Report Title:

Economic Development; Taxation; Ko Olina Tax Credit; Digital Media Arts; Tourism Training Facility



Establishes the tourism training curriculum committee.  Creates a new tax credit for a tourism training facility.  Creates a new tax credit for digital media and performing arts.  Repeals the Ko Olina tax credit.  Appropriates funds.



S.B. NO.


















     SECTION 1.  Chapter 235, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new part to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"PART   . 


     §235-A  Performing arts royalties derived from patents, copyrights, or trade secrets excluded from gross income.  (a)  In addition to the exclusions in section 235-7, there shall be excluded from gross income, adjusted gross income, and taxable income, amounts received by an individual or a qualified business as royalties and other income derived from any patents, copyrights, and trade secrets:

     (1)  Owned by the individual or qualified business; and

     (2)  Developed and arising out of a qualified business.

     (b)  This exclusion shall extend to:

     (1)  The authors of performing arts products, or any parts thereof, without regard to the application of the work-for-hire doctrine under United States copyright law;

     (2)  The authors of performing arts products, or any parts thereof, under the work-for-hire doctrine under United States copyright law; and

     (3)  The assignors, licensors, and licensees of any copyright rights in performing arts products, or any parts thereof.

     (c)  For the purposes of this section:

     "Performing arts products" means:

     (1)  Audio files, video files, audiovideo files, computer animation, and other entertainment products perceived by or through the operation of a computer; and

     (2)  Commercial television and film products for sale or license, and reuse or residual fee payments from these products.

     "Qualified business" means a business engaged in producing performing arts products that conducts more than fifty per cent of its activities in qualified research.

     "Qualified research" means:

     (1)  The same as in section 41(d) of the Internal Revenue Code; and

     (2)  Performing arts products.

     §235-B  Performing arts investment tax credit.  (a)  There shall be allowed to each taxpayer subject to the taxes imposed by  this chapter a performing arts investment tax credit that shall be deductible from the taxpayer's net income tax liability, if any, imposed by this chapter for the taxable year in which the investment was made and the following four years provided the credit is properly claimed.  The tax credit shall be as follows:

     (1)  In the year the investment was made, thirty-five per cent;

     (2)  In the first year following the year in which the investment was made, twenty-five per cent;

     (3)  In the second year following the investment, twenty per cent;

     (4)  In the third year following the investment, ten per cent; and

     (5)  In the fourth year following the investment, ten per cent;

of the investment made by the taxpayer in each qualified business, up to a maximum allowed credit in the year the investment was made, $700,000; in the first year following the year in which the investment was made, $500,000; in the second year following the year in which the investment was made, $400,000; in the third year following the year in which the investment was made, $200,000; and in the fourth year following the year in which the investment was made, $200,000.

     (b)  The credit allowed under this section shall be claimed against the net income tax liability for the taxable year.  For the purpose of this section, "net income tax liability" means net income tax liability reduced by all other credits allowed under this chapter.

     (c)  If the tax credit under this section exceeds the taxpayer's income tax liability for any of the five years that the credit is taken, the excess of the tax credit over liability may be used as a credit against the taxpayer's income tax liability in subsequent years until exhausted.  Every claim, including amended claims, for a tax credit under this section shall be filed on or before the end of the twelfth month following the close of the taxable year for which the credit may be claimed.  Failure to comply with the foregoing provision shall constitute a waiver of the right to claim the credit.

     (d)  If at the close of any taxable year in the five-year period in subsection (a):

     (1)  The business no longer qualifies as a qualified business;

     (2)  The business or an interest in the business has been sold by the taxpayer investing in the qualified business; or

     (3)  The taxpayer has withdrawn the taxpayer's investment wholly or partially from the qualified business;

the credit claimed under this section shall be recaptured.  The recapture shall be equal to ten per cent of the amount of the total tax credit claimed under this section in the preceding two taxable years.  The amount of the credit recaptured shall apply only to the investment in the particular qualified business that meets the requirements of paragraph (1), (2), or (3).  The recapture provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a tax credit claimed for a qualified business that does not fall within the provisions of paragraph (1), (2), or (3).  The amount of the recaptured tax credit determined under this subsection shall be added to the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxable year in which the recapture occurs under this subsection.

