Report Title:

CIP; 20th Senatorial District



Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 20th senatorial district.



S.B. NO.













relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE twentieth SENATORIAL DISTRICT.





     SECTION 1.  The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $242,173,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for fiscal year 2007-2008, for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the twentieth senatorial district, as follows:

1.   Campbell high school

     A.   New classroom building

          Design                      $1,230,000

          Construction               $19,640,000

          Equipment                     $130,000

          Total funding                             $21,000,000

     B.   Air-conditioning for entire school

          Design                        $600,000

          Construction               $10,400,000

          Equipment                   $1,000,000

          Total funding                             $12,000,000

     C.   Athletic complex

          Plans                         $250,000

          Total funding                                $250,000

2.   Ewa elementary school

     A.   Construction of classroom building

          Design                        $550,000

          Construction                $7,350,000

          Equipment                     $100,000

          Total funding                              $8,000,000

     B.   Construction of playground equipment

          Design                         $10,000

          Construction                   $50,000

          Total funding                                 $60,000

3.   Ewa Beach elementary school

     A.   Air conditioning system

          Design                        $220,000

          Construction                $3,280,000

          Equipment                     $500,000

          Total funding                              $4,000,000

     B.   Conversion of G building kitchen and dining hall into classrooms and office space; equipment; ground and site improvements

          Design                        $100,000

          Construction                $1,170,000

          Equipment                      $30,000

          Total funding                              $1,300,000

4.   Ewa Makai middle school

          Land                            $1,000

          Construction               $66,882,000

          Equipment                     $800,000

          Total funding                             $67,683,000

5.   Ilima intermediate school

     A.   Air-conditioning all classrooms and administration building

          Design                        $600,000

          Construction                $9,680,000

          Total funding                             $10,280,000

     B.   Renovation and expansion of library

          Design                        $570,000

          Construction                $5,320,000

          Equipment                      $50,000

          Total funding                              $5,940,000

     C.   Replacement and installation of public address system

          Design                         $35,000

          Construction                  $280,000

          Total funding                                $315,000

     D.   Expansion of school parking lot

          Design                         $55,000

          Construction                  $600,000

          Total funding                                $655,000

6.   Iroquois Point elementary school

     A.   Construction of volleyball court

          Design                         $40,000

          Construction                  $230,000

          Total funding                                $270,000

     B.   Installation of grassed field with sprinkler system

          Design                         $40,000

          Construction                  $340,000

          Total funding                                $380,000

7.   Kaimiloa elementary school

     A.   Construction of new classroom building

          Design                        $700,000

          Construction                $7,500,000

          Equipment                       50,000

          Total funding                              $8,250,000

     B.   Air-conditioning the entire school.

          Design                        $470,000

          Construction                $4,960,000

          Total funding                              $5,430,000

8.   Pohakea elementary school

     Construction for air-conditioning

     and electrical upgrade of the

     entire school

          Design                        $530,000

          Construction                $5,965,000

          Equipment                       $5,000

          Total funding                              $6,500,000

9.   Waipahu intermediate school

     A.   Telecommunications system and                

          electrical system upgrade

          Design                        $140,000

          Construction                $1,200,000

          Total funding                              $1,340,000

     B.   Parking lot

          Extension of lot to include additional parking stalls to ease traffic flow on Waikele road

          Design                         $50,000

          Construction                  $370,000

          Total funding                                $420,000

10.  East-West connector road, department of Hawaiian home lands planning, design, and construction for phase I of an East-West connector road

          Design                          $1,000

          Construction               $17,224,000

          Total funding                             $17,225,000

11.  North-South road widening North-South road from four to six lanes

          Design                          $1,000

          Construction               $19,999,000

          Total funding                             $20,000,000

12.  Ocean Pointe marina Oahu land acquisition and construction for an intra-island ferry

          Land acquisition           $10,000,000

          Construction               $10,000,000

          Total funding                             $20,000,000

13.  Connection road over OR&L Company railroad tracks connection road over OR&L Company railroad tracks linking Keaunui drive to Renton road

          Total funding                                $500,000

14.  Fort Weaver road; frontage road to serve the state child and family service complex linking facility complex to Old Fort Weaver road

          Plans                          $25,000

          Design                        $250,000

          Construction                $5,000,000

          Total funding                              $5,275,000

15.  Leeward bikeway phase I and II

          Land acquisition           $10,000,000

          Plans                         $100,000

          Design                      $2,000,000

          Construction               $13,000,000

          Total funding                             $25,100,000

     SECTION 2.  The appropriation made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal biennium for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2010, shall lapse as of that date.

     SECTION 3.  The sums appropriated for the respective capital improvement projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the department of education, in the case of items 1 to 9, the department of Hawaiian home lands, in the case of item 10, and the department of transportation, in the case of items 11 to 15, for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2007.


