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requesting the department of taxation to report the fiscal impact and rate of usage by taxpayers of various tax credits and exemptions under chapters 235, 237, 239, and 244d, hawaii revised statutes.
WHEREAS, in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of any tax credit or exemption it is necessary to examine the fiscal impact and rate of usage by taxpayers of the tax credit and exemption; and
WHEREAS, tax credits and exemptions have an important and dramatic impact on the economy for the State of Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Taxation has not submitted any, or at least an updated, fiscal impact statement and rate of usage by Hawaii's taxpayers of certain tax credits and exemptions listed under chapters 235, 237, 239, and 244D, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature would benefit greatly from a report by the Department of Taxation that analyzes the fiscal impact of certain tax credits and exemptions on the economy of the State of Hawaii and its taxpayers; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Taxation is requested to review the fiscal impact and rate of usage by taxpayers of various tax credits and exemptions under chapters 235, 237, 239, and 244D, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Taxation is requested to report on the fiscal impact and rate of usage by taxpayers of the following tax credits and exemptions listed under chapters 235, 237, 239, and 244D, Hawaii Revised Statutes:
(1) Section 235-9.5 (stock options from qualified high technology businesses excluded from taxation);
(2) Section 237-16.8 (general excise tax; exemption of certain convention, conference, and trade show fees);
(3) Section 237-23 (general excise tax; exemptions, persons exempt, applications for exemption);
(4) Section 237-23.5 (general excise tax; related entities; common paymaster; certain exempt transactions);
(5) Section 237-24 (general excise tax; amounts not taxable);
(6) Section 237-24.3 (general excise tax; additional amounts not taxable);
(7) Section 237-24.5 (general excise tax; additional exemptions);
(8) Section 237-24.7 (general excise tax; additional amounts not taxable);
(9) Section 237-24.75 (general excise tax; additional exemptions);
(10) Section 237-24.9 (general excise tax; aircraft service and maintenance facility);
(11) Section 237-25 (general excise tax; exemptions of sales and gross proceeds of sales to federal government, and credit unions);
(12) Section 237-26 (general excise tax; exemption of certain scientific contracts with the United States);
(13) Section 237-27 (general excise tax; exemption of certain petroleum refiners);
(14) Section 237-27.5 (general excise tax; air pollution control facility);
(15) Section 237-27.6 (general excise tax; solid waste processing, disposal, and electric generating facility; certain amounts exempt);
(16) Section 237-28.1 (general excise tax; exemption of certain shipbuilding and ship repair business);
(17) Section 237-29 (general excise tax; exemptions for certified or approved housing projects);
(18) Section 237-29.5 (general excise tax; exemption for sales of tangible personal property shipped out of the State);
(19) Section 237-29.53 (general excise tax; exemption for contracting or services exported out of State);
(20) Section 237-29.55 (general excise tax; exemption for sale of tangible personal property for resale at wholesale);
(21) Section 237-29.8 (general excise tax; call centers; exemption; engaging in business; definitions);
(22) Section 239-6.5 (public service company tax; tax credit for lifeline telephone service subsidy);
(23) Section 239-12 (public service company tax; call centers; exemption; engaging in business; definitions); and
(24) Section 244D-4.3 (liquor tax; exemption for sales of liquor out of the State); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Taxation is requested to report its findings regarding the fiscal impact and rate of usage by taxpayers of the tax credits and exemptions listed above to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2009 Regular Session; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Hawaii and the Director of Taxation.
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Tax Credits; Tax Exemptions; Reports; Evaluations