     (e)  Every taxpayer, before March 31 of each year in which an investment in a qualified business was made in the previous taxable year, shall submit a written, certified statement to the director of taxation identifying:

     (1)  Qualified investments, if any, expended in the previous taxable year;

     (2)  The amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this section, if any, in the previous taxable year; and

     (3)  The number of total hires versus the number of local hires by category (i.e., department) and by country.

The department of taxation shall use the information from the statements submitted each year under this subsection to prepare a report published by April 1 of each year presenting the information received under this subsection.  The information shall be presented in the aggregate and shall be available to the public.

     (f)  The department shall:

     (1)  Maintain records of the names and addresses of the taxpayers claiming the credits under this section and the total amount of the qualified investment costs upon which the tax credit is based;

     (2)  Verify the nature and amount of the qualifying investments;

     (3)  Total all qualifying and cumulative investments that the department certifies; and

     (4)  Certify the amount of the tax credit for each taxable year and cumulative amount of the tax credit.

     Upon each determination made under this subsection, the department shall issue a certificate to the taxpayer verifying information submitted to the department, including qualifying investment amounts, the credit amount certified for each taxable year, and the cumulative amount of the tax credit during the credit period.  The taxpayer shall file the certificate with the taxpayer's tax return with the department.

     The director of taxation may assess and collect a fee to offset the costs of certifying tax credits claims under this section.  All fees collected under this section shall be deposited into the tax administration special fund established under section 235-20.5.

     (g)  As used in this section:

     "Investment tax credit allocation ratio" means, with respect to a taxpayer that has made an investment in a qualified business, the ratio of:

     (1)  The amount of the credit under this section that is, or is to be, received by or allocated to the taxpayer over the life of the investment, as a result of the investment; to

     (2)  The amount of the investment in the qualified business.

     "Performing arts products" means the same as defined in section 235-A.

     "Qualified business" means a business engaged in producing performing arts products, employing or owning capital or property, or maintaining an office, in this State; provided that:

     (1)  More than fifty per cent of its total business activities are qualified research; and provided further that the business conducts more than seventy-five per cent of its qualified research in this State; or

     (2)  More than seventy-five per cent of its gross income is derived from qualified research; and provided further that this income is received from:

         (A)  Products sold from, manufactured in, or produced State; or

         (B)  Services performed in this State.

     "Qualified research" means the same as defined in section 235-A.

     (h)  Common law principles, including the doctrine of economic substance and business purpose, shall apply to any investment.  There exists a presumption that a transaction satisfies the doctrine of economic substance and business purpose to the extent that the special allocation of the production arts tax credit has an investment tax credit ratio of 1.5 or less of credit for every dollar invested.

     Transactions for which an investment tax credit allocation ratio greater than 1.5 but not more than 2.0 of credit for every dollar invested and claimed may be reviewed by the department for applicable doctrines of economic substance and business purpose.

     Businesses claiming a tax credit for transactions with investment tax credit allocation ratios greater than 2.0 of credit for every dollar invested shall substantiate economic merit and business purpose consistent with this section.

     (i)  Persons eligible for a tax credit under section 235‑D may claim a tax credit under this section but not under section 235‑110.9.  Persons not eligible for a tax credit under 235‑D shall not claim any tax credit under this section.  Any person that has:

     (1)  Claimed the tax credit under section 235-110.9; and

     (2)  Not exhausted the right to claim the tax credit for the five-year period provided thereunder,

shall be eligible to continue to claim the tax credit, without reduction or requalification, for the remainder of the five-year period pursuant to this section.

     (j)  This section shall not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010.

     §235-C  Tax credit for performing arts research activities.  (a)  Section 41 (with respect to the credit for increasing research activities) and section 280C(c) (with respect to certain expenses for which the credit for increasing research activities are allowable) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for the purposes of this chapter as provided in this section; except that references to the base amount shall not apply and credit for all qualified research expenses may be taken without regard to the amount of expenses for previous years.  If section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code is repealed or terminated prior to January 1, 2011, its provisions shall remain in effect for purposes of the income tax law of the State as modified by this section, as provided for in subsection (j).

     (b)  All references to Internal Revenue Code sections within sections 41 and 280C(c) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be operative for purposes of this section.

     (c)  There shall be allowed to each qualified business subject to the tax imposed by this chapter an income tax credit for qualified research activities equal to the credit for research activities provided by section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code and as modified by this section.  The credit shall be deductible from the taxpayer's net income tax liability, if any, imposed by this chapter for the taxable year in which the credit is properly claimed.

