Report Title:

Solid Waste Management; Deposit Beverage Container Program



Requires dealers in high-density population areas to operate redemption centers.



S.B. NO.













relating to solid waste management.





     SECTION 1.  Hawaii's bottle law has proven to be an overwhelming success for Hawaii's environment, with over half a billion bottles and cans being diverted from Hawaii's landfills.  The initiative has reduced litter, created employment, and provided fundraising opportunities for schools and charities.  However, many consumers complain about the cumbersome redemption process.  Many elderly consumers, in particular, find the redemption process burdensome, considering they may only have a few bottles or cans to redeem, and would prefer to redeem the beverage containers at a nearby dealer.

     The purpose of this Act is to require dealers in high-density population areas to provide redemption to consumers.  The dealers can decide whether to subcontract with a certified redemption center to operate on the dealer's premises or provide a reverse vending machine pursuant to section 342G-115, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

     SECTION 2.  Section 342G-113, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

     "§342G-113  Redemption of empty deposit beverage containers.  (a)  Except as provided in subsection (b), a dealer shall:

     (1)  Operate a redemption center by July 1, 2005, and shall accept all types of empty deposit beverage containers with a Hawaii refund value;

     (2)  Pay to the redeemer the full refund value for all deposit beverage containers that bear a valid Hawaii refund value; and

     (3)  Ensure each deposit beverage container collected is recycled, and forward documentation necessary to support claims for payment as stated in section 342G‑119 or rules adopted under this part.

     (b)  Subsection (a) shall not apply to any dealer:

    [(1)  Who is located in a high density population area as defined by the director in rules, and within two miles of a certified redemption center that is operated independently of a dealer;

     (2)] (1)  Who is located in a rural area as defined by rule;

    [(3)] (2)  Who subcontracts with a certified redemption center to be operated on the dealer's premises;

    [(4)] (3)  Whose sales of deposit beverage containers are only via vending machines;

    [(5)] (4)  Whose place of business is less than five thousand square feet of interior space;

    [(6)] (5)  Who can demonstrate physical or financial hardship, or both, based on specific criteria established by rule; or

    [(7)] (6)  Who meets other criteria established by the director.

Notwithstanding [paragraphs] paragraph (1) [and (2)], the director may allow the placement of redemption centers [at greater than prescribed distances] to accommodate geographical features while ensuring adequate consumer convenience.

     (c)  Regardless of the square footage of a dealer's place of business, dealers who are not redemption centers shall post a clear and conspicuous sign at the primary public entrance of the dealer's place of business that specifies the name, address, and hours of operation of the closest redemption center locations.

     [(d)  If there is no redemption center within the two-mile radius of a dealer due to the criteria described in subsection (b), then the respective county and the State shall determine the need for a redemption center in that area.  If a redemption center is deemed necessary, then the State, with assistance from the county, shall establish the redemption center with funding from the deposit beverage container deposit special fund.

     (e)] (d)  Businesses that sell deposit beverages for on-premises consumption, such as hotels, bars, and restaurants, shall collect used deposit beverage containers from the patron and either use a certified redemption center for the collection of containers or become a certified redemption center."

     SECTION 3.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.


