and Actual Expenditures of All Special Repair and Maintenance Projects up to December 1, 2007, pursuant to Act 213 Sections 18, 21, and 26, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 11, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report on Actual Expenditures of All Security Appropriations as of June 30, 2007, pursuant to Act 213, Section 22, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 11, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report on Planned Uses and Actual Expenditures of All Routine Repair and Maintenance Projects Up to December 1, 2007, pursuant to Act 213, Section 19, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 13, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report of the Department's Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, Section 7, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 18, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report on the Proposal to Convert a Portion of the Positions Currently Funded with Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Funds to Being Funded with Operating Funds Instead, pursuant to Act 213, Section 130, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report Identifying the Sums of Money Expended by the Department's Harbors Division for Formally Declared Disasters, pursuant to Act 213, Section 24, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report Identifying the Sums of Money Expended by the Department's Harbor Division for the Effects of Raised Security Levels of MARSEC II or Higher, pursuant to Act 213, Section 25, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Feasibility of Requiring Vehicle Ignition Interlock Devices for Convicted Drunk Driving Offenders, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to H.C.R. No. 28 (2007). |
Dated December 31, 2007, transmitting the Report on Hawaii's Graduated Licensing Program, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 72, Section 12, SLH 2005. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on School Impact Fees, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 245, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Superintendent's Fund, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 67, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Progress and Status of the implementation of the Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System (eCSSS) and the Need for Contracted Services, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 73, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Progress and Status Report for the Electronic Student Information System (eSIS), prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 75, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the FY 2008 Expenditure Report on the Mentor and Para-Educator Programs, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 76, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Student Transportation Services, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 78, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on School Food Services Revenues and Expenditures, Including Cost Saving Measures, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Incentive and Innovation Grant Trust Fund Report prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-301, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Report on Current and Projected Usage and Costs of Electricity, Sewer, and Water Services, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 79, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to the State Budget on Various Energy Efficiency Projects and Change in Energy Usage, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 80, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report Relating to Educational Assistants, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 274, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Agriculture Education, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 111, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Integrating Peace Education Into the School Curriculum, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to H.C.R. No. 55/H.R. No. 35/S.R. No. 93 (2007). |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Extent to Which Supplemental Academic Activities are Included in the A Plus After-School Program, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to H.C.R. No. 83/H.R. No. 59 (2007). |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Special Needs of Preschool Age Children with Developmental Disabilities, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.C.R. No. 17 (2007). |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Providing More Opportunities for Potentially High Achieving Students, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.C.R. No. 78/S.R. No. 45 (2007). |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Interim Report on the Progress to Develop and Implement a Photovoltaic, Net Energy Metered Pilot Project in Public Schools, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 96, Section 2, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm for School Year 2006-2007, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1134, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Educational Assessment and Accountability Annual Reports, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Teacher Education Coordinating Council, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 304-20, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Federal and Trust Funds, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 29-25, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Federal Grants Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1405, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Carryover of Funds, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 37-41.5, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 37-74(d), HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on School-Level Minor Repair and Maintenance Accounts, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1504, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Relating to Energy, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 96, Section 6, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a Report on Early Childhood Education, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 259, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a Report on the General Fund Appropriation of $5,000,000 for Restructuring Schools Under No Child Left Behind, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 213, Section 68, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Comprehensive Accountability System, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004, HRS. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the July, 2007 Report on the Medicaid School-based Claiming Program, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 141, SLH 2005. |