     (d)  Every qualified business, before March 31 of each year qualified research and development activity was conducted in the previous taxable year, shall submit a written, certified statement to the director of taxation identifying:

     (1)  Qualified expenditures, if any, expended in the previous taxable year; and

     (2)  The amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this section, if any, in the previous taxable year.

The department of taxation shall use the information from the statements submitted each year under this subsection to prepare a report published by April 1 of each year presenting the information received under this subsection.  The information shall be presented in the aggregate and shall be available to the public.

     (e)  The department shall:

     (1)  Maintain records of the names and addresses of the taxpayers claiming the credits under this section and the total amount of the qualified research and development activity costs upon which the tax credit is based;

     (2)  Verify the nature and amount of the qualifying costs or expenditures;

     (3)  Total all qualifying and cumulative costs or expenditures that the department certifies; and

     (4)  Certify the amount of the tax credit for each taxable year and cumulative amount of the tax credit.

     Upon each determination made under this subsection, the department shall issue a certificate to the taxpayer verifying information submitted to the department, including the qualifying costs or expenditure amounts, the credit amount certified for each taxable year, and the cumulative amount of the tax credit during the credit period.  The taxpayer shall file the certificate with the taxpayer's tax return with the department.

     The director of taxation may assess and collect a fee to offset the costs of certifying tax credit claims under this section.  All fees collected under this section shall be deposited into the tax administration special fund established under section 235-20.5.

     (f)  As used in this section:

     "Basic research" under section 41(e) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not include research conducted outside of the State.

     "Qualified business" means the same as in section 235-B.

     "Qualified research" under section 41(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code shall not include research conducted outside of the State.

     (g)  If the tax credit for qualified performing arts research activities claimed by a taxpayer exceeds the amount of income tax payment due from the taxpayer, the excess of the tax credit over payments due shall be refunded to the taxpayer; provided that no refund on account of the tax credit allowed by this section shall be made for amounts less than $1.

     (h)  All claims for a tax credit under this section shall be filed on or before the end of the twelfth month following the close of the taxable year for which the credit may be claimed.  Failure to properly claim the credit shall constitute a waiver of the right to claim the credit.

     (i)  The director of taxation may adopt any rules under chapter 91 and forms necessary to carry out this section.

     (j)  Persons eligible to claim a tax credit under section 235‑D may claim a tax credit under this section but not under section 235-110.91.  Persons not eligible for a tax credit under section 235-D shall not claim a tax credit under this section.  Any person that has:

     (1)  Claimed the tax credit under section 235-110.91; and

     (2)  Not exhausted the right to claim the tax credit provided thereunder,

shall be eligible to continue to claim the tax credit, without reduction or requalification, pursuant to this section.

     (k)  This section shall not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010."

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 201, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§201-    Tourism training curriculum committee; members; duties.  (a)  There is created a tourism training curriculum committee to be placed within the department for administrative purposes only.

     (b)  The tourism training curriculum committee shall consist of the following members:

     (1)  A representative from the Hawaii tourism authority, to be selected by the governor from a list created by the president of the senate;

     (2)  A representative of the University of Ha waii school of travel industry management, to be selected by the governor from a list created by the president of the senate;

     (3)  A representative from the Hawaii Restaurant Association, to be selected by the governor from a list created by the speaker of the house of representatives; and

     (4)  A representative from the Hawaii Hotel Association, to be selected by the governor from a list created by the speaker of the house of representatives.

     (c)  Members of the tourism training curriculum committee shall serve for a term of five years.  Members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms and shall not be subject to section 26-34.

     (d)  The tourism training curriculum committee shall be responsible for certifying the curriculum of any tourism training facility in the State that is eligible for a tax credit under section 235-  ; provided that a certified curriculum shall be submitted to the tourism training curriculum committee for recertification every two years after the initial certification.

     (e)  Members of the tourism training curriculum committee shall serve without compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses, including travel or other expenses incidental to their service on the advisory committee."

     SECTION 3.  Chapter 235, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§235-    Tourism training facility tax credit.  (a)  There shall be allowed to each qualified taxpayer subject to the taxes imposed by this chapter or chapter 237, a tax credit that may be claimed for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, for qualified costs in the development of a world-class tourism training facility.  The tax credit shall be deductible from the taxpayer's net income tax liability, if any, imposed by this chapter and, at the election of the taxpayer, from the tax liability imposed by chapter 237.

