Report Title:
Taro; Apple Snails; Research
Provides a grant for taro research, laboratory costs, and outreach for the control of the invasive apple snail.
S.B. NO. |
2518 |
relating to taro
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that S.C.R. No. 206, 2007, recognized the need to develop a taro security and research program to ensure that taro can be saved and protected from natural attack of pests and diseases.
Taro and taro markets are in a state of decline. In addition, the threats that taro farming families and communities face in cultivating taro are numerous and growing. Taro lands in Hawaii represent less than one per cent of all agricultural lands in cultivation in the state, yet it remains the most important traditional cultural crop in Hawaii. Taro production is clearly underfunded.
The department of agriculture's preliminary report on the implementation of S.C.R. No. 206 found that the invasive apple snail, Pomacae canaliculata, represents the greatest concern to taro farmers. The apple snail accounted for eighteen to twenty-five per cent of crop losses in recent years.
A September 2006 report, entitled "Statewide Strategic Control Plan for Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Hawaii" and funded by the department of land and natural resources division of aquatic resources, clearly documented the rapid spread of this pest in wetland taro systems, natural wetlands, estuaries, streams, ditches, reservoirs, ponds, and springs on all islands except Molokai and Kahoolawe; provided information on the apple snail's biology and behavior, and past control efforts locally and globally; and documented the negative environmental, agricultural, economic, health-related, educational, and cultural impacts of this invasive species on the taro farming community, the taro market, and the overall natural environment since its arrival in 1983-1984. This report also documented that the State has spent less than $400,000 on snail control efforts, with little success. The importance of addressing the decline in crop yields due to apple snails continues to increase as Hawaii continued to import more and more taro in 2006 and 2007.
One of the recommendations contained in this report as well as the preliminary report on the implementation of S.C.R. No. 206 is to provide immediate funding of promising farmer-developed organic snail control compounds and practices. Taro farmers working with Pacific Biodiesel, a local Maui business committed to promoting a clean, sustainable energy future through the production of renewable fuels, discovered and initiated research on an organic conditioner with promising impacts on apple snail mortality. The partnership between the farmers and Pacific Biodiesel has the potential to provide an affordable and ecologically safe solution for farmers, and to create further economic opportunities for the state. Furthermore, Pacific Biodiesel has made a commitment to share intellectual property rights directly with taro farmers. This may provide taro farmers with the potential for self-funded snail control efforts. No other invasive species control efforts or agencies in the state have created such an option. In addition, farmers on Kauai have developed a series of proven organic cover crop rotation taro farming practices over a period of ten years which suppresses snail presence in lo'i (wetland patches). Both of these initiatives occurred without funding, or state or county agency or institutional support.
Taro farmers have demonstrated their commitment to the survival of taro and to finding a solution to the apple snail problem despite many hurdles, including the lack of committed funding and institutional support. They have initiated and collaborated on an economic impact study, a statewide strategic control plan, and self-initiated research and practices, and have demonstrated a willingness to participate in the taro purity and security dialogue. One of the biggest supporters of taro research and laboratory work is E Kupaku Ka 'Aina – The Hawaii Land Restoration Institute, a non-profit entity, which has worked closely with taro farmers and Pacific Biodiesel in promoting taro protection and improvement.
The purpose of this Act is to provide funding for E Kupaku Ka 'Aina – The Hawaii Land Restoration Institute for:
(1) Laboratory costs and compensation for taro farmers conducting experiments to improve and protect taro;
(2) Documentation of and outreach for taro farmer-developed organic cover crop control practices on Kauai.
SECTION 2. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 for a grant-in-aid to E Kupaku Ka 'Aina – The Hawaii Land Restoration Institute to be allocated as follows:
(1) $450,000 for laboratory costs and compensation for taro farmers conducting experiments to improve and protect taro; and
(2) $50,000 for documentation and outreach of Kauai organic cover crop control practices.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of agriculture for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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