S.R. NO. |
78 |
Requesting THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A voluntary compliance program to encourage communities and businesses to convert to expanded polystyrene foam alternative products.
WHEREAS, due to the inherent nonbiodegradable, nonrecyclable nature and chemical composition of expanded polystyrene foam (commonly known as Styrofoam), the use and disposal of this product poses a significant threat not only to Hawaii's ecosystems and environment but also to the general health and welfare of the citizens of this State; and
WHEREAS, expanded polystyrene foam is a petroleum by‑product, nonrenewable resource composed of the chemical styrene, a neurotoxin and a possible human carcinogen; and
WHEREAS, when expanded polystyrene foam breaks down in the State's landfills, dangerous chemicals leach into the seepage of the landfills, adversely impacting the State's environment and ecosystems. Additionally, as this seepage is pumped out of the landfill and inadequately processed or treated before being discharged into the ocean, it also threatens marine ecosystems around the islands; and
WHEREAS, expanded polystyrene foam products take hundreds of years to breakdown, posing a significant long‑term detrimental impact upon Hawaii's environment and ecosystems; and
WHEREAS, when expanded polystyrene foam is disposed of by incineration, it produces a dense, black, irritating smoke containing acidic gases and over ninety different chemical compounds, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and the known neurotoxin and possible carcinogen, styrene; and
WHEREAS, when, contrary to the designed one-time use, food or beverages are reheated in expanded polystyrene foam containers, leaching of the chemical neurotoxin styrene occurs; and
WHEREAS, improper or inadvertent disposal (littering) of expanded polystyrene foam products is not only an aesthetic concern but also raises significant health and welfare concerns for the State's aquatic and wildlife; and
WHEREAS, disposable cups, clamshell containers, egg cartons, meat trays, and numerous other items made from expanded polystyrene foam pose a significant threat to the environment, including the numerous and oftentimes fragile ecosystems that exist in Hawaii, and to the health and welfare of the general public; and
WHEREAS, Haleiwa town's Plastic Free Haleiwa coalition provides a tremendous example and excellent model of community members and business owners working together to reduce and ultimately eliminate the use of disposable plastics, including expanded polystyrene foam products, in their community; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, that the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT) is requested to create a voluntary compliance program to encourage communities and businesses to convert to alternative products, other than expanded polystyrene foam products; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that under the program, DBEDT is requested to create a list of alternatives to commonly used expanded polystyrene foam products, and make the information available to the public; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism is requested to submit a report containing the contents, actions, and results of the voluntary compliance program to the Legislature twenty days before the start of each regular session, and that the report may include but is not limited to suggestions, comments, or requests for legislative action; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor; Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; and each Mayor and Council Chairperson of each county of the State.
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Requesting a DBEDT voluntary compliance program to encourage communities and businesses to convert to expanded polystyrene foam alternative products