Report Title:
Public charter schools.
Enhances and provides organizational support to sustain the independence of charter schools. Sets for the powers and responsibilities of charter schools. Provides charter schools with the resources and allows additional start-up charter schools to be established.
S.B. NO. |
1432 |
SECTION 1. Chapter 302B, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding three new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
1. "§302B-__ Purpose. The purposes of this chapter are to authorize the establishment of public charter schools, and to establish the public charter school authority as a separate subsystem of the State's single statewide system of public schools to provide for the governance and administrative organization and support for all public charter schools.
The legislature's underlying objectives in authorizing the establishment of public charter schools are to:
(1) Provide administrators, parents, students, and teachers with expanded alternative public school choices in the types of settings, programs, and instruction available;
(2) Encourage the use of different and innovative teaching methods;
(3) Create new professional opportunities for teachers, including the opportunity to be responsible for the learning program at a school site;
(4) Provide parents and students with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the State's statewide system of public schools; and
(5) Provide a venue for promoting the study of Hawaii's culture, history, and language.
In enacting this chapter, it is the intention of the legislature to provide public charter schools with sufficient resources and support, and clear directions for their governance and administration to sustain their efforts to develop an alternative learning environment, school setting, curriculum, and educational services specifically suited to the needs of their students, and provide parents and students with an additional academic choices."
2. "§302B-__ Funding and fiscal support. (a) The authority shall prepare an annual budget for the public charter school subsystem, including the office, any additional chartering authority the board may designate, and all public charter schools, for submission to the board of education for inclusion, without modification or reduction by the board of education, in the budget the department submits to the director of finance and governor. The budget request shall include separate requests to cover expenses for instructional activities, including special education and support services, employment taxes and fringe benefits, and facilities, and shall be based on appropriations for the department in the general appropriations act for the most recently completed fiscal year.
(b) The budget request for instructional activities, and facilities, respectively, shall be based upon:
(1) The total enrollment of regular education and special education students at charter schools, verified as of October 15 of the current school year;
(2) The sums appropriated to the department for the most recently completed fiscal year for instructional activities, physical plant operations and maintenance, and facilities, less so much of such sums as are appropriated for employment taxes and fringe benefits, in all cost categories, and for all means of financing except federal funds; and
(3) The total enrollment of regular education and special education students enrolled in the schools established and maintained by the department for that same fiscal year;
(c) The separate budget request for employment taxes and fringe benefits shall be based upon:
(1) The total number of employees employed by the authority as of October 15 of the current school year;
(2) The sums appropriated to the department for employment taxes and fringe benefits; and
(3) The total number of positions authorized to the department for that fiscal year, in all cost categories, for all means of financing;
provided that the authority may include any other amounts in its budget request, including amounts for collectively bargained increases, and capital improvements, as it deems necessary.
(d) Each charter school shall prepare an annual budget for the next fiscal year and submit it to the executive director by October 1 of each year. The submission shall include separate amounts to cover expenses for instructional activities, including special education and support services, employment taxes and fringe benefits, and for facilities.
(e) The funds appropriated by the legislature shall be allotted to the authority by the director of finance unless subject to a reduction or restriction by the governor or the director of finance under chapter 37. After retaining any amounts appropriated for a specified purpose for expenditure by the authority, and two per cent of all other funds appropriated for the authority, including the office and the charter schools, and unless the charter schools agree that their allotments should be made under section 302B-13 instead, the remaining portion of the funds allotted shall be disbursed by the board to the charter schools as follows:
(1) Based upon each charter school's projected enrollment for the upcoming school year, up to its fifty per cent share of the funds allotted shall be disbursed to each charter school no later than July 20, provided the charter school submitted a projected student enrollment to the office no later than May 15 of that year;
(2) Based upon each charter school's verified student enrollment as of October 15, up to its next forty per cent share of the funds allotted shall be disbursed to each charter school no later than November 15, provided the charter school submitted to the office:
(A) A student enrollment verified as of October 15 or as of the day before October 15, if October 15 should fall on a weekend; and
(B) The percentage of its verified October 15 student enrollment that transferred to the charter school from a public school established and maintained by the department in that school year; and
(3) Based upon each charter school's verified student enrollment as of October 15, up to its last ten per cent of share of the sum remaining shall be disbursed to each charter school no later than January 1 of each year.
Any sum appropriated but not disbursed in accordance with this process may be further disbursed to the charter schools on a pro rata basis or any other basis the authority, determines is appropriate. All sums disbursed to charter schools shall be deemed expended for purposes of chapter 37 and this chapter.
(f) Appropriations may be used to pay personnel, and for facilities, materials, supplies, equipment, insurance, fringe benefits, and other goods and services each charter school purchases directly, or to contract for services provided by other state agencies or private vendors, including nonprofit and for-profit providers, provided that sums appropriated for specific purposes, including special education and support services, employment taxes and fringe benefits, and facilities, shall be expended for those specified purposes only.
(g) Charter schools shall have complete discretion to expend any funds they generate themselves or receive from sources other than appropriations by the legislature and federal grants, subsidies, or other forms of federal financial assistance, provided that annual fiscal reports identifying the amounts generated or received, and the purposes for which they were spent are provided to the director, authority, governor, and legislature twenty days prior to the convening of each regular legislative session.
(h) The authority shall satisfy all of the requirements of chapter 37 that the director of finance deems necessary, provided that the director of finance shall accord the authority the same deference accorded the department for budget and fiscal planning under that chapter.
(i) All funds appropriated and allotted to, or otherwise received by a charter school shall be deposited in a depository within the State in accounts insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation.
(j) All appropriations for the authority not expended or disbursed by the board in the fiscal year for which they are made shall not lapse until June 30 of the first fiscal year of the next fiscal biennium and may be disbursed or expended in the same manner specified in subsection (c) for sums remaining after appropriations are disbursed under that subsection. The authority shall submit a report to the director of finance and the legislature, ninety days after the close of each fiscal year, which shall be prepared in the form prescribed by the director of finance and shall identify the total amount of funds that will carry over to the next fiscal year."
SECTION 2. Section 26-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§26-12 Department of
education. [The department of education shall be headed by an executive
board to be known as the board of education.
