Rep. Cindy Evans, Chair

Rep. Sharon E. Har, Vice Chair


Rep. Marilyn B. Lee

Rep. Joseph M. Souki

Rep. Sylvia Luke

Rep. Dwight Y. Takamine

Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey

Rep. Roy M. Takumi

Rep. Bob Nakasone

Rep. Lynn Finnegan

Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto

Rep. Kymberly Marcos Pine

Rep. Alex M. Sonson






Thursday, January 31, 2008


8:30 a.m.


Conference Room 309

State Capitol

415 South Beretania Street









HB 1062                                                 RELATING TO TUITION ASSISTANCE                                          PSM, HED, FIN

.                                                                Broadens the scope of the law that provides tuition assistance

                                                                 to Hawaii national guard  members attending the

                                                                 University of Hawaii and appropriates funds for that purpose.             


HB 2588                                                 RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII.                           PSM, HED, FIN

                                                                 Grants resident status to veterans for tuition purposes at the

                                                                 University of Hawaii system.


HB 741                                                   RELATING TO SUBPOENAS.                                                            PSM, JUD, FIN

                                                                Entitles a police officer to overtime compensation when the officer

                                                                testifies or is compelled to be available as a state witness under a

                                                                subpoena when off-duty. Requires the State to reimburse the counties

                                                                for 50% of overtime compensation paid.


HB 2212                                                 RELATING TO FIREWORKS                                                            PSM, JUD

                                                                 Prohibits a county from enacting any ordinances or adopting

                                                                 any rules regulating Fireworks or articles pyrotechnic that are

                                                                 less restrictive than the regulations established by state law.


HB 2376                                                 RELATING TO THE STATE FIRE COUNCIL.                                 PSM, FIN

                                                                 Requires the State Fire Council to develop a statewide

                                                                 brushfire mitigation plan and appropriates funds.


HB 2464                                                 RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION.                                                 PSM, WLH, FIN

                                                                Requires a forestry and wildlife manager to declare hazardous

                                                                fire areas during fire danger    periods and impose restrictions

                                                                on the use of certain land that the department of land and      

                                                                natural resources has direct fire responsibility. Establishes

                                                                a task force to develop a statewide hazardous fire area program.


HB 2465                                                 RELATING TO THE STATE FIRE CODE                                          PSM, JUD

                                                                Makes state fire code, and any updates adopted as rules by

                                                                the state fire council, immediately effective upon transmission

                                                                by the state fire council to the county councils without          

                                                                the need for counties to enact ordinances.


HB 2466                                                 RELATING TO WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT                              PSM, JUD

Proposed HD1                                       Allows counties to enact ordinance granting county's

(Copies available in                               Fire Chief the authority to declare a fireworks prohibited

Rm. 313)                                                zone for a designated period of time. (HD1)


HB 2467                                                 RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION.                                                 PSM, WLH

                                                                Amends the state fire code to include road and sign standards,

                                                                minimum private water supply reserves, fuel breaks, and green belts

                                                                to improve fire protection.


HB 2485                                                 RELATING TO FIRES.                                                                         PSM, WLH, FIN

                                                                Establishes the firewise Hawaii program in the department of land

                                                                and natural resources to address the growing fire danger in

                                                                wildland-urban interface areas. Creates the firewise Hawaii   special

                                                                fund. Makes an appropriation.


HB 2463                                                 RELATING TO DISASTER RELIEF.                                                  PSM, FIN

                                                                Authorizes the director of disaster relief to utilize inmate

                                                                labor to assist with disaster relief efforts. Establishes the

                                                                inmate disaster relief labor program within the department

                                                                of public safety.


HB 2007                                                 RELATING TO CORRECTIONS.                                                        PSM, LMG, FIN

                                                                Requires the auditor to conduct a financial and management audit

                                                                of each commissary located in a Hawaii correctional facility, as

                                                                well as commissaries located at out-of-state contracted correctional

                                                                facilities where Hawaii inmates are confined.


HB 2147                                                 RELATING TO PAROLE.                                                                    PSM, JUD, FIN

                                                                Establishes an earned-time program that provides incentives for

                                                                inmate rehabilitation by allowing inmates to become eligible

                                                                for parole when they make consistent progress in completing

                                                                programs while incarcerated. Appropriates funds.


HB 3186                                                 RELATING TO PRISON LITIGATION.                                             PSM, JUD, FIN

                                                                Requires inmates to pay for the civil lawsuit they file

                                                                in State court and requires inmates who have three lawsuits deemed     

\                                                               "frivolous" to pay the filing fees prior to filing another lawsuit.



HB 2148                                                 RELATING TO THE AUDITOR.                                                         PSM, LMG, FIN

                                                                Requires the auditor to conduct performance audits of private

                                                                prisons on the mainland that    house Hawaii prisoners.

                                                                 Makes appropriation.


HB 2608                                                 RELATING TO PRISONS                                                                    PSM, HLT, FIN

                                                                Creates separate forensic treatment facilities within all community

                                                                correctional centers. Ends practice of housing mentally ill

                                                                prisoners in solitary confinement and with general prison population.


HB 2609                                                 RELATING TO CONSERVATION                                                     PSM, WLH, FIN

                                                                Establishes an inmate conservation corps program within the

                                                                Department of Land and Natural Resources.  Authorizes the

                                                                Department to enter into agreements with other state or federal

                                                                Agencies to implement the program.  Appropriates funds.


HB 2024                                                 RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.                                       PSM, JUD, FIN

                                                                Requires electronic monitoring of probationers and parolees

                                                                convicted of offenses related   to criminal street gangs.


HB 2824                                                 RELATING TO SENTENCING                                                           PSM, JUD, FIN

                                                                Authorizes the court to sentence certain persons convicted

                                                                of sexual assault in the first     degree to wear a global positioning

                                                                system transmitter for up to 10 years after the person's release

                                                                from prison.


HB 2968                                                 RELATING TO PRETRIAL RELEASE                                               PSM, JUD, FIN

                                                                Allows court to order that defendants on pretrial release be

                                                                subject to electronic and monitoring at the defendant's

                                                                own expense.


HB 3367                                                 RELATING TO WIRELESS ENHANCED 911                                   PSM, CPC/JUD, FIN

                                                                Suspends $0.66 per month surcharge on wireless telephone

                                                                accounts for deployment of system to locate wireless 911 callers.

                                                                Requires wireless enhanced 911 board to present a 2-year plan to

                                                                the 2009 legislature including expenditures for fiscal years 2010

                                                                and 2011, the level of surcharge necessary to support those

                                                                expenditures, and return of surcharge funds in excess of those

                                                                needed for fiscal years 2010 and 2011.





Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing with a transmittal cover indicating:

·     Testifier's name with position/title and organization;

·     The Committee the comments are directed to;

·     The date and time of the hearing;

·     Measure number;

·     The number of copies the Committee is requesting. 


While every effort will be made to copy, organize, and collate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed to the incorrect office, may be distributed to the Committee after the hearing.


Submit testimony in one of the following ways:

PAPER:    5 copies (including an original) to Room 313 in the State Capitol; or

EMAIL:    For comments less than 5 pages in length, transmit to

FAX:  For comments fax to Vice Chairs office at 586-8504.


If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6400 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements.  Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.


Selected meetings are broadcast live.  Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" Web site at OR call 550-8074.





Rep. Cindy Evans