Dated December 28, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Temporary Hawaii Inter-Island Ferry Oversight Task Force, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 2, Second Special Session of 2007. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the School-by School Expenditure Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004, HRS. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Online Learning Task Force, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 275, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a Report on the Air Cooling Needs of Each School Complex and Use of Alternative Air Cooling Methods, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.R. No. 14/H.R. No. 204 (2006). |
Dated December 7, 2007, transmitting the 2005-2006 Progress Report on the A.R.T.S. FIRST Program, prepared by the Hawai`i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts pursuant to Section 9-3, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report Regarding Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities or Mental Retardation, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 333F-6, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Subsidizing of Residents Living in Apartments and Developmental Disabilities Domiciliary Homes for Individuals, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 39, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the Activities Under the Neurotrauma Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 321H-4, HRS. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the report on the Expenditures to Support the Expansion and Integration of the Security Enhancements at Hawaii State Hospital, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 49, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Annual Evaluation Report on Elder Programs, prepared by the Department of Health, Executive Office on Aging, pursuant to Section 349-5, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the following reports prepared by the Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division: the Report on Implementation of the State Plan for Substance Abuse, pursuant to Section 321-195, HRS; the Report by the Hawaii Advisory Commission on Drug Abuse and Controlled Substances, pursuant to Section 329-3, HRS; the Status Report on the Coordination of Offender Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, pursuant to Act 161, Section 10, SLH 2002; and the Progress Report on the Substance Abuse Treatment Monitoring Program, pursuant to Act 40, Section 29, SLH 2004. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Goals and Objectives for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Annual Evaluation of the Hawai'i Unemployment Compensation Fund for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 368-126.5, HRS. |
Dated December 26, 2007, transmitting the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Chapter 87A, HRS, and the Financial Statements and Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants, prepared by Grant Thornton LLP. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report Summary of the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism pursuant to Chapter 201M, HRS. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the 2008 Report on Goals and Objectives, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 27, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Goals and Objectives, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 100, Sections 6 and 7, SLH 1999. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Report Evaluating the Early Intervention Services Program, prepared by the Department of Health, Early Intervention Section, pursuant to Act 213, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Report on the Environmental Response Law and Hawaii Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Chapters 128D and 128E, HRS. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the report on the Relationship Between Various Kailua Waterways and the Water Quality and Natural Resources of Kailua Beach and Kailua Bay, prepared by the Department of Health, Environmental Health Administration, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 261 (2006). |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Annual Report on the Building Code Council, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 82, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Annual Report on the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 138-6, HRS. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Report on the TANF Program, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, pursuant to Act 213, Section 210, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the TANF Expenditure and Strategic Plan Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, pursuant to Act 302, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Report on the Financial Plan for Federal TANF Funds, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, pursuant to Act 213, Section 209, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 7, 2008, transmitting the Report on the Accounting of All Receipts from Lands Described in Section 5 of the Admission Act for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 178, Section 5, SLH 2006. |
