Report Title:
CIP; 21st Senatorial District; Appropriation
Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 21st senatorial district.
S.B. NO. |
3195 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE Twenty-First SENATORIAL DISTRICT.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $50,420,220, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for fiscal year 2008-2009, for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the twenty-first senatorial district, as follows:
1. Hale Ola Ho‘o Pa‘kolea
Demolition of existing structure and construction of a new community center.
Total funding $175,000
2. Kamaile elementary school
Electrical upgrade.
Total funding $511,500
3. Ka Waihona O Ka Naauao charter school
Plan, design, construction, and equipment for a new building to hold eight classrooms.
Total funding $1,337,000
4. Leeward community college at Wai‘anae
Purchase of building for new classroom facilities.
Acquisition $3,000,000
Design $100,000
Construction $1,750,000
Total funding $4,850,000
5. Leihoku elementary school
A. Relocation of backflow preventer.
Construction $5,000
Total funding $5,000
B. Replacement of broken classroom furniture and new furniture for renovated classrooms.
Equipment $6,000
Total funding $6,000
C. Repair and replacement of classroom wall.
Design $5,000
Construction $20,000
Total funding $25,000
6. Ma‘ili elementary school
A. Renovation of four student restrooms.
Total funding $60,000
B. Disability transition accessibility.
Total funding $412,500
C. Driveway with curbside loading and unloading.
Total funding $66,000
7. Makaha elementary school
A. Installment of an elevator and two elevated walkways to connect the second floor library and second floors of buildings A and B to allow access by students with disabilities.
Design $20,000
Construction $480,000
Total funding $500,000
B. Disability transition accessibility.
Total funding $412,500
C. Expansion of library and installment of air conditioning.
Total funding $3,300,000
8. Makua beach park road
Grade, smooth, and seal Makua beach road.
Total funding $250,000
9. Makua beach park bridge
Repair of Makua bridge.
Total funding $500,000
10. Makua beach park waterline and pump
Replacement of electrical line, repair of pump and verification of connection.
Total funding $50,000
11. Nanaikapono elementary school
Construction of safety/maintenance shed with concrete foundation, utilities, double-wide doors, and concrete ramp to entrance.
Design $50,000
Construction $110,000
Total funding $160,000
12. Nanakuli elementary school
A. Purchase and installation of an evaporative cooling system as an alternative to air conditioning.
Equipment and installation $105,000
Total funding $105,000
B. Disability transition accessibility.
Total funding $412,500
C. Electrical upgrade.
Total funding $430,100
13. Nanakuli high and intermediate school
A. Electrical equipment and labor to upgrade campus electrical capacity.
Total funding $1,178,100
B. Installation of air conditioning in all buildings throughout the school campus.
Total funding $10,000,000
C. Remodeling of science classrooms, including construction costs, furniture, and equipment.
Total funding $250,000
D. Telecommunications upgrade.
Total funding $1,320,000
E. Improvements to the softball field.
Total funding $110,000
14. Nanakuli Hawaiian homestead community association (Hawaiian center)
Continued development and construction of Hawaiian center.
Total funding $300,000
15. Wai‘anae coast comprehensive health center
Expansion of facilities to accommodate training and job development activities and to provide matching funds for its phased development program.
Total funding $3,500,000
16. Wai‘anae elementary school
A. Re-roofing of building B.
Total funding $50,000
B. Re-roofing of building C.
Total funding $50,000
17. Wai‘anae high school
A. Replacement of damaged double doors for the backstage entrance of the cafeteria.
Design $2,600
Construction $10,400
Total funding $13,000
B. Renovation of bathrooms, including replacement of tile floors, wainscot, and partitions in building A.
Design $42,450
Construction $240,560
Total funding $283,010
C. Replacement of floors, wainscot, and partitions in building B bathrooms.
Design $42,450
Construction $240,560
Total funding $283,010
D. Access barrier removal.
Total funding $3,025,000
E. Construction of girls' athletic locker room.
Total funding $8,200,000
F. Expansion of cafeteria.
Total funding $3,850,000
18. Wai‘anae intermediate school
A. Electrical upgrade in library.
Total funding $50,000
B. Re-roofing of building A.
Total funding $50,000
C. Access barrier removal.
Total funding $1,815,000
D. Installation of air conditioning in library.
Total funding $825,000
19. Wai‘anae small boat harbor
Continued construction to provide parking lot improvements, replacement of main walkways, piers and launch ramps, and other related work.
Total funding $1,700,000
SECTION 2. The appropriation made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2010, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 3. The sums appropriated for the respective capital improvement projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the department of education for the purposes of this Act; provided that:
(1) The sums appropriated for items 1 and 14 shall be expended by the department of Hawaiian homelands for the purposes of this Act;
(2) The sum appropriated for item 4 shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act;
(3) The sum appropriated for item 8 shall be expended by the department of transportation for the purposes of this Act;
(4) The sums appropriated for items 9, 10, and 19 shall be expended by the department of land and natural resources for the purposes of this Act; and
(5) The sum appropriated for item 15 shall be expended by the Wai‘anae coast comprehensive health center for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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