Report Title:
Pregnant Women Support Fund; Creation
Establishes the pregnant women special fund for the purpose of accepting funds to be used to collected data on abortion services, create a program for domestic violence against pregnant women, public education programs, education services for new mothers and mothers-to-be, and equipment. Requires health practitioners licensed in the State providing prenatal care to counsel patients regarding HIV and prenatally diagnosed conditions.
S.B. NO. |
1782 |
relating to pregnant women.
SECTION 1. Chapter 321, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding two new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§321- Pregnant women special fund; purpose; guidelines. (a) There is created in the state treasury the Hawaii pregnant women special fund. The fund is to be administered by the department of health and may receive legislative appropriations, grants, and gifts.
(b) The department may solicit gifts, donations, bequests, and grants on behalf of the fund from any source and deposit all moneys received into the fund. All interest earned or accrued on the moneys deposited into the fund shall become part of the fund.
(c) The department shall expend moneys contained in the fund solely for the purposes of:
(1) Collecting and reporting abortion surveillance data;
(2) Purchasing or upgrading ultrasound equipment;
(3) Creating a separate program for domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking screening against pregnant women and new mothers;
(4) Encouraging additional authorization of appropriations for a public campaign to increase public awareness;
(5) Providing support services for students of institutions of higher education;
(6) Providing funds to allow early childhood education programs to work with pregnant or parenting teens to complete high school and provide job training education; and
(7) Providing for teenage or first time mothers education on the health needs of their infants through free home visits by registered nurses.
(d) The department shall submit to the governor and the legislature no later than the twentieth day before each legislative session, an annual report of all gifts, donations, grants, and bequests accepted into the fund, including the names of the donors and the respective amounts contributed.
(e) The department shall establish an application process and related procedures for community health centers, migrant health centers, homeless health centers, and public-housing centers seeking grants from the fund. A grant may only be made after the successful completion of the application and any supporting material deemed to be necessary by the department.
§321- Routine component of prenatal care. (a) Every practitioner licensed to practice in the State and who renders prenatal care shall include the following as routine components of prenatal care:
(1) Advise every pregnant patient of the value of testing for human immunodeficiency virus infection and request consent of the patient to perform the testing. The practitioner shall council all pregnant women with human immunodeficiency virus-positive results about the dangers to the fetus and the advisability of receiving treatment in accordance with the current Center for Disease Control recommendations for pregnant women with human immunodeficiency virus. Any patient may refuse consent to testing and recommended treatment. Documentation of the refusal shall be maintained in the patient's medical record; and
(2) Provide a patient having received a positive test indicating a prenatally diagnosed condition, such as Down syndrome, with up-to-date, scientific written information concerning the life expectancy, clinical course, and intellectual and functional development and treatment options for the fetus or the child born with the condition. The practitioner shall provide a referral to support services providers, including information hotlines specific to Down syndrome or other prenatally diagnosed conditions, resource centers, and other education and support programs. For the purposes of this section, "prenatally diagnosed condition" means any fetal health condition identified by prenatal genetic testing or prenatal screening procedures.
(b) All provisions regarding patient confidentially and counseling, including but not limited to sections 321-423 and 325-101 shall apply to all prenatal screening required in this section."
SECTION 2. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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