Dated January 7, 2008, transmitting the Report on Budgetary and Other Issues Regarding Invasive Species, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 194-2, HRS, and Act 213, Section 28, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 7, 2008, transmitting the Report on Land Dispositions Made of Public Lands for Calendar Year 2007, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 171-29, HRS. |
Dated January 9, 2008, transmitting a Report on the Safe House Program, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Office of Youth Services, pursuant to Act 213, Section 58, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 9, 2008, transmitting the Report on Any Shortage or Condition Affecting the Supply of Petroleum Products, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 486H-17, HRS. |
Dated January 11, 2008, transmitting the Report of the Hawaii Anti-Trafficking Task Force, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 260, SLH 2006. |
Dated January 4, 2008, transmitting the Report of the Committee for the Museum of Hawaiian Music and Dance for the period July 1, 2007 through December 28, 2007, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services, State Foundation of Culture and the Arts, pursuant to Act 230, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 11, 2008, transmitting the Annual Report on the Operation of the Internet Portal for the period January 1, 2007 through December 21, 2007, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services and the Access Hawaii Committee, pursuant to Act 172, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 28, 2006 (2007), transmitting the Report on the Distribution and Availability of Non-Ethanol Gasoline, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism pursuant to Act 130, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 28, 2007, transmitting the 2007 Annual Report of the State Energy Resources Coordinator, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism pursuant to Section 196-4, HRS. |
Dated January 10, 2008, transmitting the Reports on the Child Protective Services Program, Child Welfare Services Branch, and the Adult Protective Services Program, Adult and Community Care Services Branch, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, pursuant to Act 213, Sections 56 and 60, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 10, 2008, transmitting a Report on the Statewide Interpreter Referral Service, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind Division, pursuant to Act 213, Section 16, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 7, 2008, transmitting the 2008 Report on Workforce Development, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Workforce Development Council, pursuant to Chapter 202, HRS. |
Dated December 24, 2007, transmitting the Report on Capital Improvement Program Appropriations, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 213, Section 132, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 9, 2008, transmitting Reports on the Inmate Apprenticeship Program, the Inmate Transitional Work Furlough Substance Abuse Treatment Services, and the Inmate Transition and Job Development Program, prepared by the Department of Public Safety, Corrections Program Services Division, Education Services Branch, pursuant to Act 213, Sections 101, 103, and 104, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 9, 2008, transmitting the Report on the Inmate Re-entry Program, prepared by the Department of Public Safety, Intake Service Centers Division, pursuant to Act 213, Section 102, SLH 2007. |
Dated January 9, 2008, transmitting the Report on Gender Responsive Community Based Programs for Women, prepared by the Department of Public Safety, Corrections Program Services Division, pursuant to Act 258, Section 2, SLH 2006. |
Dated January 7, 2008, transmitting the Report on the Study, Control and Mitigation of the Bee Mite Infestation, prepared by the Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry, Plant Pest Control Branch, pursuant to Act 213, Section 10, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Activities of the Kaneohe Bay Regional Council for the Year 2007, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 200D-5, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2007, transmitting the Report on the Plan to Implement So Called "Pump-Don't Dump" Stations, Where Mobile Pump Trucks Pump Sewage from Vessels and Transport the Sewage to Land-Based Sewage Treatment Facilities, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to H.C.R. No. 58 (2007). |
Dated January 7, 2008, transmitting the Report on Japanese Internment Camps in Hawaii, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 163, SLH 2007. |
1 |
"RELATING TO RECESS DAYS FOR THE REGULAR SESSION OF 2008."(Designates the recess days for the Regular Session of 2008.) |
2 |
"REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR TO ADDRESS THE LEGISLATURE ASSEMBLED IN JOINT SESSION."(Requesting the Governor to Address the Legislature Assembled in Joint Session) |
Final Report from the Joint Legislative Committee on Family Caregiving on S.B. No. 1916, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, C.D. 1 "SENATE BILL RELATING TO CAREGIVING." |
Final Report from the Joint Senate and House Task Force to Conduct a Review of the Financial Requirements of the State Highway Fund on S.B. No. 1133, S.D. 3, H.D. 1, C.D. 1 "SENATE BILL RELATING TO TAXATION." |
Senate Resolution No. 1
· Committee Hearing Schedule:
1/17/2008 8:30 AM |
309 |
1/17/2008 9:00 AM |
308 |
1/17/2008 9:00 AM |
211 |
1/17/2008 9:00 AM |
211 |
1/17/2008 1:00 PM |
329 |
1/17/2008 1:15 PM |
224 |
1/17/2008 1:30 PM |
308 |
1/17/2008 1:30 PM |
211 |
1/18/2008 9:00 AM |
308 |
1/18/2008 9:00 AM |
211 |
1/18/2008 1:00 PM |
229 |
1/18/2008 1:15 PM |
016 |
1/18/2008 1:30 PM |
308 |
1/22/2008 1:15 PM |
229 |
1/22/2008 1:30 PM |
016 |
1/22/2008 1:30 PM |
225 |
1/23/2008 1:30 PM |
308 |
1/23/2008 2:45 PM |
224 |
1/24/2008 10:00 AM |
309 |
1/24/2008 1:15 PM |
229 |
1/24/2008 2:30 PM |
309 |