Under policies established
by the board, the superintendent shall administer programs of education and
public instruction throughout the State, including education at the preschool,
primary, and secondary school levels, adult education, school library services,
health education and instruction (not including dental health treatment
transferred to the department of health), and such other programs as may be
established by law. The state librarian, under policies established by the
board of education, shall be responsible for the administration of programs
relating to public library services and transcribing services for the blind.]
(a) The department of education shall be headed by an executive board to be known as the board of education. As provided by law, the board of education shall formulate educational policies for the State's government school system. The public charter school authority established in chapter 302B is placed in the department for administrative purposes only as defined in section 26-35.
(b) The department shall:
(1) Serve as the State's state educational agency for purposes of federal laws, federal educational programs, and federal funding programs, and as the central support system responsible for the overall administration of statewide educational policy, development of standards for compliance with federal laws, and the submission of a single budget for the government schools, including the public charter schools, pursuant to the provisions of section 302(B);
(2) Serve as the local educational agency for all of the State's government schools, other than its public charter schools, for purposes of all federal laws, federal educational programs, and federal funding programs, and serve as the central support system responsible for the overall administration of education policy, compliance with federal and state laws, and the preparation of a budget for the department and all government schools other than public charter schools;
(3) Through the superintendent of education, provide for the internal organization, operation, and management, and administer all programs of education and public instruction, for primary and secondary school levels, library services, and such other programs as may be established by law, in all government schools other than public charter schools;
(4) Provide support to the public charter school authority and the State's public charter schools, as it is authorized, directed, or required by statute, policy, or Executive Order; and
(5) Have control, through the state librarian, over the operation and management of the public library system.
(c) The functions and
authority heretofore exercised by the department of education (except [dental]
health treatment transferred to the department of health), library of Hawaii,
Hawaii county library, Maui county library, and the transcribing services
program of the bureau of sight conservation and work with the blind, as
heretofore constituted are transferred to the public library system established
by [this chapter.] Act 1, Second Special Session Laws of Hawaii 1959.
(d) The management
contract between the board of supervisors of the county of Kauai and the Kauai
public library association shall be terminated at the earliest time after
November 25, 1959, permissible under the terms of the contract and the
provisions of this [paragraph] subsection shall constitute notice
of termination, and the functions and authority heretofore exercised by the
Kauai county library as heretofore constituted and the Kauai public library
association over the public libraries in the county of Kauai shall thereupon be
transferred to the public library system established by [this chapter.] Act
1, Second Special Session Laws of Hawaii 1959.
(e) The management
contracts between the trustees of the library of Hawaii and the Friends of the
Library of Hawaii, and between the library of Hawaii and the Hilo library and
reading room association, shall be terminated at the earliest time after
November 25, 1959, permissible under the terms of the contracts, and the
provisions of this [paragraph] subsection
shall constitute notice of termination.
(f) Upon the termination of the contracts, the State or the counties shall not enter into any library management contracts with any private association; provided that in providing library services the board of education may enter into contracts approved by the governor for the use of lands, buildings, equipment, and facilities owned by any private association.
(g) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board of education may establish, specify the membership number and quorum requirements for, appoint members to, and disestablish a commission in each county to be known as the library advisory commission, which shall in each case sit in an advisory capacity to the board of education on matters relating to public library services in their respective county."
SECTION 3. Section 28-8.3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§28-8.3 Employment of attorneys. (a) No department of the State other than the attorney general may employ or retain any attorney, by contract or otherwise, for the purpose of representing the State or the department in any litigation, rendering legal counsel to the department, or drafting legal documents for the department; provided that the foregoing provision shall not apply to the employment or retention of attorneys:
(1) By the public utilities commission, the labor and industrial relations appeals board, and the Hawaii labor relations board;
(2) By any court or judicial or legislative office of the State;
(3) By the legislative reference bureau;
(4) By any compilation commission that may be constituted from time to time;
(5) By the real estate commission for any action involving the real estate recovery fund;
(6) By the contractors license board for any action involving the contractors recovery fund;
(7) By the trustees for any action involving the travel agency recovery fund;
(8) By the office of Hawaiian affairs;
(9) By the department of commerce and consumer affairs for the enforcement of violations of chapters 480 and 485;
(10) As grand jury counsel;
(11) By the Hawaiian home lands trust individual claims review panel;
(12) By the Hawaii health systems corporation or any of its facilities;
(13) By the auditor;
(14) By the office of ombudsman;
(15) By the insurance division;
(16) By the University of Hawaii;
(17) By the Kahoolawe island reserve commission;
(18) By the division of consumer advocacy; [or]
(19) By the office of elections;
(20) By the campaign spending commission; [or]
(21) By the public charter school authority established in section 302B-3; or
(22) By a department, in the event the attorney general, for reasons deemed by the attorney general good and sufficient, declines, to employ or retain an attorney for a department; provided that the governor thereupon waives the provision of this section.
(b) For purposes of this section the term "department" includes any department, board, commission, agency, bureau, or officer of the State.
(c) Every attorney employed by any department on a full-time basis, except an attorney employed by the public utilities commission, the labor and industrial relations appeals board, the Hawaii labor relations board, the office of Hawaiian affairs, the Hawaii health systems corporation, the department of commerce and consumer affairs in prosecution of consumer complaints, insurance division, the division of consumer advocacy, the University of Hawaii, the Hawaiian home lands trust individual claims review panel, the public charter school authority, or as grand jury counsel, shall be a deputy attorney general.
(d) All attorneys retained by
contract, whether by the attorney general or a department, shall be retained in
accordance with chapter 103D[.] unless the retention is otherwise
excepted from chapter 103D."
SECTION 4. Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended:
1. By amending section 302A-101, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as follows:
a. By adding a definition of "public charter school authority" to read as follows:
""Public charter school authority" or "authority" means the subsystem of the State’s single statewide system of schools established in section 302B-3."
b. By amending the definition of "public schools" to read as follows:
""Public schools"
means all academic and noncollege type schools established and maintained
by the department [and charter schools] or chartered by the [board of
education] public charter school authority, in accordance with law."
c. By repealing the definition of "charter school review panel."
[""Charter school
review panel" or "panel" means the panel established in section
302B-3 with the powers and duties to make recommendations to the board
regarding charter schools."]
