Report Title:

School-Based Substance Abuse Programs; Therapeutic Living Programs; Appropriation



Appropriates funds for school-based substance abuse programs and for therapeutic living programs.  (SD1)



S.B. NO.



S.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that substance abuse continues to be a particularly pernicious problem among youth and adolescents in Hawaii that has an especially adverse impact upon families and communities.  Providing substance abuse treatment services to youths and adolescents as soon as possible is necessary to avoid increased costs to the State at a later time.

     According to the department of health in its report, "The 2000 Hawaii Student Alcohol and Drug Abuse Use Study (1987-2000), Hawaii Adolescent Prevention and Treatment Needs Assessment" (department of health report), experts in the field have linked substance abuse to other societal problems, including family dysfunction, juvenile delinquency, poor academic achievement, impaired emotional functioning, and lowered social competence.  Furthermore, the economic costs of substance abuse to society are often astronomical, with much of the burden falling on persons who are not substance abusers.

     Nearly half of all twelfth graders, approximately one-fourth of tenth and eighth graders, and nearly one-tenth of sixth graders have tried at least one drug, with the most prevalent being marijuana, followed by inhalants, hallucinogens, and ecstasy.  The report found that the upsurge in illicit drug use during the last two decades is generally considered a youth phenomenon, given that onset is most likely to occur during adolescence.  Most experts agree that the key to reduction in the State's substance abuse problem lies in preventive efforts and early treatment programs aimed at reaching the State's youth.

     The department of health report found that substance abuse treatment is needed statewide for two per cent of sixth graders, eight per cent of eighth graders, eighteen per cent of tenth graders, and twenty-seven per cent of twelfth graders.  Twelve thousand public school students in grades six through twelve (approximately fourteen per cent) are estimated to need treatment for drug or alcohol abuse.  Statewide treatment needs for combined public and private school population in grades six through twelve are estimated to be 14,175 (thirteen per cent).

     Further, according to the department of health report, substance abuse among youth and adolescents is fueled in significant part by normative social pressure (peer pressure), or the exposure to substance abuse of others.  If a person's friends or family use illicit drugs, that person learns erroneously what society views as acceptable or popular behavior.  Normative pressure exerts a powerful influence on adolescents because group acceptance is often directly related to an adolescent's feelings of self-worth.

     The legislature finds that there is a critical need for substance abuse treatment, therapy, counseling, and intervention services targeting youth and adolescents.  The overall goal of this treatment is to reduce or eliminate the use of drugs as a contributing factor to physical, psychological, and social dysfunction, and to arrest, retard, or reverse the progress of secondary problems.

     The purpose of this part is to appropriate funds to combat substance abuse among youth and adolescents using school-based treatment programs.  Specifically, it is intended that the funds appropriated in this part be used to increase funding for school-based treatment programs in schools that are at less than full funding necessary for such treatment programs and to reduce existing waitlists for these treatment programs.

     SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $800,676 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 for substance abuse services for youth and adolescents.  The amount appropriated shall be apportioned as follows:

     Oahu          $ 100,000

     Kauai           180,000

     Maui            121,000

     Hawaii          399,676


     SECTION 3.  The legislature finds that there is a shortage of safe affordable housing for adults who are newly recovering from alcohol or drug addiction.  Being unemployed and lacking income are obstacles to many of these people's recovery.  Lacking a place to live is also an obstacle to recovery.

     Many newly recovering addicts are seeking services from homeless service providers who are already strained and may not be able to meet their needs.  Providing therapeutic living programs to newly recovering addicts assists them in becoming contributing members of the community and helps to minimize the cost of caring for them at a later time.

     Therapeutic living programs provide a supportive living community for newly recovering addicts.  These programs serve newly recovering addicts who require a residential setting but do not need the structure of a special treatment program, or who are transitioning from a more restrictive setting towards independent living.  Therapeutic living programs are designed to aid residents in meeting basic needs by providing supportive services through an individualized recovery and discharge plan.  All residents are expected to take an active interest in safeguarding and promoting an abstinent and recovery-focused environment.  These programs are required to be in compliance with the administrative rules of the department of health.  There are currently a limited number of therapeutic living programs operating in the State, but the number of newly recovering addicts far exceeds the number that these few programs can accommodate.

     The purpose of this part is to appropriate funds to establish additional therapeutic living programs to increase their availability to newly recovering addicts.

     SECTION 4.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $1,176,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 for the establishment of therapeutic living programs.  The amount appropriated shall be apportioned as follows:

     Oahu          $ 438,000

     Kauai           438,000

     Maui            300,000

     SECTION 5.  The sums appropriated in sections 2 and 4 of this Act shall be expended by the alcohol and drug abuse division of the department of health for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.