Report Title:
DOE; Business Managers; Appropriation
Repeals the law relating to business district and fiscal officers; establishes fifteen complex area business manager positions; and appropriates funds for a business manager to be hired at each department of education school complex area. (SD1)
S.B. NO. |
886 |
S.D. 1 |
relating to business managers for the department of education.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that school, complex, and complex area administrators are responsible for wide-ranging financial assignments, which detract the focus from the curriculum and instruction endeavors of the school, the promotion of student achievement, and the continuous improvement within the complex area. These student-achievement centered initiatives are even more critical with the required academic rigor of the No Child Left Behind Act and with the continued implementation of the department of education strategic plan.
The legislature further finds that the weighted student formula represents a method of allocating budgets to schools, based on student needs and school characteristics so available resources are better targeted to support student achievement. The weighted student formula also provides school principals with increased control and flexibility over their school budgets to implement initiatives to improve student achievement.
The legislature believes that the increased mandates and responsibilities on school, complex, and complex area administrators requires the assistance of highly-knowledgeable and highly-qualified individuals with business backgrounds to allow schools to efficiently and effectively manage the operational and financial aspects of the school, complex, or complex area.
The purposes of business manager positions within the department of education shall be to:
(1) Provide direct business and financial management assistance and guidance to principals and complex area superintendents in the areas of school-based budgeting;
(2) Assist principals in developing and implementing weighted student formula financial plans;
(3) Conduct financial reporting and monitoring;
(4) Conduct budget versus actual variance analysis;
(5) Prepare and present financial recommendations to the school and complex area administrators;
(6) Oversee facilities management, including repair and maintenance and capital improvement projects;
(7) Understand and provide guidance on procurement transactions and laws;
(8) Implement internal financial controls monitoring, following department of education financial guidelines, policies, and procedures; and
(9) Provide overall business administration.
The purpose of this Act is to establish fifteen complex area business manager positions and to appropriate funds for a business manager position at each school complex area to provide financial and operational advice and counsel to school, complex, and complex area administrators and support staff.
SECTION 2. Section 302A-604.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-604.5 [District business and
fiscal officers.] Complex area business managers. (a) The
department shall establish [eight] fifteen permanent civil
service exempt full-time equivalent complex area business [and fiscal
officer] manager positions; provided that [four] one
full-time equivalent complex area business [and fiscal officer positions]
manager position shall be assigned to [the Oahu school districts,
with the remaining positions to be assigned to school complexes based on need;]
each of the fifteen complex areas in the department; and provided
further that the complex area business [and fiscal officer:] manager:
(1) Shall be a highly knowledgeable and qualified individual and have a business and facilities management background;
(2) Shall not be subject to the requirements of [[]chapter
76[]]; and
(3) Shall not be required to be a certified teacher.
(b) [Departmental school district business
and fiscal officers shall be responsible for:
(1) Coordinating physical plant operations
and maintenance activities with the departments of education and accounting and
general services;
(2) Coordinating the training and selection
of school custodians; monitoring the performance of school custodians in
accomplishing minor repairs with funds from school-level minor repairs and
maintenance accounts; and overseeing these accounts at the direction of school
(3) Planning for capital improvement
projects with the department of education;
(4) Ensuring that school facilities comply
with the laws and rules regarding:
(A) The provision of a free
appropriate public education for exceptional children with disabilities; and
(B) The provision of a free
appropriate public education for qualified students with disabilities;
(5) Assisting the department, individual
schools, and school complexes in forming partnerships with community groups,
volunteers, and businesses to obtain donated and discounted repair and
maintenance services and materials; and
(6) Developing, coordinating, overseeing,
and participating in the data collection for the physical plant analysis report
and the maintenance plan for each school.] Complex area business
managers shall have powers and duties as prescribed by the department."
SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009, for the establishment of 1.0 (FTE) permanent business manager position for each of the fifteen school complex areas to provide financial and operational advice and counsel to school, complex, and complex area administrators and support staff and to perform the functions of managing the business aspects of each school within the complex area.
The sums appropriated shall be expended by the department of education for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 4. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2007.