2. By amending section 302A-301, Hawaii Revised Statutes to read as follows:
"§302A-301 Incentive
and innovation grants. (a) There is established in the state treasury a
trust fund to be known as the incentive and innovation grant trust fund to
provide incentive and innovation grants to qualified schools, including public
charter schools. Expenditures from the trust fund shall be made by the [department
and shall be subject to the allotment and expenditure plan required under
section 37-34.5.] superintendent, if made for a school established and
maintained by the department, or by the public charter school authority, if
made for a public charter school. Notwithstanding any other law to the
contrary, tax deductible donations may be made to, and received by, this trust
(b) Grants shall be for such purposes as the funding of experimental and innovative instructional programs, in-service training, and other activities that promote innovation as outlined in the proposal.
(c) The board shall establish and appoint the members of a grant award panel, which shall consist of at least one representative from each of the following groups:
(1) Parents;
(2) Students;
(3) Teachers;
(4) School administrators;
(5) School support staff;
(6) Businesspersons; and
(7) The military; whose participation shall be requested. The panel shall include a representative from each school district among its members.
The panel shall review
proposals and make recommendations on grant awards to the superintendent
[on grant awards], if the proposal is from a school established and
maintained by the department, or the public charter school authority, if the
proposal is from a public charter school. Panel members shall serve for a
term of two years without compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement
for necessary expenses while attending meetings and while in the discharge of
their duties. A portion of the moneys in the incentive and innovation grant
trust fund, not to exceed one per cent, shall be used to offset the expenses
incurred by the review panel. The department shall provide staff support
for the panel.
(d) The panel shall develop a process for submitting proposals that is distinguished by its simplicity and minimization of paperwork.
(e) All proposals for incentive and innovation grans shall include:
(1) A clear statement of how the proposed program will improve student performance;
(2) A method of evaluation to determine if the program has achieved its stated goals;
(3) A detailed budget and expenditure plan, which shall include any commitment of existing funds under the school or schools’ allotment toward the proposed program; and
(4) Other criteria required by the panel.
(f) In the case of a renewal request, a school or schools shall submit a specific plan for establishing the program within the school or schools’ biennium budget.
(g) The panel shall assist the superintendent and
the public charter school authority, as appropriate, in the evaluation of
all grant programs under this section on a continuing basis. If an approved
program fails to meet the requirements of its proposal, the panel shall
recommend to the superintendent or the public charter school authority, as
appropriate, that funding for the grant [shall] be terminated.
(h) The superintendent and the public charter school authority shall submit a report to the legislature on the operations of the review panel at least twenty days before the convening of each regular session."
(i) Any funds not used in the Trust Fund at the end of each fiscal year by the department shall be made available exclusively for use by the charter school authority in the subsequent fiscal year.
3. By amending section 302A-1101, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"§302A-1101 Department of education;
board of education; superintendent of education; public charter school
authority. (a) There shall be a principal executive department to be
known as the department of education, which shall be headed by an elected
policy-making board to be known as the board of education. The board shall have
power in accordance with law to formulate statewide educational policy, adopt
student performance standards and assessment models, monitor school success,
and to appoint the superintendent of education as the chief executive officer
of [the public school system.] that subsystem of the State's single
statewide system of public schools that does not include the State's public
charter schools. The public charter school authority established in chapter
302B is placed in the department for administrative purposes as defined in
section 26-35.
(b) The board shall appoint, and may remove, the superintendent by a majority vote of its members. The superintendent:
(1) May be appointed without regard to the state residency provisions of section 78-1(b);
(2) May be appointed for a term of up to four years; and
(3) May be terminated only for cause.
(c) The board shall invite the senior military commander in Hawaii to appoint a nonvoting military representative to the board, who shall serve for a two-year term without compensation. As the liaison to the board, the military representative shall advise the board regarding state education policies and departmental actions affecting students who are enrolled in public schools as family members of military personnel. The military representative shall carry out these duties as part of the representative's official military duties and shall be guided by applicable state and federal statutes, regulations, and policies and may be removed only for cause by a majority vote of the members of the board.
[(d) The board shall serve as the charter
authorizer for charter schools, with the power and duty to issue charters,
oversee and monitor charter schools, hold charter schools accountable for their
performance, and revoke charters.]"
4. By amending section 302A-1102, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
Department of education; statewide and regional administrative services. The
department shall serve as the central support system for the public schools
established and maintained by the department, and be responsible for the [overall]
administration of statewide educational policy, [interpretation, and]
development of standards for compliance with state and federal laws, [and]
coordination and preparation of a systemwide budget for the [public]
schools it establishes and maintains, and submission of a single education
budget to the director of finance and governor for public schools, including
public charter schools. The department may
establish regional administrative units to provide administrative support to [the]
these schools for personnel, fiscal, and procurement services. The
regional administrative units may also be assigned responsibility for the administration
and operation of special education programs and special schools."
5. By amending section 302A-1111, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
Duties of superintendent. (a) Under policies established by the board, the
superintendent shall be designated as the chief executive officer [of the
public school system having] of that subsystem of the State's single
statewide system of public schools that does not include the State's public
charter schools. The superintendent shall have jurisdiction over the
internal organization, operation, and management of [the public school
system, as provided by law;] all public schools other than public
charter schools; and shall administer programs of education and public
instruction [throughout the State,] in those schools, including
education at the [preschool,] primary[,] and secondary school
levels, and such other programs as may be established by law.
(b) [Except as otherwise provided, the]
The superintendent shall sign all drafts for the payment of moneys, all
commissions and appointments, all deeds, official acts, or other documents of
the department[.], except documents prepared or received by the
public charter school authority established under chapter 302B. The
superintendent may use a printed facsimile signature in approving appointments,
contracts, and other documents. The superintendent, at such time as may be
prescribed by the board, shall present to the board full annual reports of the
principal transactions within the department during the last completed year,
which reports together with such recommendations as the board may think proper,
shall be presented to the governor and the legislature."
6. By amending section 302A-1302, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"§302A-1302 School-based budget
flexibility. [(a)] Beginning with the 1995-1997 fiscal biennium,
the department shall implement school-based budget flexibility for schools,
complexes, and learning support centers it establishes. The flexibility
shall be limited to the school-based budgeting program EDN 100 of the
department for all schools except charter schools.
