S.C.R. NO.














requesting the department of education to explore the feasibility of AND TO DEVELOP A PLAN THEREFOR relocating THE Kapaa public library.



     WHEREAS, the Kapaa Public Library in East Kauai was built in 1959 and is undersized and deteriorating; and


     WHEREAS, according to United States Census records, the service area population (Kawaihau) has increased one hundred and eighty-five per cent between 1960 and 2000; however, there has been no increase in the library's collection space during that same time period; and


     WHEREAS, having recognized that the library is undersized for the area and population it serves, discussions for expansion of the library are ongoing; and


     WHEREAS, the recently completed AM Partners study/assessment of the existing facility revealed several zoning, permit, and variance issues that would impede the library's expansion; and


     WHEREAS, for example, the current zoning restricts the library to covering a maximum of ten per cent of its lot, but the current facility and pavement already cover thirty-seven per cent of the lot; hence, expansion is not a viable option at this current site; and


     WHEREAS, the existing library is located adjacent to Kapaa County Beach Park and abuts a new, popular bike/walking path also owned by the County of Kauai; and


     WHEREAS, at least one County Councilmember has indicated an interest in the library property for the purpose of expanding Kapaa County Beach Park and to capitalize on the popularity of the bike/walking path; and


     WHEREAS, in addition, the proximity of the bike/walking path has added to parking issues as some people are using the library parking lot to access the path; and


     WHEREAS, the backdoor of the library is less than fifty yards away from the shoreline and the salt air causes damage to the air conditioning and electrical systems, and the area would be at risk in the event of a tsunami; and


     WHEREAS, the library is located on Kuhio Highway, the island's main thoroughfare, and traffic congestion deters local residents from visiting the library; and


     WHEREAS, the relocation of the library to an area adjacent to the main Kapaa County Park off of Olohena Road would support a dramatic expansion and improvement of the park, enhance the community activities now occurring at this inland location, increase accessibility to the library, and facilitate needed updating of the library facilities; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Education work with the County of Kauai, Kapaa community members, and appropriate state agencies to explore the feasibility of relocating the Kapaa Public Library to an inland location near or adjacent to the Kapaa County Park's sports field and the Army National Guard Facilities, and to develop a plan therefor; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education is requested to consider incorporating the following into the plan for the new library:


     (1)  An expanded technology center and community center facilities for meetings and community gatherings;


     (2)  The swapping of county and state lands or some other agreement that provides the County of Kauai the right to use the land under the existing Kapaa Public Library; and


     (3)  The design and use of the new library as a potential disaster shelter for use during times of emergency; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education is requested to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2009; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Education, the Mayor of Kauai, members of the Kauai County Council, the State Librarian, and the Kapaa Public Library Branch Manager.









Report Title: 

DOE; Kapaa Public Library; Relocation