Report Title:

Neighborhood Boards; Public Meetings



Authorizes public input at noticed neighborhood board meetings and discussion but not decision on those issues.  Allows two or more neighborhood board members, but less than a quorum, to attend meetings relating to board business. Clarifies neighborhood board actions on unanticipated events.



S.B. NO.














relating to public meetings.





     SECTION 1.  Chapter 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding three new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§92-     Neighborhood board; notice and agenda; public input; quorum.  (a)  The agenda required to be included in written public notice of a neighborhood board meeting may include an opportunity for the board to receive public input on issues not specifically noticed for consideration at the forthcoming meeting. 

(b)  Any matter raised as part of the public input agenda may be discussed and information on the matter may be received by the board at the meeting; provided that the board may not make a decision on the issue.  The board may make decisions on matters raised by public input only at a meeting continued to a reasonable day and time and for which an amended agenda has been filed.

     (c)  A quorum is required only to conduct official board business or for the purpose of discussion and voting required to validate an act of the board as part of official board business. A board may receive information on official board business without a quorum; provided that the board may not make a decision on the issue.

     "§92-    Permitted interactions of neighborhood board members.  (a)  Two or more members of a neighborhood board, but less than the number of members necessary to constitute a quorum for the board, may attend informational meetings or presentations on matters relating to official board business, including meetings of another entity, seminars, and community meetings; provided that the presentation is not specifically and exclusively organized for or directed toward members of the board. 

     (b)  Neighborhood board members may participate in discussions, including discussions among themselves, provided that the discussions occur during and as part of the informational meeting or presentation and there is no deliberation on the issue.  The board members, at the next duly noticed meeting of their neighborhood board, shall report their attendance and the matters presented and discussed that related to official board business at the informational meeting or presentation.

     §92-    Neighborhood board meeting; unanticipated events; public interest.  (a)  For purposes of this section, an unanticipated event that occurs after public notice of a neighborhood board meeting has been issued but before the scheduled meeting, may be the subject of discussion and deliberation at the scheduled meeting if timely action on the matter is necessary.  At a duly noticed meeting, a board may take action on an unanticipated event in the public interest that is not on the agenda in the same manner as if the board had held an emergency meeting pursuant to section 92-8 to take action on the issue.

     (b)  An unanticipated event that is a public interest issue is an issue that concerns public health, safety, or welfare that has become known to the board or the public after the scheduled meeting was duly noticed, but before the date of the meeting."

     SECTION 2.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.