[(b) Beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007, and
every year thereafter, the office shall distribute the allocations due to a
charter school directly to charter school.]"
7. By amending section 302A-1402, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
Custodian of federal funds. The director of finance is designated as
custodian of all funds received as the state apportionment under any federal
appropriations for public education purposes and the director shall disburse
the funds, pursuant to the requirements, restrictions, and regulations of the
federal acts under which the funds may be provided, on vouchers approved, as
appropriate, by the board, or by any subordinate thereunto duly authorized
by the board[.], or by the public charter school authority
established under chapter 302B."
8. By amending section 302A-1403, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
Authority to secure federal funds. The department, the public
charter school [administrative office] authority, director of
finance, and governor may take such steps and perform such acts as may be
necessary or proper to secure [any such] federal funds for the purposes
specified in sections 302A-1401 and 302A-1402."
9. By amending subsection (a) of section 302A-1404, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
The department and the public charter school [administrative office]
authority, as appropriate, may retain and expend federal indirect overhead
reimbursements for discretionary grants in excess of the negotiated rate for
such reimbursements as determined by the director of finance and the
superintendent or the director of finance and the [executive director] board
of the public charter school [administrative office] authority."
10. By amending subsection (a) of section 302A-1505, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"(a) Each department school shall inform the department of education on an annual basis of its school repair and maintenance needs. Before any repair and maintenance projects for the upcoming fiscal year are implemented, each individual school administration shall prioritize and approve its repair and maintenance needs, and approve the scope of the implementation plan for the individual projects. After schools have prioritized their repair and maintenance projects, a statewide list shall be prepared, reviewed, and approved by the department of education; provided that the department may make adjustments among schools and complex areas. Each listing shall be posted electronically on the Internet." The Public Charter School Authority shall work with each individual charter school administration to prioritize and approve its repair and maintenance needs and to prepare its own statewide list of projects.
SECTION 5. Chapter 302B, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By adding a definition of "authority," and amending the definitions of "board," "charter school review panel," "conversion charter school," "detailed implementation plan," and "start-up charter school" in section 302B-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"Authority" means the public charter school authority established in section 302B-3."
""Board" means the [board of
education.] charter school board."
""Charter school [review panel]
board" [or "panel"] means the [panel
established pursuant to section 302B-3 with the powers and duties to advise and
make recommendations to the board regarding issuance and revocation of
charters, detailed implementation plan revisions, and charter school
evaluations.] board designated as the head of the public charter school
authority established in section 302B-3."
""Conversion charter school" means:
(1) Any
[existing] department school that converts to a charter school and is
managed and operated in accordance with [section] a detailed
implementation plan reviewed and approved by the board pursuant to sections
302B-3 and 302B-6;
(2) Any
existing department school that converts to a charter school and is managed and
operated by a nonprofit organization in accordance with [section] a
detailed implementation plan reviewed and approved by the board pursuant to
sections 302B-3 and 302B-6; or
(3) A newly created school, consisting of programs or sections of existing public school populations that are funded and governed independently and may include part of a separate Hawaiian language immersion program using existing public school facilities."
""Detailed implementation plan"
means the document that details [the] a charter school's purpose,
[focus, operations, organization, finances, and accountability,] how
the school is to be organized, managed and operated, and the terms and
conditions the school must satisfy to retain its charter."
""Start-up charter school" means
a [new] charter school [established under section] managed
and operated in accordance with a detailed implementation plan reviewed and
approved by the board pursuant to sections 302B-3 and 302B-5."
2. By amending section 302B-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"§302B-3 [Charter school
review panel; establishment; powers and duties. (a) There is
established the charter school review panel board, which shall be placed
within the department for administrative purposes only. The panel shall be
accountable to and report to the board.] Governance of public
charter schools; public charter school authority established; powers and
duties. (a) The public charter school authority is established as
a subsystem of the State's single statewide system of government schools. The
authority shall be responsible for providing administrative support and
direction for the efficient operation and management of public charter
schools. The authority shall be placed within the department of education for
administrative purposes only. The authority shall constitute a local
educational agency for purposes of all federal laws, federal educational
programs, and federal funding programs, and shall serve as the central support
system for the overall administration of education policy, compliance with
federal and state laws, and the preparation of a budget for all public charter
(b) The authority shall be headed by the
charter school board. The [panel] board shall consist of nine
members, and shall include:
(1) Two licensed teachers regularly engaged in teaching; provided that one teacher is employed at a start-up charter school, and one teacher is employed at a conversion charter school;
(2) Two educational officers; provided that one educational officer is employed at a start-up charter school, and one educational officer is employed at a conversion charter school;
(3) One member or former member of a charter school local school board;
(4) The chair of the board of education or the chair's designee;
[(5) The
executive director or the executive director's designee;]
A representative of Hawaiian culture-focused schools; [and]
A representative of the University of Hawaii[.]; and
(7) A member of the public whose child attends a public charter school.
(c) The [board] governor shall
appoint [the remaining] all of the members of the [panel] board
other than the chair of the board of education or the chair’s designee. [and
the executive director or the executive director’s designee.]
(d) [Appointed panel] Board
members appointed by the governor shall serve not more than three
consecutive three-year terms, with each term beginning on July 1; provided that
the [initial] terms of the [appointed] members [that commence
after June 30, 2006,] appointed initially shall be staggered as
(1) Three members to serve three-year terms;
(2) Two members to serve two-year terms; and
(3) Two members to serve a one-year term.
(e) Notwithstanding the terms of
members and the provisions of section 26-34, the [board] governor may [add panel members at any time and]
replace [panel] board members at any time when their positions
become vacant through resignation, non-participation, or upon request of a
majority of [panel] board members.
(f) [Panel] Board members shall
receive no compensation. When [panel] board duties require that a
[panel] board member take leave of the [panel] board
member's duties as a state employee, the appropriate state department shall
allow the [panel] board member to be placed on administrative
leave with pay and shall provide substitutes for board members who are
teachers, when necessary, to perform that [panel] board
member's duties. [Panel] Board members shall be reimbursed for
necessary travel expenses incurred in the conduct of official [panel] board
(g) The board shall be exempt from chapter
92. The [panel] board shall establish operating procedures
that shall include conflict of interest provisions for [any member whose]
use when a member’s school of employment, [or] including its
local school board [membership], or immediate family member is
before the [panel] board.
