Report Title:
Board; Department of Land and Natural Resources
Requires that at least one member on the board of land and natural resources have substantial experience or expertise in traditional native Hawaiian land, coastal, and ocean management techniques and usage, and knowledge of cultural land, coastal, and ocean practices. (SD1)
S.B. NO. |
1540 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. The public land trust makes up more than ninety-four per cent of all state lands. The sound and prudent management of all state lands and coastal resources is of critical importance to native Hawaiians both as a revenue source for their self-determination and for the preservation of their cultural and religious practices. The State's decisions concerning land use and the management of coastal zone resources directly affect native Hawaiians.
The purpose of this Act is to require that at least one member on the board of land and natural resources have substantial experience or expertise in traditional native Hawaiian land, coastal, and ocean management techniques and usage, and knowledge of cultural land, coastal, and ocean practices.
SECTION 2. Section 26-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) The department of land and natural resources shall be headed by an executive board to be known as the board of land and natural resources, except for matters relating to the state water code where the commission on water resource management shall have exclusive jurisdiction and final authority.
The board shall consist of seven members, one from each land district and three at large. The appointment, tenure, and removal of the members and the filling of vacancies on the board shall be as provided in section 26-34. At least one member of the board shall have a background in conservation and natural resources, as provided in section 171-4. At least one member of the board shall have substantial experience or expertise in traditional Hawaiian land, coastal, and ocean management techniques and usage, and knowledge of cultural land, coastal, and ocean practices.
The governor shall appoint the chairperson of the board from among the members thereof.
The board may delegate to the chairperson such duties, powers, and authority, or so much thereof, as may be lawful or proper for the performance of the functions vested in the board.
The chairperson of the board shall serve in a full-time capacity. The chairperson, in that capacity, shall perform those duties, and exercise those powers and authority, or so much thereof, as may be delegated by the board."
SECTION 3. Section 171-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) The board of land and natural resources shall be composed of seven members, one from each land district and three at large, to be nominated and, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, appointed by the governor as provided in section 26-34. The term and removal of a member of the board and the filling of a vacancy on the board shall also be as provided in section 26-34. There shall be not more than three members on the board from the same political party. At least one member of the board shall have a background in conservation and natural resources, as evidenced by:
(1) A college degree in a relevant field, including forestry, wildlife conservation, geology, environmental science, or marine biology; or
(2) Work history sufficient to demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge in the subject of land and natural resources, including parks and recreation, public lands management, natural area reserves, aquatic resources, boating and recreation, forestry and wildlife, water resources management, or conservation and resources.
At least one member of the board shall have substantial experience or expertise in traditional Hawaiian land, coastal, and ocean management techniques and usage, and knowledge of cultural land, coastal, and ocean practices."
SECTION 4. This Act shall apply to the board of land and natural resources upon the next vacancy that occurs or exists after the effective date of this Act.
SECTION 5. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.