Senator Les Ihara, Jr., Co-Chair Representative Marilyn Lee, Co-Chair
Senator Rosalyn Baker Representative John Mizuno
Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland Representative Alex Sonson
Senator Gordon Trimble Representative Karen Awana
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 |
1:30 p.m. |
Conference Room 225 State Capitol, 415 South Beretania Street |
The Joint Legislative Committee on Family Caregiving will meet to address the results of (1) the Needs Assessment of Family Caregivers in Hawaii, (2) respite care policies and programs in other states, and (3) an inventory of respite services in Hawaii.
Part 3 of Act 204 (2007) requested the JLCFC to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the needs of care recipients who are age 60 and older with physical or cognitive disabilities, and the needs of their family caregivers. The committee has invited Dr. Pam Arnsberger of the University of Hawaii School of Social Work to present her preliminary findings.
H.C.R. 187 H.D. 1 (2007)
requested the Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) to study respite care policies
and programs in other states. Amalia Bueno from the LRB has been invited to
present preliminary findings. This resolution also requested the Executive
Office on Aging to conduct an inventory of respite services in Hawaii that are
supported by federal, state, and county funds. Dr. Pam Arnsberger has been
invited to present her findings.
The purpose of the Joint Legislative Committee on Family Caregiving, as stated in Act 285 (2006), is to develop a comprehensive public policy program to support family caregivers who provide unpaid, informal assistance to persons sixty and older with physical or cognitive disabilities. The Committee will consider providing support in categories including but not limited to: coordinated services and policies, training and education, respite services, financial incentives, and balancing work and caregiving.
Persons who wish to submit testimony are asked to contact the committee clerk at 586-6250. All testifiers are requested to submit 45 copies of their testimony at least 24 hours before the briefing in room 220 at the State Capitol, or by fax to 586-6251. If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids or services to participate in the meeting (i.e., sign language interpreter, wheelchair accessibility, or parking designated for the disabled) please contact the committee clerk 24 hours prior to the hearing so arrangements can be made.
___________________________________ Senator Les Ihara, Jr. Co-Chair |
__________________________________ Representative Marilyn B. Lee Co-Chair |