(h) The chair of the [panel] board
shall be [designated by] elected by a majority of the members of the [panel]
board for each school year beginning July 1 and whenever there is a
vacancy. If the [panel] board does not designate its chair [for
the next school year by July 1,] within a reasonable period of time,
the [board] governor shall designate [the panel chair].
[When the panel chair is vacant, the board shall designate an interim
chair to serve until the panel designates its chair.
(i) The powers and duties of the [panel]
authority as exercised by the board shall be to:
(1) Review
[charter] completed applications and issue or deny
applications for charters for new start-up and conversion charter
schools in accordance with sections 302B-5 and 302B-6 [and make
recommendations to the board for the issuance of new charters]; provided
that if the board does not issue or deny the charter within sixty calendar days
of the board's receipt of the [recommendations,] application, the
[recommendations] charter application shall [automatically
become effective;] be deemed issued;
(2) [Review
significant] Require, or review and approve school-initiated
amendments to a school’s detailed implementation [plans] plan
to [maximize] facilitate the school's financial and academic
success, long-term organizational viability, and accountability[, and make
recommendations to the board]; provided that if the board does not approve
or deny [the amendments] an amendment proposed by a school
within sixty calendar days of receipt of the [recommendations,] amendments,
the [recommendations] amendments shall automatically become
(3) [Recommend
to the board]Develop and impose reporting requirements for
charter schools;
(4) Review
annual self-evaluation reports from charter schools[ and make
recommendations to the board];
(5) [As
directed by the board, evaluate]Evaluate and consider any aspect of
a charter [school that the board may have concerns with and make
recommendations to the board, which may include] school’s operations,
including probation or charter revocation; [provided that if
the board does not take action on the recommendations their concerns within
sixty calendar days, the recommendations shall automatically become effective;]
(6) [Periodically
recommend Evaluate the board's their monitoring and oversight of charter
Periodically recommend to the board improvements in evaluate the
office's support of charter schools and management of the charter school
(7) Develop statewide educational policies and objectives for the administration and management of public charter schools;
(8) Receive and investigate complaints about charter schools;
(9) Prescribe remedial action plans for charter schools when necessary or appropriate;
(10) Provide information about the availability of federal funds and federal programs in which charter schools may participate, as well as technical assistance to assist charter schools in complying with all federal and state laws, and facilitate their access to federal and state funds;
(11) Oversee charter schools to ensure their compliance with the provisions of their detailed implementation plans, this chapter, all other applicable state and federal laws, and all statewide educational policies of the board of education that are applicable to charter schools and not superseded by provisions of this chapter;
(12) Prepare the budgets of the office and any additional chartering authority the board may designate;
(13) Review the budgets of the individual charter schools and consolidate them with the budgets of the office and any additional chartering authority the board may designate, into a single budget for the public charter school authority, for submission to the governor, through the board of education;
(14) Disburse all appropriations made for the public charter school authority, including the office, any additional chartering authority the board may designate, and the charter schools;
(15) To the extent permitted by federal law, prepare and submit to the relevant federal agencies all requests for federal financial support charter schools are entitled to make or receive;
(16) To the extent permitted by federal law, receive and disburse all federal grants and subsidies awarded to the authority or charter schools for their operations;
(17) Prepare, consolidate, and submit all requests for federal financial support and assistance for or from charter schools, to the department for inclusion in the State's applications for federal assistance, when applications are required to be made through the department;
(18) Represent charter schools in communications with the superintendent, the board of education, the governor, and the legislature;
(19) Designate and authorize the board of regents of the university of Hawaii and any other public agency to act as a chartering authority and issue charters under section 302B-5, provided that any additional chartering authority designated by the board shall adhere to and apply all of the requirements, conditions, and procedures the board is required to implement and apply in issuing charters under section 302B-5; and
(20) For good cause, extend any deadline imposed by this chapter up to an additional 60 days.
[(j) In the case that the board decides not
to recommend the issuance of a new charter, or to recommend significant
amendments to detailed implementation plans, the board shall adopt rules for an
appeals process.
(k) The board shall provide for the staff
support and expenses of the panel. The board shall submit to the legislature
annual appropriation requests to fund the operations of the panel board.
(l) The panel board shall be exempt from
chapter 92.]
(j) The authority, through its board, may delegate all of its powers and responsibilities to the director except the power to designate entities to act as a chartering authority under subsection (i)(19).
(k) The authority shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 necessary for the purposes of this chapter, including an appeals process to afford applicants or charter schools an opportunity to present their positions when their applications for charters or requests to revise their detailed implementation plans are rejected or denied by the board."
3. By amending section 302B-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"302B-4 Limits on charter
schools. Beginning July 2007, the board[, with the recommendation of the
panel,] may authorize one new start-up charter school for each existing
start-up charter school [that has received a three-year or longer
accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or a
comparable accreditation authority as determined by the panel], or for each
start-up charter school whose charter is revoked. The total number of
conversion charter schools authorized by the board[, with the recommendation
of the panel,] shall not exceed twenty-five."
4. By amending subsections (a), (c) and (d) of section 302B-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
a. "(a) New start-up charter schools may be established only pursuant to this section and any additional rules adopted by the board."
b. "(c) The start-up charter school application
process [and schedule shall be determined by the board, and] shall [provide
for and] include the following elements:
(1) The submission of a letter of intent to operate a start-up charter school to the office;
(2) The
[timely] transmittal of the application form and completion guidelines by
the office to the interim local school board;
(3) The
[timely] initial submission of an applicaton for a charter
to the [board of a completed application] office;
(4) The
[timely] review of the application by the [panel] staff of the
charter school board for completeness, and notification of the interim
local school board if the application is complete or, if the application is
insufficient, a written statement of the elements of the application that
require completion;
(5) The
[timely] resubmission of the application;
(6) Upon
receipt of a completed application, the convening of the [panel] board
by the [panel] board chairperson to begin review of the
(7) The
[timely] notification of the applicant of any revisions the [panel]
board requests as necessary for [a recommendation of approval to]
decision by the board;
(8) [The
timely transmission of the panel's recommendation to the board for
(9) Following
the submission of an application, Issuance of a charter or denial of the
application by the board by majority vote; provided that if the board does not
approve the application and issue a charter, provisions requiring the board to:]
If the board denies an application for a charter, the board shall:
(A) Clearly identify in writing its reasons for not issuing the charter, which may be used as guidelines for an amended plan; and
(B) Allow the local public charter school board to revise its plan in accordance with the board's guidelines, and resubmit an amended plan within ten calendar days;
(9) If the board issues a charter, the board shall indicate when the charter school may begin operations, provided that the date indicated shall allow for sufficient time to secure funds from the Legislature to fund the new school’s operations.
