Report Title:
Health care; LRB Study; Appropriation
Authorizes LRB to study two segments of health care in Hawaii: (1) mandatory employee benefits; and (2) state-sponsored portions of medicaid-assisted programs; makes appropriation.
S.B. NO. |
2414 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the costs of living and health care coverage in the State are increasing for many residents. From time to time, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness, the State must evaluate the success of programs that alleviate, if at all, any discrepancies that may exist between the cost of living and health care expenditures, which discrepancies may differ by region, household make-up, or any number of other factors. For this reason, the social and economic consequences of two major health care areas should be studied: (1) benefits under the Prepaid Health Care Act, Act 210, Hawaii Session Laws 1974, which requires employers under specified conditions to pay at least half of the premium costs associated with employee prepaid health care benefits that meet certain standards; and (2) state-funded health insurance programs covering certain individuals deemed eligible under various federal and state guidelines.
The purpose of this Act is to effectuate the recommendations of the Maui health initiative task force established pursuant to Act 219, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007.
SECTION 2. The legislative reference bureau shall study the social and economic consequences of the Prepaid Health Care Act implemented under chapter 393, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and the state-funded portion of the various medicaid-sponsored programs offered by the State authorized under chapter 346, Hawaii Revised Statutes, including medicaid and Med-QUEST.
The analysis of the Prepaid Health Care Act shall include:
(A) The general incidence of health insured and uninsured in the State;
(B) Financial impact on employers;
(C) The extent to which mandated coverage is utilized by employee insureds and their dependents;
(D) The extent to which employees and their dependents covered under mandated employer-sponsored health plans are also eligible to receive any federal health benefits;
(E) The extent to which the lack of mandated coverage could result in persons being unable to obtain health care coverage; and
(F) The extent to which the lack of mandated coverage may result in financial hardship on persons in need of treatment of ailments on an emergent or long-term basis.
The analysis of the various state-funded medicaid programs shall include:
(A) The level of public demand;
(B) The kinds of services being accessed through the programs, whether emergent, associated with long-term illness, etc.;
(C) The household make-up of program benefit recipients, including ages, number of wage-earners, types of professions, highest education levels attained, number of children, and household location;
(D) The potential for any health care alternatives for program benefit recipients; and
(E) Any impact on insureds of medicaid benefits versus other types of health insurance, such as morbidity, mortality, quality of the care provided, or related topics.
The legislative reference bureau may contract the services of a private contractor to conduct all or a portion of the study as it deems appropriate. Any contract executed pursuant to this Act shall be exempt from chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 for the legislative reference bureau to conduct the study described in section 2 of this Act.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the legislative reference bureau.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval; provided that section 3 shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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