Rep. Josh Green, M.D., Chair |
Rep. John Mizuno, Vice Chair |
Rep. Karen Leinani Awana |
Rep. Karl Rhoads |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. Maile S. L. Shimabukuro |
Rep. Joe Bertram, III |
Rep. James Kunane Tokioka |
Rep. Rida T.R. Cabanilla |
Rep. Gene Ward, Ph.D. |
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 |
10:00 a.m. |
Conference Room 309 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
The purpose of this informational briefing is to discuss alcoholism in Hawaii and the reasons Hawaii has one of the highest rates of drunken driving in the nation. The briefing will focus on options to reduce alcoholism and drunken driving in Hawaii (Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery).
The briefing will review the efficacy of Vivitrol[1], which is a single monthly dose, 300 mg intramuscular injection to reduce the craving for alcohol. Vivitrol is for treatment of alcohol dependence in patients who are able to abstain from alcohol in an outpatient setting prior to initiation of treatment with Vivitrol. According to experts, treatment with Vivitrol should be part of a comprehensive management program that includes psychosocial support.
The Pharmacology aspect of Vivitrol will be discussed as well as results of treatment. The Family support aspect for those suffering from alcohol dependency will also be reviewed and voluntary drug treatment programs offered by employers will be reviewed as a viable solution to reduce alcohol dependency in Hawaii.
A pilot program in Hawaii, to proposal a plan of action for employers and employees, to seek treatment for alcohol dependence with Vivitrol and a good faith effort by employers to retain those employees in treatment will be discussed. Privacy policies will also be reviewed during this briefing.
The following organizations or representatives have been invited to participate:
The Director of the State Department of Health or her designee; and
The Honolulu Police Chief or his designee; and
A Representative from Alkermes, Inc.; and
A Representative from Cephalon, Inc.; and
A Representative from the Hawaii Business Health Council; and
A Representative from Hina Mauka; and
Practicing Physicians, Psychologists, Certified Substance Abuse Counselors, Therapists, Social Workers, Employers and Employees who have worked or will work on drug rehab and treatment for alcoholism, as well as other substance abuse cases.
No public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6050 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 586-6050.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" Web site at OR call 550-8074.
________________________________________ Rep. Joshua B. Green, M.D. Chair |
[1] Vivitrol is naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension. Naltrexone, the active ingredient in Vivitrol, is an opioid antagonist with highest affinity for the u-opioid receptor shown to be effective in the treatment of alcohol dependence in conjunction with psychosocial support such as counseling. (