     (b)  The tax credit earned shall be equal to the qualified costs incurred from June 1, 2008, through May 31, 2018, up to a maximum of $           of credits in the aggregate for all qualified taxpayers for all years; provided that notwithstanding the amount of tax credits earned in any year, a maximum of $           of tax credits in the aggregate for all qualified taxpayers may be used in any one taxable year.  The credits over $           shall be used as provided in subsection (d).

     In the case of a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, estate trust, or association of apartment owners, the tax credit allowable is for qualified costs incurred by the entity.  The costs upon which the tax credit is computed shall be determined at the entity level.

     (c)  To qualify for the tax credit, a taxpayer shall:

     (1)  Meet the curriculum certification and recertification requirements of the tourism training curriculum committee as provided in section 201‑  ; and

     (2)  Have expended qualified costs on, be developing, or operating a world-class tourism training facility in the State; and

     (3)  Acquire or own the property upon which the tourism training facility is sited, and lease, sell, or set aside a portion of the property for use as training and educational facilities for a period of not less than ten years to a taxpayer meeting the requirements of subsection (c)(1).

     (d)  If the tax credit under this section exceeds $           in the aggregate for all qualified taxpayers for any taxable year or exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability under this chapter or chapter 237 for any year for which the credit is taken, the excess of the tax credit may be used as a credit against the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxes set forth in this section in subsequent years until exhausted; provided that the taxpayer may continue to claim the credit provided in this section if the qualified costs are incurred before June 1, 2018, subject to the monetary ceilings subsection (b).

     (e)  Every claim, including amended claims, for a tax credit under this section shall be filed on or before the end of the twelfth month following the close of the taxable year for which the credit may be claimed.  Failure to comply with the foregoing provision shall constitute a waiver of the right to claim the credit.

     (f)  If, at any time during the period in which tax credits are earned under this section, the costs incurred no longer meet the definition of qualified costs, the credits claimed under this section shall be recaptured.  The recapture shall be equal to one hundred per cent of the total tax credits claimed under this section for the preceding taxable year; provided that the amount of the credits recaptured shall apply only to those costs that no longer meet the definition of qualified costs.  The amount of the recaptured tax credits determined under this subsection shall be added to the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxable year in which the recapture occurs under this subsection.

     (g)  If any credit is claimed under this section, then no taxpayer shall claim a credit under any chapter identified in this section for the same qualified costs for which a credit is claimed under this section.

     (h)  The director of taxation shall prepare any forms that may be necessary to claim a credit under this section.  The director may also require the taxpayer to furnish information to ascertain the validity of the claims for credits made under this section and may adopt rules necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section pursuant to chapter 91.

     Every qualified taxpayer, no later than April 1 of each year in which qualified costs were expended in the previous taxable year, shall submit a written, certified statement to the director of business, economic development, and tourism, in the form specified by the director of business, economic development, and tourism, identifying:

     (1)  Qualified costs, if any, expended in the previous taxable year;

     (2)  The amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this section, if any, in the previous taxable year; and

     (3)  The tax liability under this chapter and chapter 237 against which the tax credits are claimed.

Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, a statement submitted under this subsection shall be a public document.

     (i)  The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall maintain records of the names of taxpayers eligible for the credits and the total amount of qualified costs incurred from June 1, 2008, through May 31, 2018.  The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall verify all qualified costs and, upon each determination, shall issue a certificate to the taxpayer certifying:

     (1)  The amount of the qualified costs; and

     (2)  The amount of tax credit that the taxpayer is allowed to use for the taxable year.

     The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall certify no more than $          in credits in the aggregate for all taxpayers for each taxable year; provided that the department may verify qualified costs of no more than $          from June 1, 2008, through May 31, 2018.  The taxpayer shall file the certificate with the taxpayer's return with the department of taxation.

     (j)  As used in this section:

     "Qualified costs" means any costs for plans, design, and construction, costs for equipment that is permanently affixed to a building or structure, and acquisition of facilities for tourism training facility purposes, costs related to personnel due to reassignment for training while not being available for normal duties, up to a total of $          in the aggregate, incurred after May 31, 2008, and before June 1, 2018, in the State for the development of a world-class tourism training facility; provided that "qualified costs" shall not include land acquisition costs.

     "Qualified taxpayer" means a person who fulfills the requirements of subsection (c).

     "Tourism training facility" means a facility that serves an educational program that features service and management-oriented training and a state-or-the-art laboratory for students in the hospitality and tourism business industry, the curriculum for which has been certified as provided in section 201‑  ."