(10) A provision for a final date on which a decision must be made, upon receipt of an amended plan;
(11) A provision that no start-up charter school may begin operation before obtaining board approval of its charter; and
(12) A requirement that upon approval of the start-up charter school, the office shall submit to the board a proposed budget for funding of the start-up school for submittal to the governor and legislature."
c. "(d) An application to become a start-up charter school shall include a detailed implementation plan that meets the requirements of this subsection and section 302B-9. The plan shall include the following:
(1) A description of employee rights and management issues and a framework for addressing those issues that protects the rights of employees;
(2) A
plan for identifying, recruiting, and retaining [highly-] qualified
instructional faculty;
(3) A
plan for identifying, recruiting, and selecting students that [is not
exclusive, elitist, or segregationist] meets federal and State equal
opportunity requirements;
(4) The curriculum and instructional framework to be used to achieve student outcomes, including an assessment plan;
(5) A plan for the assessment of student, administrative support, and teaching personnel performance that:
(A) Recognizes the interests of the general public;
(B) Incorporates
or exceeds the educational content and performance standards [developed by
the department] adopted by the board of education for the State’s
[public] school system; and
[(C) Includes
a system of faculty and staff accountability that holds faculty and staff both
individually and collectively accountable for their performance, and that is at
least equivalent to the average system of accountability in public schools
throughout the state; and]
Provides for program audits and annual financial audits[;].
(6) A governance structure for the charter school that incorporates a conflict of interest policy and a plan for periodic training to carry out the duties of local school board members;
(7) A financial plan based on the most recent fiscal year's per-pupil charter school allocation that demonstrates the ability to meet the financial obligations of one-time, start-up costs and ongoing costs such as monthly payrolls, faculty recruitment, professional development, and facilities costs; and
(8) A facilities plan."
5. By amending subsection (a), (c), and (d) of section 302B-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
a. "(a) A conversion charter school may be established only pursuant to this section and any additional rules adopted by the board."
b. "(c) The conversion charter school
application process [and schedule shall be determined by the board, and]
shall [provide for and] include the following elements:
(1) The submission of a letter of intent to convert to a charter school to the office;
(2) The
[timely] transmittal of the application form and completion guidelines by
the office to the interim local school board;
The [timely] initial submission of an application for a
charter to the [board of a completed application; provided that the
application shall include] authority, with a certification [and
documentation] from the interim school board that the application
and the proposed detailed implementation plan was approved by a majority of the
votes cast by existing [administrative, support,] teaching personnel,
and parents of students [at] of the proposed conversion charter
(4) The
[timely] review of the application by the [panel] office
for completeness, and notification of the interim local school board if the
application is complete or, if the application is insufficient, a written
statement of the elements of the application that require completion;
(5) The
[timely] resubmission of the application;
(6) Upon
receipt of a completed application, the convening of the [panel] board
by the [panel] board chairperson to begin review of the
(7) The
[timely] notification of the applicant of any revisions the [panel]
board requests as necessary for [a recommendation of approval to]
decision by the board;
(8) [The
timely transmission of the panel's recommendation to the board for
Following the submission of an application, Issuance of a charter or
denial of the application by the board by majority vote; provided that if the
board does not approve the application and issue a charter, provisions
requiring the board to:] If the board denies an application for a conversion
charter, the board shall:
(A) Clearly identify in writing its reasons for not issuing the charter, which may be used as guidelines for an amended plan; and
(B) Allow the interim local school board to revise its plan in accordance with the board's guidelines, and resubmit an amended plan within ten calendar days;
(9) If the board issues a charter, the board shall indicate when the conversion charter school may begin operations, provided that the date indicated shall allow for sufficient time to secure funds from the Legislature to fund the new school’s operations.
[(10) A provision for a final date on which a decision must be made upon receipt of an amended plan;
(11) A provision that no conversion charter school may begin operation before obtaining board approval of its charter; and
(12) A requirement that upon approval of the conversion charter school, the office shall submit to the board a proposed budget for funding of the start-up school for submittal to the governor and legislature.]"
c. "(d) An application to become a conversion charter school shall include a detailed implementation plan that meets the requirements of this subsection and section 302B-9. The plan shall include the following:
(1) A description of employee rights and management issues and a framework for addressing those issues that protects the rights of employees;
(2) A
plan for identifying, recruiting, and retaining [highly-] qualified instructional faculty;
(3) A
plan for identifying, recruiting, and selecting students that [is not
exclusive, elitist, or segregationist] abides the federal and State
equal opportunity requirements;
(4) The curriculum and instructional framework to be used to achieve student outcomes, including an assessment plan;
(5) A plan for the assessment of student, administrative support, and teaching personnel performance that:
(A) Recognizes the interests of the general public;
(B) Incorporates
or exceeds the educational content and performance standards [developed by
the department] adopted for the board of education for the State’s
[public] school system; and
(C) [Includes
a system of faculty and staff accountability that holds faculty and staff both
individually and collectively accountable for their performance, and that is at
least equivalent to the average system of accountability in public schools throughout
the state; and
(D)] Provides
for program audits and annual financial audits;
(6) A governance structure for the charter school that incorporates a conflict of interest policy and a plan for periodic training to carry out the duties of local school board members;
(7) A financial plan based on the most recent fiscal year's per-pupil charter school allocation that demonstrates the ability to meet the financial obligations of one-time, start-up costs and ongoing costs such as monthly payrolls, faculty recruitment, professional development, and facilities costs; and
(8) A facilities plan."
