Report Title:
University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agricultural and Human Resources; Appropriation
Makes an appropriation to the college of tropical agriculture and human resources for the expenses incurred in moving its agricultural business incubator and its Poamoho field station to a site in Kunia. (SD1)
S.B. NO. |
2640 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the State has a responsibility to conserve and protect agricultural lands, promote diversified agriculture, increase agricultural self-sufficiency, and ensure the availability of agriculturally suitable lands that is mandated by article XI, section 3, of the state constitution.
The legislature passed Act 183, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005 that provided a framework to designate important agricultural lands after appropriate incentives are established. This process may take several more years. Meanwhile, many agricultural acres that would be considered important are currently available for sale including land in the Kunia area on Oahu.
Having the highest population in the State, Oahu's agricultural lands are under extreme development pressure. Thousands of agricultural acres in the Ewa plain are already converted or destined to be converted to urban needs. However, residents of Ewa and central Oahu have indicated in their sustainable community plans their desire to maintain an agricultural area.
There is an agricultural area of approximately 8,000 contiguous acres of valuable Hawaii farmland in the Ewa, central Oahu area that is being purchased by companies which will provide for a diverse mix of farming operations accommodating large and small operations. Most importantly, the land owner has indicated a willingness to contribute to the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center approximately 119 acres of land and improvements including agricultural worker housing and existing facilities for agricultural offices and agribusinesses.
The Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, the Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawaii and the Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii are interested in co-locating their operations at this site to share business related resource needs. The University of Hawaii, college of tropical agriculture and human resources is also interested in utilizing this site to locate its agricultural business incubator, its Poamoho field station, and for some of its extension service office needs.
Various agribusinesses have also expressed an interest in having long term leases and locating and expanding their businesses at this location.
There is presently a rare opportunity to develop an agricultural business complex where existing agriculturally-based businesses can develop further, while new agricultural businesses can be incubated and provided the support to develop.
Entrepreneurs would be encouraged to build agricultural businesses if an agribusiness incubator is located near their property to provide needed assistance and to identify, test, and develop new agribusiness products.
The development of new agricultural businesses, supporting infrastructure, and resulting agricultural products would increase agricultural employment to support the existing agricultural rental housing already located within this area.
The legislature finds that the synergies provided by the above mentioned programs of the University of Hawaii, college of tropical agriculture and human resources co-locating at the Kunia site will further the State's responsibility to promote diversified agriculture and increased agricultural self-sufficiency.
SECTION 2. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 to cover the expenses incurred by the University of Hawaii, college of tropical agriculture and human resources to move the agribusiness incubator and Poamoho station projects to the Kunia site.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.