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requesting the board of agriculture to convene a working group of representatives from the agricultural industry to develop a framework, recommendations and policies on issues relating to genetically modified agricultural crops.
WHEREAS, agriculture is Hawaii's second-largest export industry and one of the largest contributors to the State's economy; and
WHEREAS, the long-term prosperity of Hawaii's agricultural industry will be significantly affected by progress regarding diverse scientific research, production methods, and farming practices; and
WHEREAS, the diversification of Hawaii's agricultural industry -- including organic, conventional and biotech farming, and scientific research relating to agriculture -- is generating significant opportunities for economic growth in both export and import markets; and
WHEREAS, the long-term development of diversified, sustainable tropical and subtropical agriculture in Hawaii requires the continuing advancement of technological and scientific knowledge to achieve the best farming practices in all sectors of agriculture; and
WHEREAS, having public and private research, and the transfer of knowledge and technology in many new areas of agriculture, have and will continue to provide substantial benefits to human health and the environment and are therefore critical to the well being of Hawaii's people, as well as to billions of others in developing nations around the world; and
WHEREAS, successful diversification of Hawaii's agriculture industry mandates that farmers have the right to choose which farming practices will best ensure the most productive use of their resources to reach their target markets in accordance with their personal preferences; and
WHEREAS, with the development and diversification of farming practices, issues have been raised with regard to genetically modified organisms ("GMO"); and
WHEREAS, a continuing interest in and concern about GMO crops makes it vital for the community to have clear and accurate information and education regarding GMO issues so that decisions and beliefs can be based on good information and reliable science, rather than on fear and speculation; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature believes that it is necessary to promote a fair, open, and honest discussion about GMO issues that is centered around how conventional, biotech, and organic agriculture can co-exist; and
WHEREAS, an example of finding a balance point between protecting Hawaii's agricultural crops while encouraging scientific progress is Hawaii's papaya industry which could have been wiped out by blight, if not for the development of resistant strains that now play a vital role in Hawaii's fresh papaya market; and
WHEREAS, a further potential example of finding a balance point between protecting Hawaii's agricultural crops while encouraging scientific progress could be with regard to Kona coffee, which is an important crop and signature product of Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, while it is obviously necessary to preserve Kona coffee's viability, it is also in the State's best interest to support scientific efforts that could result in the development of new types of coffee crops that could become important contributor's to the State's agricultural economy; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature supports the formation of a working group to determine how organic, conventional, and GMO crops in Hawaii's agricultural industry can co-exist; and
WHEREAS, the GMO working group would consist of various members from Hawaii's agricultural community and would provide accurate information and education regarding issues relating to GMO crops and would make recommendations for finding a balance point between protecting Hawaii's agricultural industry and the development of GMO crops; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Legislature supports the agricultural industry's continued efforts to promote choice of farming methods, practices, and crops and that it recognizes the economic value to the State of a diversified agricultural industry supported by mutually supportive co-existence among its sectors, and that it appreciates the value and importance of agricultural research for the benefit not only of Hawaii's farming community, but to farmers and peoples around the world; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature recognizes the importance of providing accurate information and education to members of the agriculture industry as well as the public-at-large regarding issues facing the agricultural industry, specifically regarding GMO crops, so that decisions can be based on good information and reliable science, rather than on fear and speculation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Agriculture, in consultation with the Department of Agriculture, is requested to convene a working group consisting of various agricultural organizations including, but not limited to, representatives of the Hawaii Cooperative of Organic Farmers, Hawaii Coffee Growers Association, Hawaii Banana Industry Association, Hawaii Crop Improvement Association, Hawaii Papaya Industry Association, Hawaii Export Nursery Association, Hawaii Floral and Shippers Association, Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Association, and the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation to bring these stakeholders together in a meaningful process to further discuss coexistence and best management practices for finding a balance between protecting Hawaii's agriculture industry and scientific developments regarding agriculture; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group is requested to specifically address issues relating to the effect and place of GMO crops in Hawaii's agriculture industry, and that issues such as labeling, field testing, and crop notification be included; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group is requested to seek the assistance of the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution to facilitate its meetings and performance of its duties; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and the Department of Agriculture, whenever possible, are encouraged to serve as consultants and resources to the working group; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group is strongly encouraged to participate in dialogues with the agricultural community and the community-at-large to gather information and determine issues relating to the effect and place of GMO crops in Hawaii's agriculture industry; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group is requested to prepare a report on its findings and recommendations on issues relating to the effect and place of GMO crops in Hawaii's agriculture industry; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report include, but not be limited to, policy recommendations regarding specific GMO crops such as coffee, labeling of GMO products, and field testing of GMO crops; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the working group is requested to report on its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2010 and also file a progress and status report to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2009; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Board of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Hawaii Cooperative of Organic Farmers, Hawaii Coffee Growers Association, Hawaii Banana Industry Association, Hawaii Crop Improvement Association, Hawaii Papaya Industry Association, Hawaii Export Nursery Association, Hawaii Floral and Shippers Association,
Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Association, and the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation.
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Working Group on Genetically Modified Crops