     SECTION 4.  Section 235-17, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:

     1.  By renumbering the section, inserting it into the new part of chapter 235, Hawaii Revised Statutes, established under section 2 of this Act, and amending subsection (a) to read:

     "[§235-17] §235-D  Motion picture, digital media, and film production income tax credit.  (a)  Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, there shall be allowed to each taxpayer subject to the taxes imposed by this chapter, an income tax credit which shall be deductible from the taxpayer's net income tax liability, if any, imposed by this chapter for the taxable year in which the credit is properly claimed.  The amount of the credit shall be:

     (1)  [Fifteen] Thirty per cent of the qualified production costs incurred by a qualified production in any county of the State with a population of over seven hundred thousand; or

     (2)  [Twenty] Forty per cent of the qualified production costs incurred by a qualified production in any county of the State with a population of seven hundred thousand or less.

A qualified production occurring in more than one county may prorate its expenditures based upon the amounts spent in each county, if the population bases differ enough to change the percentage of tax credit.

     In the case of a partnership, S corporation, estate, or trust, the tax credit allowable is for qualified production costs incurred by the entity for the taxable year.  The cost upon which the tax credit is computed shall be determined at the entity level.  Distribution and share of credit shall be determined by rule.

     If a deduction is taken under section 179 (with respect to election to expense depreciable business assets) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, no tax credit shall be allowed for those costs for which the deduction is taken.

     The basis for eligible property for depreciation of accelerated cost recovery system purposes for state income taxes shall be reduced by the amount of credit allowable and claimed."   2.  By amending subsection (h) to read:

     "(h)  Every taxpayer claiming a tax credit under this section for a qualified production shall, no later than ninety days following the end of each taxable year in which qualified production costs were expended, submit a written, sworn statement to the department of business, economic development, and tourism, identifying:

     (1)  All qualified production costs as provided by subsection (a), if any, incurred in the previous taxable year;

     (2)  The amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this section, if any, in the previous taxable year; and

     (3)  The number of total hires versus the number of local hires by category (i.e., department) and by county.

The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall use the information from the statements submitted under this section to prepare a report published by December 31 presenting the information received under this subsection.  The information shall be presented in the aggregate and shall be available to the public."

     3.  By amending subsection (j) to read:

     "(j)  Total tax credits claimed per qualified productions shall not exceed [$8,000,000.] $          ."

     SECTION 5.  Section 235-110.46, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.

     ["[§235-110.46]  Attractions and educational facilities tax credit; Ko Olina Resort and Marina; Makaha Resort.  (a)  There shall be allowed to each qualified taxpayer subject to the taxes imposed by this chapter or chapter 237, 237D, 238, 239, 241, or 431, a tax credit [that] may be claimed for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, for qualified costs in the development of facilities for attractions and educational purposes at Ko Olina Resort and Marina and at Makaha Resort.  The tax credit shall be deductible from the taxpayer's net income tax liability, if any, imposed by this chapter and, at the election of the taxpayer, from the tax liability imposed by chapters 237, 237D, 238, 239, 241, and 431.

     (b)  The tax credit earned shall be equal to the qualified costs incurred from June 1, 2003, through May 31, 2009, up to a maximum of $75,000,000 of credits in the aggregate for all qualified taxpayers for all years; provided that notwithstanding the amount of tax credits earned in any year, a maximum of $7,500,000 of tax credits in the aggregate for all qualified taxpayers may be used in any one taxable year.  The credits over $7,500,000 shall be used as provided in subsection (d).  In the case of a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, estate, trust, or association of apartment owners, the tax credit allowable is for qualified costs incurred by the entity.  The costs upon which the tax credit is computed shall be determined at the entity level.

     (c)  To qualify for the tax credit, a taxpayer shall:

     (1)  Have expended qualified costs on and be developing a world-class aquarium and marine science and mammal research facility at Ko Olina Resort and Marina; and

     (2)  Dedicate one-half of the net operating income of the world-class aquarium to the State, beginning on the first day of the seventeenth year following the year in which the attractions and educational facilities credit was first taken; or

     (3)  Acquire or own the Makaha Resort, and lease or sell a portion of the Makaha Resort for use as training and educational facilities for a period of not less than six years to a taxpayer meeting the requirements of subsection (c)(1).

