S.C.R. NO.














requesting the auditor to conduct a FINANCIAL and management audit of the Hawaii Centers for INDEPENDENT living.


     WHEREAS, Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, provides enabling legislation for the establishment of a network of independent living centers for persons with disabilities in the United States; and


     WHEREAS, independent living centers are consumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability, nonresidential, private nonprofit agencies that aim to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and promote their integration into the mainstream of American society; and


     WHEREAS, the core required minimum services of an independent living center are information and referral, independent living skills training, peer counseling, and advocacy services; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii Centers for Independent Living receives nearly $1,200,000 in federal Rehabilitation Act funds and state general funds; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii Centers for Independent Living has had a high staff turnover and an exodus of board members within the past five years resulting in a lack of continuity of services; and


     WHEREAS, under the federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations, the State is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of grant and subgrant supported activities, and must monitor grant and subgrant supported activities to assure compliance with applicable federal requirements and that performance goals are being achieved; and


     WHEREAS, the Legislature is concerned as to whether the Hawaii Centers for Independent Living is meeting its core function and delivering the services as contracted; and


     WHEREAS, the Legislature is concerned as to whether independent living services are available to the full spectrum of persons with disabilities; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Auditor is requested to conduct a financial and management audit of the Hawaii Centers for Independent Living in the State of Hawaii; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the audit determines whether:


     (1)  The Hawaii Centers for Independent Living is fulfilling the mission of providing core services;


     (2)  The Board of Directors of the Hawaii Centers for Independent Living is meeting its oversight and fiduciary responsibilities;


     (3)  State or federal agencies providing funding are adequately monitoring program outcomes, financial management practices, and consumer satisfaction; and


     (4)  Program effectiveness and consumer satisfaction are adequately measured and, if not, the Auditor is requested to seek out at least some consumer input; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Auditor report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2009; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Board President and Executive Director of the Hawaii Centers for Independent Living, the Director of Human Services, the Administrator of the Vocational Rehabilitation and Services to the Blind Division, the Federal Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Council President and the Executive Director of the Statewide Independent Living Council of Hawaii, and the Auditor.









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