S.C.R. NO.














requesting the department of health to establish a global warming task force to assess the impacts of global warming on the state.




     WHEREAS, there is consensus in the scientific community that global warming and climate change are occurring at an accelerated pace and pose a threat to human society; and


     WHEREAS, the effects of global warming have the potential to impact the citizens, natural resources, and economy of Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii, as an island state, is particularly vulnerable to rising ocean levels as a consequence of global warming; and


     WHEREAS, rising sea levels would have specific impacts on Hawaii, including shoreline erosion, difficulties in air and sea shipping, encroachment on existing buildings and infrastructure, and population health effects; and


     WHEREAS, the State must take action to address the near-term and long-term effects of global warming and rising ocean levels; and


     WHEREAS, before action may be taken, efforts must be made to fully predict and evaluate the effects that rising ocean levels and other consequences of climate change will have upon Hawaii; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Health is requested to establish a Global Warming Task Force to assess the effects of global warming in the State; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Global Warming Task Force is requested to:


     (1)  Assess the current and potential impacts of climate warming trends on the citizens, natural resources, and the economy of the State, including impacts on:


          (A)  The visitor industry;


          (B)  Intrastate and interstate air and sea transportation of cargo and persons;


          (C)  Existing buildings and public utilities infrastructure;


          (D)  Population health; and


          (E)  Native plants, animals, and ecosystems; and


     (2)  Assess the potential impacts of rising ocean levels as a result of climate change on the citizens, natural resources, and the economy of the State, including impacts on:


          (A)  The visitor industry;


          (B)  Shoreline erosion;


          (C)  Intrastate and interstate air and sea transportation of cargo and persons;


          (D)  Existing buildings and public utilities infrastructure;


          (E)  Population health; and


          (F)  Native plants, animals, and ecosystems; and


     (3)  Estimate the costs to the State and its citizens of adverse effects associated with climate warming and rising sea levels; and


     (4)  Make recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor on measures that would address or mitigate the near- and long-term effects of climate change, including:


          (A)  Preventing shoreline erosion;


          (B)  Preserving the visitor industry;


          (C)  Improving or relocating transportation infrastructure such as airports and shipping terminals;


          (D)  Implementing restrictions on construction in affected areas;


          (E)  Improving or hardening utilities infrastructure;


          (F)  Preparing for health emergencies; and


          (G)  Maintaining the health and resilience of native species and ecosystems; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that membership of the Global Warming Task Force shall consist of knowledgeable representatives from state and county government, emergency first responders, community stakeholders, affected industries, the military, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the scientific community; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Global Warming Task Force is requested to submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2010; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Director of Health, the Adjutant General, the Mayor and the Chairperson of the Council for each county, President of the University of Hawaii, and the Commander of the United States Pacific Command.









Report Title: 

Global Warming Task Force