H.R. NO.













requesting the Department of education to recommend and the board of education to approve a plan to shift additional discretionary and non-discretionary funds into the weighted student formula fund.




     WHEREAS, through Act 51, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, the state of Hawaii embarked upon a new and ground-breaking approach to funding education through the creation of the Weighted Student Formula, a funding mechanism whereby moneys are allocated to schools based on a system of weighted characteristics that apply to each and every student in the public schools; and


     WHEREAS, the Weighted Student Formula was enacted because it recognizes that the costs of educating students can be much more accurately assessed based upon the unique learning needs of each student, and provides that funds follow students to whichever school they attend; and


     WHEREAS, language in Act 51, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, stated that the "weighted student formula cannot be effective in a vacuum," and that to be effective Principals must "be empowered to act as the educational leaders of their schools, with more authority relating to budgeting, and more flexibility to expend funds"; and


     WHEREAS, the Department of Education has reported to the Legislature what funds could be expended by principals to increase the expended funds to 80% and 90%; and


     WHEREAS, categorical programs are programs that are designated for special purposes and are usually allocated with strict funding regulation and spending guidelines; and


     WHEREAS, the inclusion of categorical programs in the schools budget means that the principals do not have the freedom to spend these funds on their schools' unique needs; and


     WHEREAS, categorical programs limit school community flexibility to provide student focused programs and support intended by Act 51, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004; and


     WHEREAS, a feasibility study by the DOE conducted on the Weighted Student Formula found listed categorical funds that could be included in the Weighted Student Formula; and


     WHEREAS, Act 51, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, established the Committee on Weights to develop the Weighted Student Formula; and


     WHEREAS, one of the important duties of the Committee on Weights is the examination of categorical programs, and to make recommendations on which categorical programs can be placed into the Weighted Student Formula; and


     WHEREAS, the most recent Committee on Weights and the Board of Education did not place additional categorical programs into the Weighted Student Formula for the 2008-2009 school year; and


     WHEREAS, the failure to place more categorical programs into the Weighted Student Formula means that the principals will continue to be denied the essential flexibility and control over their budget to deal with their schools' distinct needs; and


     WHEREAS, all educational stakeholders, such as school community councils, principals, school administrators, and the DOE and its employees need to prepare for the movement of categorical programs into the weighted student formula each year so that schools can begin preparing and planning for the fiscal and operational impacts; and


     WHEREAS, in order for the Weighted Student Formula to work it is incumbent upon all elected officials to resist the temptation to place new burdens on local schools through the creation of more categorical program and statewide education positions; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, that the Department of Education is requested to create a four year implementation plan that addresses the organizational, resource, and statutory changes necessary for the further allocation of operational funds into the weighted student formula fund; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this plan incorporates a specific timeline consisting of an increasing percentage of categorical programs to be moved into the weighted student formula each year so that educational stakeholders can prepare plan, and transition; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department provide such plan for 60%, 70%, and 80% of the operational budget allocated via the Weighted Student Formula; and.


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education be urged to adopt a four year implementation plan to move categorical programs into the Weighted Student Formula Fund starting School Year 2009-2010; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to all members of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Education, the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President of the Senate.









Report Title: 

Weighted student formula; funding; Department of Education; Board of Education