Report Title:
Public Financial Disclosure Statements; Boards and Commissions
Expands the state ethics code section 84-17(d), HRS, to include members of ten boards and commissions as public officials required to file financial disclosure statements that are open to public review.
S.B. NO. |
2602 |
Relating to Public Financial Disclosure Statements.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that members of boards and commissions presently file annual financial disclosure statements with the state ethics commission that are not made public. Some board members are vested with authority to run departments, and are thus entrusted with significant policy and financial decisions. This Act identifies ten boards and commissions whose members file financial disclosures that are not released for public review, but who exercise authority equivalent to executive branch departments headed by a single executive.
Confidential disclosures keep the public unaware of potential conflicts of interest between a board or commission's work and their members' personal affairs. While the confidential disclosure statements are received and reviewed by the Hawaii state ethics commission, the commission is generally not aware of the issues that the one hundred fifty or so boards and commissions handle on a day-to-day basis. Individuals who deal with these boards and commissions are in the best position to determine whether board or commission members have conflicts of interest. Public disclosure statements are necessary so that those who appear before boards and commissions can assure themselves that board or commission members have no conflicts of interest, or if they do, that they may recuse themselves.
Public disclosure statements build public confidence in state government. While some board and commission members may feel reluctant to serve if required to make public financial disclosures, the legislature finds that the interests of the public outweigh these concerns when such members are charged with significant discretionary and fiscal powers.
The purpose of this Act is to make ethics requirements consistent between public officials exercising equivalent authority and to assure the public that these public officials are performing their duties without conflicts of interest.
SECTION 2. Section 84-17(d), Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"(d) The financial disclosure statements of the following persons shall be public records and available for inspection and duplication:
(1) The governor, the lieutenant governor, the members of the legislature, candidates for and delegates to the constitutional convention, the members of the board of education, the trustees of the office of Hawaiian affairs, and candidates for state elective offices;
(2) The directors of the state departments and their deputies, regardless of the titles by which the foregoing persons are designated; provided that with respect to the department of the attorney general, the foregoing shall apply only to the attorney general and the first deputy attorney general;
(3) The administrative director of the State;
(4) The president, the vice presidents, the assistant vice presidents, the chancellors, and the provosts of the University of Hawaii;
(5) The superintendent, the deputy superintendent, the state librarian, and the deputy state librarian of the department of education;
(6) The administrative director and the deputy
director of the courts; [and]
(7) The administrator and the assistant administrator
of the office of Hawaiian affairs[.]; and
(8) The members of following boards and commissions:
(A) The board of agriculture;
(B) The Hawaii community development authority;
(C) The board of trustees of the employees' retirement system;
(D) The Hawaiian homes commission;
(E) The board of land and natural resources;
(F) The land use commission;
(G) The public utilities commission;
(H) The board of directors of the research corporation of the University of Hawaii;
(I) The board of regents of the University of Hawaii; and
(J) The Hawaii tourism authority."
SECTION 3. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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