Report Title:

Hawaiian Homes Commission Act; Beneficiary Consultation



Provides for required consultation with beneficiaries when a project includes commercial development and prior to lowering allowable loan amounts.  (SD1)



S.B. NO.



S.D. 1















     SECTION 1.  Section 204.5 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, as amended, is amended to read as follows:

     "§204.5  Additional powers.  In addition and supplemental to the powers granted to the department by law, and notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the department may:

     (1)  With the approval of the governor, undertake and carry out the development of any Hawaiian home lands available for lease under and pursuant to section 207 of this Act by assembling these lands in residential developments and providing for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, alteration, or repair of public facilities therein, including, without limitation, streets, storm drainage systems, pedestrian ways, water facilities and systems, sidewalks, street lighting, sanitary sewerage facilities and systems, utility and service corridors, and utility lines, where applicable, sufficient to adequately service developable improvements therein, sites for schools, parks, off-street parking facilities, and other community facilities;

     (2)  With the approval of the governor, undertake and carry out the development of available lands for homestead, commercial, and multipurpose projects as provided in section 220.5 of this Act, and in consultation with the beneficiaries of the trust, as defined in section 220.5, if a project includes any commercial development, as a developer under this section or in association with a developer agreement entered into pursuant to this section by providing for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, alteration, or repair of public facilities for development, including, without limitation, streets, storm drainage systems, pedestrian ways, water facilities and systems, sidewalks, street lighting, sanitary sewerage facilities and systems, utility and service corridors, and utility lines, where applicable, sufficient to adequately service developable improvements therein, sites for schools, parks, off-street parking facilities, and other community facilities;

     (3)  With the approval of the governor, designate by resolution of the commission all or any portion of a development or multiple developments undertaken pursuant to this section an "undertaking" under part III of chapter 39, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and

     (4)  Exercise the powers granted under section 39-53, Hawaii Revised Statutes, including the power to issue revenue bonds from time to time as authorized by the legislature.

     All provisions of part III of chapter 39, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall apply to the department and all revenue bonds issued by the department shall be issued pursuant to the provisions of that part, except these revenue bonds shall be issued in the name of the department, and not in the name of the State.

     As applied to the department, the term "undertaking" as used in part III of chapter 39 shall include a residential development or a development of homestead, commercial, or multipurpose projects under this Act.  The term "revenue" as used in part III of chapter 39, shall include all or any portion of the rentals derived from the leasing of Hawaiian home lands or available lands, whether or not the property is a part of the development being financed."

     SECTION 2.  Section 215, of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, as amended, is amended to read as follows:

     "§215.  Conditions of loans.  Except as otherwise provided in section 213(c), each contract of loan with the lessee or any successor or successors to the lessee's interest in the tract or with any agricultural, mercantile, or aquacultural cooperative association composed entirely of lessees shall be held subject to the following conditions whether or not stipulated in the contract loan:

     (1)  At any time, the outstanding amount of loans made to any lessee, or successor or successors in interest, for the repair, maintenance, purchase, and erection of a dwelling and related permanent improvements shall not exceed fifty per cent of the maximum single residence loan amount allowed in Hawaii by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's Federal Housing Administration (FHA), for the development and operation of a farm, ranch, or aquaculture operation shall not exceed $50,000, except that when loans are made to an agricultural or aquacultural cooperative association for the purposes stated in section 214(a)(4), the loan limit shall be determined by the department on the basis of the proposed operations and the available security of the association, and for the development and operation of a mercantile establishment shall not exceed the loan limit determined by the department on the basis of the proposed operations and the available security of the lessee or of the organization formed and controlled by lessees; provided that the department shall only seek or agree to lower allowable loan amounts in consultation with the beneficiaries of the trust; provided further that upon the death of a lessee leaving no relative qualified to be a lessee of Hawaiian home lands, or the cancellation of a lease by the department, or the surrender of a lease by the lessee, the department shall make the payment provided for by section 209(a), the amount of any such payment shall be considered as part or all, as the case may be, of any such loan to the successor or successors, without limitation as to the above maximum amounts; provided further that in case of the death of a lessee, or cancellation of a lease by the department, or the surrender of a lease by the lessee, the successor or successors to the tract shall assume any outstanding loan or loans thereon, if any, without limitation as to the above maximum amounts but subject to paragraph (3).

     (2)  The loans shall be repaid in periodic installments, such installments to be monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual as may be determined by the department in each case.  The term of any loan shall not exceed thirty years.  Payments of any sum in addition to the required installments, or payment of the entire amount of the loan, may be made at any time within the term of the loan.  All unpaid balances of principal shall bear interest at the rate of two and one-half per cent or higher as established by rule adopted by the department, payable periodically or upon demand by the department, as the department may determine.  The payment of any installment due shall be postponed in whole or in part by the department for such reasons as it deems good and sufficient and until such later date as it deems advisable.  Such postponed payments shall continue to bear interest on the unpaid principal at the rate established for the loan.

