SECTION 1. Senate Bill No. 3202, section 1, is amended as follows:
1. By amending lines 10 and 11 on page 1 to read:
"individuals who have served as learned members of the bar, should be reconsidered. The wealth of knowledge"
2. By amending lines 1 and 2 on page 2 to read:
"Hawaii to extend the mandatory retirement age for all newly appointed state court justices and judges from seventy to eighty years of age."
SECTION 2. Senate Bill No. 3202 is amended by amending lines 1 to 3 on page 5 to read as follows:
"Justices and judges shall be retired upon
attaining the age of seventy years[.], except that justices and
judges first confirmed by the senate or appointed by the chief justice to their
positions after November 4, 2008 shall be retired upon attaining the age of
eighty years. They shall be included in any retirement law of the state."
SECTION 3. Senate Bill No. 3202 is amended by amending section 3 to read as follows:
"SECTION 3. The question to be printed on the ballot shall be as follows:
"Shall the mandatory retirement age for all newly appointed state court justices and judges be extended from seventy to eighty years of age?""
Offered by: |
( ) Carried
( ) Failed to Carry
( ) Withdrawn