Report Title:
CIP; 6th Senatorial District
Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 6th senatorial district.
S.B. NO. |
3226 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE SIXTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $116,616,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2008-2009 for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the sixth senatorial district as follows:
1. Moloka‘i general hospital, to be expended by the department of health.
A. Phase II
Construction $500,000
Total funding $500,000
2. Moloka‘i veterans center, to be expended by the department of defense.
Kitchen equipment $150,000
Furnishing $40,000
Construction $2,569,000
Total funding $2,759,000
3. Hana boat ramp, to be expended by the department of land and natural resources.
Design $100,000
Construction $3,400,000
Total funding $3,500,000
4. Kaunakakai elementary school, Moloka‘i, to be expended by the department of education.
A. New 8 classroom buildings
Plans $1,000
Design $781,000
Total funding $782,000
B. Central air conditioning for classrooms and cafeteria
Design $400,000
Construction $5,500,000
Total funding $5,900,000
5. Kaho‘olawe island reserve commission, to be expended by the department of land and natural resources.
A. Alternative energy facility
Design $1,000
Construction $799,000
Total funding $800,000
6. Lāna‘i high & elementary school, to be expended by the department of education.
A. New classroom building
Equipment $60,000
Design $1,000
Construction $19,574,000
Total funding $19,635,000
7. Moloka‘i irrigation system, to be expended by the department of agriculture.
Total funding $2,500,000
8. King Kekaulike high school, to be expended by the department of education.
A. New high school building
Plans $75,000
Design $575,000
Total funding $650,000
9. Upcountry Maui watershed improvements, to be expended by the county of Maui.
Plans $50,000
Land $100,000
Design $200,000
Construction $2,650,000
Total funding $3,000,000
10. Upcountry Maui water distribution center, to be expended by the county of Maui.
Land $1,000
Design $200,000
Construction $1,299,000
Total funding $1,500,000
11. Nahiku community center, to be expended by the county of Maui.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $1,498,000
Total funding $1,500,000
12. Old Maui high school, Maui, to be expended by the department of education.
A. Facilities
Equipment $25,000
Design $120,000
Construction $1,500,000
Total funding $1,645,000
13. Hana high and elementary school, Maui, to be expended by the department of education.
A. Sidewalks along Hana highway area
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $1,000,000
Total funding $1,002,000
B. Renovation of auditorium
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $998,000
Total funding $1,000,000
14. Hana health (formerly known as Hana community health center), Maui, to be expended by the department of health.
A. Commercial kitchen equipment
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $1,000,000
Total funding $1,002,000
15. Lāna‘i community hospital, Lāna‘i, to be expended by the department of health.
A. Renovations to emergency room
Plans $15,000
Design $56,000
Construction $373,000
Equipment $1,000
Total funding $445,000
B. Replace existing windows with hurricane windows
Design $49,000
Construction $321,000
Total funding $370,000
C. Regrade and resurface access road and parking lot
Design $75,000
Construction $675,000
Total funding $750,000
D. New clinic space and sun deck
Plans $50,000
Design $100,000
Construction $998,000
Total funding $1,148,000
E. Remodel of cottage
Equipment $1,000
Design $75,000
Construction $674,000
Total funding $750,000
16. Maui community college, Moloka‘i campus, to be expended by the University of Hawaii.
Land acquisition $500,000
Total funding $500,000
17. Kula hospital, to be expended by the department of health.
A. Nurse call system
Total funding $1,261,000
B. Equipment
Total funding $1,200,000
C. Building renovation
Total funding $2,410,000
D. Greenhouse
Total funding $1,500,000
E. Ward renovation
Total funding $5,601,000
F. Air conditioning replacement
Total funding $220,000
G. Renovate Hale Makamae
Total funding $1,786,000
18. Testing well in either Kula, Pukalani, Makawao, or Ulupalakua, to be expended by the department of health.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $1,498,000
Total funding $1,500,000
19. HMP – Hana harbor, Maui, to be expended by the department of transportation.
Development of infrastructure, demolition, as necessary, and expansion of facilities
Total funding $20,000,000
20. Mānele small boat harbor on Lāna‘i, to be expended by the department of land and natural resources.
A. Design and reconstruction
Total funding $250,000
21. Hana highway bridge repair, to be expended by the department of transportation.
A. Repair and replacement
Plans $2,000
Design $3,000
Construction $24,995,000
Total funding $25,000,000
22. Reservoir, upcountry Maui, to be expended by the department of land and natural resources.
Capacity of at least 300,000,000 gallons of water to serve agricultural and residential needs
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $3,748,000
Total funding $3,750,000
23. Moloka‘i paniolo cultural center, to be expended by the county of Maui.
A. Rodeo center
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $498,000
Total funding $500,000
SECTION 2. The appropriation made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2010, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 3. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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