Report Title:
Science and Technology Initiatives; Hawaii Academy of Science; Appropriation
Amends Act 213, SLH 2007, to amend section 70 to appropriate additional moneys in fiscal year 2008-2009 for the Hawaii Academy of Science, to assist the organization in the administration and operations of all its current and future interscholastic academic programs, including outreach and training programs.
S.B. NO. |
2853 |
relating to science and technology initiatives.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the Hawaii Academy of Science is a private, not-for-profit education organization that has administered and operated the Hawaii state science and engineering fair for more than fifty years, producing a successful, innovative, and popular interscholastic education program for public school and private school secondary students.
The legislature further finds that the programs currently operated or proposed by the Hawaii Academy of Science employ the concepts of experiential learning and encourage innovative methodologies that engage students in project-based problem‑solving. These methodologies are an important strategy to prepare the next generation of Hawaii's youth for the global economy.
The legislature also finds that state funding appropriated to the department of education to assist the Hawaii Academy of Science in the administration and operation of the Hawaii state science and engineering fair has not always been sufficient to cover the full costs of operating the Hawaii state science and engineering fair. These moneys were used to fund salaries and benefits for the staff of the Hawaii Academy of Science, and to assist in procuring the rental of the fair's venue and necessary equipment for the operation of the Hawaii state science and engineering fair, and other attendant costs. Annual funding was allocated by the department to the research corporation of the University of Hawaii to serve as expending agency for the Hawaii Academy of Science since 1990. In recent years, the funding allocated has not been sufficient to cover the operation of the Hawaii Academy of Science's interscholastic academic programs.
The legislature recognizes the inherent value of interscholastic academic programs provided by private not‑for‑profit organizations such as the Hawaii Academy of Science, and restored state funding to the Hawaii state science and engineering fair in 2007.
The purpose of this Act is to appropriate moneys to the department of education to provide the necessary financial assistance to the Hawaii Academy of Science:
(1) For the administration and operation of all current and future interscholastic academic programs; and
(2) To increase that organization's capacity and reach to the greater community, through the development of teacher training and outreach workshops and programs, student internships, workshops, seminars, and other learning opportunities to allow for the effective mentoring, counseling, and guidance of students who display an interest in science, technology and engineering.
SECTION 2. Act 213, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007, is amended by amending section 70 to read as follows:
"SECTION 70. Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the sum of $250,000 or so
much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008 and the sum of
$250,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009
shall be expended by the department of education for the [engineering and
science fair;] Hawaii Academy of Science, to assist the organization in
the administration and operations of all its current and future interscholastic
academic programs, including outreach and training programs; and provided
further that any unexpended funds shall lapse to the general fund."
SECTION 3. Session law material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New session law material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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