6. By amending subsections (a), (b), and (h) of section 302B-8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
a. "(a) There is established a charter school administrative
office[,] which shall be attached to the department for administrative
purposes only. The office shall be administered by an executive director, who
shall be appointed without regard to chapters 76 and 89 by the board based upon
the recommendations of an organization of charter schools operating within the
state or from a list of nominees submitted by a majority of the charter
schools in operation three years or longer. The board may hire the
executive director on a multi-year contract. The executive director may hire
necessary staff without regard to chapters 76 and 89 to assist in the
administration of the office."
b. "(b) The executive director, under the direction of the board and in consultation with the charter schools, shall be responsible for the internal organization, operation, and management of the charter school system, including:
(1) Preparing and executing the budget for the charter schools, including submission of the budget request to the board, the governor, and the legislature;
(2) [Allocating
annual] Disbursing appropriations to the charter schools and [distribution
of] distributing federal funds to charter schools;
(3) [Complying
with applicable state laws related to the administration of the charter
(4)] Preparing
contracts between the charter schools and the department for centralized
services to be provided by the department;
[(5)](4) Preparing contracts
between the charter schools and other state agencies for financial or personnel
services to be provided by the agencies to the charter schools;
[(6)](5) Providing independent analysis and recommendations on charter school issues;
[(7)](6) Representing charter schools and the charter
school system in communications with the board, the governor, and the
[(8)](7) Providing advocacy, assistance, and support for
the development, growth, progress, and success of charter schools and the public
charter school system;
[(9)](8) Providing guidance and assistance to charter
applicants and charter schools to enhance the completeness and accuracy of
information for board review;
[(10)](9) Assisting charter applicants and charter schools
in coordinating their interactions with the board as needed;
[(11)](10) Assisting the board to coordinate with charter
schools in board investigations and evaluations of charter schools;
[(12)](11) Serving as the conduit to disseminate
communications from the board and department to all charter schools;
[(13)](12) Determining charter school system needs and
communicating such needs with the board and department; and
Establishing a dispute resolution and mediation panel; and
(15)](13) Upon request by
one or more charter schools, assisting in the negotiation of a collective
bargaining agreement with the exclusive representative of its employees."
c. "(h) The office, on behalf of the authority, may carry over funds from previous year allocations as permitted under section 302B-__(j). Funds distributed to charter schools shall be considered expended."
7. By amending subsection (a) of section 302B-9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"(a) Charter schools shall be exempt from chapters 91 and 92 and all other state laws in conflict with this chapter, except those regarding:
(1) [Collective bargaining under
chapter 89; provided that:
(A) The exclusive representatives as defined
in chapter 89 and the local school board of the charter school may enter into
supplemental agreements that contain cost and noncost items to facilitate
decentralized decision-making;
(B) The
agreements shall be funded from the current allocation or other sources of
revenue received by the charter school; provided that collective bargaining
increases for employees shall be allocated by the department of budget and
finance to the charter school administrative office for distribution to charter
schools; and
(C) These
supplemental agreements may differ from the master contracts negotiated with
the department;]
Chapter 377, for purposes of affording the employees of charter schools the opportunity to bargain collectively, and notwithstanding that chapter's exception of the State, political subdivisions of the State, and employees of the State and its political subdivisions from its provisions;
(2) Discriminatory practices under section 378-2; and
(3) Health and safety requirements."
8. Sections 302B-13(a) and (b) are repealed and inserted in lieu thereof the following:
"§302B-13 Weighted student formula. "The charter
schools may propose that each school’s annual allocation be
based either on a per-pupil allocation or on a weighted
student formula that is approved by at least two-thirds of
all the local school boards."
9. By amending subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), and (i) of section 302B-14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
a. "(d) The [board] charter school
authority may place a charter school on probationary status; provided that:
(1) The [panel] executive director
evaluates the charter school or reviews an evaluation of the charter school and
[makes recommendations] recommends probation to the [board]
(2) The [board] charter school
authority and the office are involved in substantive discussions with the
charter school regarding the areas of deficiencies; and
(3) The notice of probation is delivered to the charter school and specifies the deficiencies requiring correction, the probation period, and monitoring and reporting requirements.
For deficiencies related to student performance, a
charter school shall be allowed two years to improve student performance. For
deficiencies related to financial plans, a charter school shall be allowed one
year to develop a sound financial plan. The charter school shall remain on
probationary status until the [board] authority votes to either
remove the charter school from probationary status or revoke its charter."
b. "(e) If a charter school fails to
resolve deficiencies by the end of [the] a probation period, the [board]
authority may revoke the charter; provided that the vote of two-thirds
of all the members to which the [board] authority is entitled
shall be required to revoke the charter."
c. "(f) [The] Notwithstanding the
provisions of subsection (d), the [board] authority may place a
charter school on probationary status or revoke the charter for serious student
or employee health or safety deficiencies; provided that:
(1) The charter school is given notice of specific
health or safety deficiencies and is afforded an opportunity to present its
case to the [board] authority;
(2) The [board] authority chair
appoints a task group, which may be an investigative task group[, the panel,]
or the office, to visit the charter school and conduct meetings with its local
school board and its school community to gather input;
(3) Based on its findings, the task group shall
recommend to the [board] authority to revoke the charter, place
the charter school on probation, or continue the charter;
(4) The vote of two-thirds of all the members [to
which] of the [board is entitled] authority shall be
required to revoke the charter;
(5) The best interest of the school's students guide all decisions; and
(6) After a decision to revoke a charter, the charter school shall be allowed to remain open until a plan for an orderly shut-down or transfer of students and assets is developed and executed, or until the school year ends, whichever comes first."
d. "(g) [If] Notwithstanding the
provisions of subsections (d) and (f), if there is an immediate concern for
student or employee health or safety at a charter school, the [board] authority,
in consultation with the office, may adopt an interim restructuring plan that
may include the appointment of an interim local school board, an interim local
school board chairperson, or a principal to temporarily assume operations of
the school; provided that if possible without further jeopardizing the health
or safety of students and employees, the charter school's stakeholders and
community are first given the opportunity to elect a new local school board
which shall appoint a new interim principal."
e. "(i) If, at any time, a charter
school dissolves or [the] its charter is revoked, the State shall
have first right, at no cost to the State, to all the assets and facilities of
the charter school[, except as otherwise provided by law.] purchased with
state appropriations or provided by the department or another state agency."
