H.R. NO. |
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REQUESTING THE AUDITOR TO CONDUCT A FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT AUDIT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, CIVIL DEFENSE division, and to report on Federal Government initiatives to shift disaster preparedness, disaster relief, and homeland security costs to state and local governments.
WHEREAS, the Civil Defense Division of the Department of Defense ("State Civil Defense"), assists authorities in providing for the safety and welfare of residents, visitors, and animals in the State; and
WHEREAS, State Civil Defense continuously strives to maintain its readiness to respond to the needs of the people of Hawaii in the event of disasters, either natural or human-caused; and
WHEREAS, State Civil Defense, based on incident command and unified command procedures and relationships, adopted the National Incident Management System in order to comply with all federal preparedness funding conditions; and
WHEREAS, Hawaii may be reaching a conflict with state and federal requirements to be in compliance with the National Incident Management System because current staffing, resources, and facilities may not be sufficiently adequate to meet Hawaii's needs during a human-caused or natural disaster; and
WHEREAS, counties are the first responders in the event of disaster, either natural or human-caused, and State Civil Defense, upon request, provides support through personnel, supplies, and coordination of efforts with county civil defense and other agencies of the state and federal governments; and
WHEREAS, State Civil Defense is challenged in planning for disasters, providing timely response during disasters, and assisting with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to get cost sharing and reimbursements; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, that the Auditor is requested to conduct a financial audit of the Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division ("State Civil Defense"), and is requested to include in that audit:
(1) The total amount of general and federal funds received and expended by State Civil Defense to advance its mission and goals, and the purposes for which the funds were expended;
(2) Issues relating to the State Civil Defense Division's financial records and its system of accounting and internal controls;
(3) Issues relating to the State Civil Defense strategic and financial plan, its budgeting process, and its process of forecasting future financial needs; and
(4) Any and all other matters that the Auditor would normally undertake as necessary or appropriate in a system-wide financial audit; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Auditor is requested to conduct a management audit of State Civil Defense that includes:
(1) How priorities for expenditures of homeland security moneys are determined;
(2) Processes for development of policies, requirements, and incentives to mitigate the problems caused by natural or human-caused hazards;
(3) Processes for planning best responses to natural and other disasters to minimize costs attributed to those disasters and protect the interests of Hawaii's residents and their possessions and pets and visitors to the State, including:
(A) A process for planning reliability of communication networks and how State Civil Defense works with other government and non‑government agencies and special interest groups and individuals to develop plans for communicating warnings;
(B) A process for planning for power supplies for major state airports, health care facilities, temporary shelters, and other essential services;
(C) A process for working with county, state, and federal agencies to update existing sirens, and the placement of other warning devices, with priority given to land areas at high risk from natural hazards, so that vital information is timely disseminated to the public;
(D) A process for developing disaster plans that will provide emergency shelter for patients and staff, as well as a plan to meet the medical needs of its patients during a disaster; and
(E) A process for developing a plan to protect Hawaii's ports of entry when emergency access by foreign flag ships or aircraft is sought, including a plan for such contingencies as when vessels carry munitions and weapons; and
(4) Any current public hearing notice requirements that may be required in development of plans;
(5) The decision-making practices of State Civil Defense when disasters occur, either non-emergency or emergency declarations;
(6) Suggested improvements to the State Civil Defense Division's administrative procedures; and
(7) State Civil Defense's future endeavors to effectively and satisfactorily engage the community in sharing its concerns with authorities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Auditor is requested to include a report on federal government initiatives to shift disaster preparedness, disaster relief, and homeland security costs to state and local governments; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Defense, state and county civil defense agencies, their staffs, and other relevant persons or agencies are requested to cooperate with and assist the Auditor, and to provide information requested by the Auditor; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Auditor is requested to cooperate with state and county civil defense agencies, their staff, and other relevant persons or agencies in fulfilling the Legislature's request, recognizing the current three recovery programs underway with the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Auditor is requested to submit the findings and recommendations of the financial and management audits and the report, including any proposed legislation, to the Legislature not later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2009; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Auditor, the Governor, the Adjutant General and Director of Civil Defense, and the administrators of the civil defense agencies of the counties.
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Civil Defense; Audit