     (3)  In the case of the death of a lessee the department shall, in any case, permit the successor or successors to the tract to assume the contract of loan subject to paragraph (1).  In case of the cancellation of a lease by the department or the surrender of a lease by the lessee, the department may, at its option declare all installments upon the loan immediately due and payable, or permit the successor or successors to the tract to assume the contract of loan subject to paragraph (1).  The department may, in such cases where the successor or successors to the tract assume the contract of loan, waive the payment, wholly or in part, of interest already due and delinquent upon the loan, or postpone the payment of any installment thereon, wholly or in part, until such later dates as it deems advisable.  Such postponed payments shall, however, continue to bear interest on the unpaid principal at the rate established for the loan.  Further, the department may, if it deems it advisable and for the best interests of the lessees, write off and cancel, wholly or in part, the contract of loan of the deceased lessee, or previous lessee, as the case may be, where such loans are delinquent and deemed uncollectible.  Such write off and cancellation shall be made only after an appraisal of all improvements and growing crops or improvements and aquaculture stock, as the case may be, on the tract involved, such appraisal to be made in the manner and as provided for by section 209(a).  In every case, the amount of such appraisal, or any part thereof, shall be considered as part or all, as the case may be, of any loan to such successor or successors, subject to paragraph (1).

     (4)  No part of the moneys loaned shall be devoted to any purpose other than those for which the loan is made.

     (5)  The borrower or the successor to the borrower's interest shall comply with such other conditions, not in conflict with any provision of this Act, as the department may stipulate in the contract of loan.

     (6)  The borrower or the successor to the borrower's interest shall comply with the conditions enumerated in section 208, and with section 209 of this Act in respect to the lease of any tract.

     (7)  Whenever the department shall determine that a borrower is delinquent in the payment of any indebtedness to the department, it may require such borrower to execute an assignment to it, not to exceed, however, the amount of the total indebtedness of such borrower, including the indebtedness to others the payment of which has been assured by the department of all moneys due or to become due to such borrower by reason of any agreement or contract, collective or otherwise, to which the borrower is a party.  Failure to execute such an assignment when requested by the department shall be sufficient ground for cancellation of the borrower's lease or interest therein."

     SECTION 3.  Section 220.5 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, as amended, is amended as follows:

     1.  By amending subsections (a) and (b) to read:

     "(a)  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the department is authorized to enter into and carry out contracts to develop available lands for homestead[,] projects, and commercial[,] and multipurpose projects[;] in consultation with the beneficiaries of the trust; provided that the department shall not be subject to the requirements of competitive bidding if no state funds are to be used in the development of the project.

     (b)  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the department is authorized to enter into project developer agreements with qualified developers for, or in connection with, any homestead[,] project, commercial, or multipurpose project[,] in consultation with the beneficiaries of the trust, or portion of any project; provided that prior to entering into a project developer agreement with a developer, the department shall:

     (1)  Set by appraisal the minimum rental of the lands to be disposed of on the basis of the fair market value of the lands;

     (2)  Give notice of the proposed disposition in accordance with applicable procedures and requirements of section 171-60(a)(3), Hawaii Revised Statutes;

     (3)  Establish reasonable criteria for the selection of the private developer[;], in consultation with the beneficiaries of the trust if the project includes any commercial development; and

     (4)  Determine within forty-five days of the last day for filing applications the applicant or applicants who meet the criteria for selection, and notify all applicants of its determination within seven days of such determination.  If only one applicant meets the criteria for selection as the developer, the department then may negotiate the details of the project developer agreement with the developer; provided that the terms of the project developer agreement shall not be less than those proposed by the developer in the application.  If two or more applicants meet the criteria for selection, the department shall consider all of the relevant facts of the disposition or contract, the proposals submitted by each applicant, and the experience and financial capability of each applicant and, within forty-five days from the date of selection of the applicants that met the criteria, shall select the applicant who submitted the best proposal.  The department then may negotiate the details of the disposition with the developer, including providing benefits to promote native Hawaiian socio-economic advancement; provided that the terms of the project developer agreement shall not be less than those proposed by the developer in the application."

     2.  By amending subsection (g) to read:

     "(g)  As used in this section, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:

     "Commercial project" means a project or that portion of a multipurpose project, including single-family or multiple-family residential, agricultural, pastoral, aquacultural, industrial, business, hotel and resort, or other commercial uses designed and intended to generate revenues as authorized by this Act[;].

     "Consultation with the beneficiaries of the trust" means a process of engaging individual beneficiaries, and beneficiary and beneficiary-serving organizations, that provides for the timely and meaningful dissemination of information and the gathering of input, and allows for a reasonable time and reasonable access to relevant information for evaluation and consideration.

     "Developer" means any person, partnership, cooperative, firm, nonprofit or for-profit corporation, or public agency possessing the competence, expertise, experience, and resources, including financial, personal, and tangible resources, required to carry out a project[;].

     "Homestead project" means a project or that portion of a multipurpose project, including residential, agricultural, pastoral, or aquacultural uses designed and intended for disposition to native Hawaiians under this Act; provided that this term shall also include community facilities for homestead areas[;].

     "Multipurpose project" means a combination of a commercial project and a homestead project[;].

     "Project" means a specific undertaking to develop, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, or to otherwise improve or enhance land or real property[;].

     "Project developer agreement" means any lease, sublease, conditional leasing agreement, disposition agreement, financing agreement, or other agreement or combination of agreement, entered into under this section by the department, for the purpose of developing one or more projects."

     SECTION 4.  The provisions of the amendments made by this Act to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended, are declared to be severable, and if any section, sentence, clause, or phrase, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held ineffective because there is a requirement of having the consent of the United States to take effect, then that portion only shall take effect upon the granting of consent by the United States and effectiveness of the remainder of these amendments or the application thereof shall not be affected.

     SECTION 5.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.