10. By amending subsection (a) of section 302B-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:
"(a) The department shall collaborate
with the [office] charter school authority to develop a system of
technical assistance related to compliance with federal and state laws and
access to federal and state funds. The department and the [office] board
shall collaborate to develop a list of central services that the department may
offer for purchase by a charter school at an annual cost to be negotiated [between
an individual charter school] by the executive director and the
department. The department shall enter into a contract [with a charter
school to provide these services, which shall be re-negotiated on an annual
basis.] annually to provide these services, with the executive director
acting on behalf of one or more charter schools. The contract may be
renegotiated on an annual basis."
SECTION 6. Section 89-10.55, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§89-10.55 Charter school
collective bargaining; bargaining unit; employer; exclusive representative.
(a) Employees of charter schools shall be assigned to an appropriate
bargaining unit as specified in section 89-6; provided that if a charter school
employee's job description contains the duties and responsibilities of an
employee that could be assigned to more than one bargaining unit, the duties
and responsibilities that are performed by the employee for the majority of the
time, based on the employee's average workweek, shall be the basis of
bargaining unit assignment for the employee.
(b) For the purpose of negotiating a
collective bargaining agreement for charter school employees who are assigned
to an appropriate bargaining unit, the employer shall be determined as provided
in section 89-6(d).
(c) For the purpose of negotiating a
memorandum of agreement or a supplemental agreement that only applies to
employees of a charter school, the employer shall mean the local school board,
subject to the conditions and requirements contained in the applicable sections
of this chapter governing any memorandum of agreement or supplemental
(d) Negotiations over matters covered by
this section shall be conducted between the employer and exclusive representative
pursuant to this chapter. Cost items that are appropriated for and approved by
the legislature and contained in a collective bargaining agreement, memorandum
of agreement, or supplemental agreement covering, wholly or partially,
employees in charter schools shall be allocated by the department of budget and
finance to the charter school administrative office for distribution to charter
schools. However, if the charter school administrative office deems it
appropriate, the cost items may be funded from a charter school's existing
allocation or other sources of revenue received by a charter school."]
SECTION 7. Section 302B-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
Funding and finance. (a) Beginning with fiscal year 2006-2007, and each
fiscal year thereafter, the office shall submit for general fund appropriations
for each charter school based upon:
(1) The
actual and projected enrollment figures in the current school year for each
charter school;
(2) A
per-pupil amount for each regular education and special education student,
which shall be equivalent to the total per-pupil cost based upon average
enrollment in all regular education cost categories, including comprehensive
school support services but excluding special education services, and for all
means of financing except federal funds, as reported in the most recently
published department consolidated annual financial report; provided that the
legislature may make an adjustment to the per-pupil allocation for the purposes
of this section; and
(3) Those
fringe benefit costs requested shall be included in the department of budget
and finance's annual budget request. No fringe benefit costs shall be charged
directly to or deducted from the charter school per-pupil allocations unless they
are already included in the funds distributed to the charter school.
The legislature shall make an appropriation
based upon the budget request; provided that the legislature may make
additional appropriations for fringe, workers' compensation, and other employee
benefits, facility costs, and other requested amounts.
The governor, pursuant to chapter 37, may
impose restrictions or reductions on charter school appropriations similar to
those imposed on other public schools.
(b) Charter schools shall be eligible for
all federal financial support to the same extent as all other public schools.
The department shall provide the office with all federal grant proposals that
include charter schools as potential recipients and timely reports on federal
grants received for which charter schools may apply. Federal funds received by
the department for charter schools shall be transferred to the office for
distribution to charter schools in accordance with the federal requirements. If
administrative services related to federal grants and subsidies are provided to
the charter school by the department, the charter school shall reimburse the
department for the actual costs of the administrative services in an amount
that shall not exceed six and one-half per cent of the charter school's federal
grants and subsidies.
Any charter school shall be eligible to
receive any supplemental federal grant or award for which any other public
school may submit a proposal, or any supplemental federal grants limited to
charter schools; provided that if department administrative services, including
funds management, budgetary, fiscal accounting, or other related services, are
provided with respect to these supplemental grants, the charter school shall
reimburse the department for the actual costs of the administrative services in
an amount that shall not exceed six and one-half per cent of the supplemental
grant for which the services are used.
All additional funds generated by the local
school boards, that are not from a supplemental grant, shall be held separate
from allotted funds and may be expended at the discretion of the local school
(c) To enable charter schools to access
state funding prior to the start of each school year, foster their fiscal
planning, and enhance their accountability, the office shall:
(1) Provide
fifty per cent of a charter school's per-pupil allocation based on the charter
school's projected student enrollment no later than July 20 of each fiscal
year; provided that the charter school shall submit to the office a projected
student enrollment no later than May 15 of each year;
(2) Provide
an additional forty per cent of a charter school's per-pupil allocation no
later than November 15 of each year; provided that the charter school shall
submit to the office:
(A) Student
enrollment as verified on October 15 of each year; provided that the student
enrollment shall be verified on the last business day immediately prior to
October 15 should that date fall on a weekend; and
(B) An
accounting of the percentage of student enrollment that transferred from public
schools established and maintained by the department; provided that these
accountings shall also be submitted by the office to the legislature no later
than twenty days prior to the start of each regular session; and
(3) The
remaining ten per cent per-pupil allocation of a charter school no later than
January 1 of each year as a contingency balance to ensure fiscal
provided that the board may make adjustments in
allocations based on noncompliance with office administrative procedures and
board-approved accountability requirements.
(d) The department shall provide appropriate
transitional resources to a conversion charter school for its first year of
operation as a charter school based upon the department's allocation to the
school for the year prior to the conversion.
(e) No start-up charter school or conversion
charter school may assess tuition."]
SECTION 8. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008, to carry out the purposes of this Act, including the hiring of necessary staff. The sum appropriated shall be expended by the public charter school authority.
SECTION 9. There is authorized up to $20 million in general obligation bonds for the construction of charter school facilities and the major repair and renovation of existing public charter school facilities.
SECTION 10. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 11. This Act shall take effect July 1, 2007.
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