Report Title:
University of Hawaii; Land Development
Directs the University of Hawaii to compile an inventory of all real estate holdings that the university controls. Establishes a priority list of lands available for development for university or non-university purposes.
S.B. NO. |
2650 |
relating to THE university of hawaii.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the University of Hawaii maintains a portfolio of real estate holdings throughout the State. The primary purpose of these real estate holdings is for the expansion of the university system statewide. However, the legislature finds that some of these real estate holdings may not be needed for the expansion of the university system. Some of these real estate holdings may be developed for non-university purposes, while providing financial benefit to the university.
The purpose of this Act is to direct the University of Hawaii to compile an inventory of all of its real estate holdings that are not developed or not developed to their full potential and to segregate those holdings into two classes:
(1) Those holdings that may be required for the future expansion of the university system statewide; and
(2) Those holdings that are not required for the expansion of the university system in the foreseeable future.
Furthermore, the purpose of this Act is to direct the University of Hawaii to prioritize the anticipated or potential for development of each holding in each class.
SECTION 2. (a) The University of Hawaii shall compile a comprehensive inventory of all the real estate that it holds in fee simple or that is within its control statewide. The inventory shall provide:
(1) The tax map parcel number of the real estate;
(2) The location of the parcel by island and district; and
(3) Whether the parcel is developed, and, if developed, what the parcel is presently being used for.
(b) The real estate contained in the inventory shall be divided into two classes:
(1) Class I shall be all real estate that is presently being used for university purposes or may be required for the expansion of the university system within the foreseeable future; and
(2) Class II shall be all real estate that is not being used for university purposes and will not be required for the expansion of the university system within the foreseeable future.
(c) The parcels contained in class I that are not presently developed and used for university purposes shall be listed in a manner that prioritizes the proposed development of the parcel and sets forth:
(1) The proposed future use of the parcel; and
(2) The anticipated date of the development of the parcel.
(d) The parcels contained in class II shall be listed in a manner that sets forth:
(1) The state land use classification of the parcel;
(2) The county zoning of the parcel;
(3) The proximity of the parcel to urban development;
(4) The approximate topography of the parcel;
(5) The proximity of infrastructure required for the development of the parcel, including but not limited to public access, water, sewage, and utilities; and
(6) Whether the university has any plans or proposals or has received any proposals from third parties, solicited or unsolicited, for the development of the parcel, and if so, whether the planned or proposed development is to be carried out by the university alone, in joint venture with a private developer, or by a private developer through negotiations or a request for proposals process.
(e) The University of Hawaii shall submit to the legislature a preliminary inventory as required by this Act twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2009 and a final inventory twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2010.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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