     (d)  If the tax credit under this section exceeds $7,500,000 in the aggregate for all qualified taxpayers for any taxable year or exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability under this chapter or chapters 237, 237D, 238, 239, 241, and 431 for any year for which the credit is taken, the excess of the tax credit may be used as a credit against the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxes set forth in this section in subsequent years until exhausted; provided that the taxpayer may continue to claim the credit provided in this section if the qualified costs are incurred before June 1, 2009, subject to the monetary ceilings in subsection (b).

     (e)  Every claim, including amended claims, for a tax credit under this section shall be filed on or before the end of the twelfth month following the close of the taxable year for which the credit may be claimed.  Failure to comply with the foregoing provision shall constitute a waiver of the right to claim the credit.

     (f)  If, at any time during the six-year period in which tax credits are earned under this section, the costs incurred no longer meet the definition of qualified costs, the credits claimed under this section shall be recaptured.  The recapture shall be equal to one hundred per cent of the total tax credits claimed under this section for the preceding taxable year; provided that the amount of the credits recaptured shall apply only to those costs that no longer meet the definition of qualified costs.  The amount of the recaptured tax credits determined under this subsection shall be added to the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxable year in which the recapture occurs under this subsection.

     (g)  If any credit is claimed under this section, then no taxpayer shall claim a credit under any chapter identified in this section for the same qualified costs for which a credit is claimed under this section.

     (h)  The director of taxation shall prepare any forms that may be necessary to claim a credit under this section.  The director may also require the taxpayer to furnish information to ascertain the validity of the claims for credits made under this section and may adopt rules necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section pursuant to chapter 91.

     Every qualified taxpayer, no later than March 31 of each year in which qualified costs were expended in the previous taxable year, shall submit a written, certified statement to the director of business, economic development, and tourism, in the form specified by the director of business, economic development, and tourism, identifying:

     (1)  Qualified costs, if any, expended in the previous taxable year;

     (2)  The amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this section, if any, in the previous taxable year; and

     (3)  The tax liability under this chapter and chapters 237, 237D, 238, 239, 241, and 431 against which the tax credits are claimed.

Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, a statement submitted under this subsection shall be a public document.

     (i)  The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall maintain records of the names of taxpayers eligible for the credits and the total amount of qualified costs incurred from June 1, 2003, through May 31, 2009.  The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall verify all qualified costs and, upon each determination, shall issue a certificate to the taxpayer certifying:

     (1)  The amount of the qualified costs; and

     (2)  The amount of tax credit that the taxpayer is allowed to use for the taxable year.

     The department of business, economic development, and tourism shall certify no more than $7,500,000 in credits in the aggregate for all taxpayers for each taxable year; provided that the department may verify qualified costs of no more than $75,000,000 from June 1, 2003, through May 31, 2009.  The taxpayer shall file the certificate with the taxpayer's return with the department of taxation.

     (j)  As used in this section:

     "Ko Olina Resort and Marina" means the six hundred forty-two acres reclassified to urban district by Decision and Order entered on September 12, 1985, in Docket A83-562, by the land use commission.

     "Makaha Resort" means the three hundred thirty-two acre property identified as tax map keys (1) 8-04-002 parcels 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 67 and (1) 8-04-029-142.

     "Qualified costs" means any costs for plans, design, and construction, costs for equipment that is permanently affixed to a building or structure, and acquisition of facilities for educational purposes, up to a total of $75,000,000 in the aggregate, incurred after May 31, 2003, and before June 1, 2009, at either or both of:

     (1)  Ko Olina Resort and Marina for the development of facilities for attractions and educational purposes, and for infrastructure within the Ko Olina Resort and Marina that is directly related to those facilities, including a world-class aquarium, marine science and mammal research facilities, international sports training complex, a travel industry management intern campus, infrastructure for the transfer of ocean waters to the aquarium or marine mammal facilities, or both, seawater air conditioning, and other educational facilities developed or operated in cooperation with the University of Hawaii or other educational institutions; or

     (2)  Makaha Resort for the development of a training and educational facility within a working resort and hotel;

provided that "qualified costs" shall not include land acquisition costs.

     "Qualified taxpayer" means a person who fulfills the requirements of subsection (c)."]

     SECTION 6.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $          , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009, for the planning, design, and construction of a permanent facility for the academy for creative media at the University of Hawaii.

     The sums appropriated shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 7.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 8.  This Act, upon its approval, shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007; provided that sections 2 and 6 shall take effect on July 1, 2007; provided that section 3, shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008.


