H.R. NO. |
187 |
urging the transfer of pu‘u o kapolei from the city and county of honolulu to the historic preservation division of the department of land and natural resources.
WHEREAS, Pu‘u o Kapolei, which means "the hill of the beloved Kapo," is said to be the single most sacred, important, and largest heiau in all of the Ahupua‘a of Honouliuli; and
WHEREAS, Pu‘u o Kapolei's significance lies in its historical function as a landmark along the trail where Farrington Highway now runs, to travelers in the old days; and
WHEREAS, Pu‘u o Kapolei also served as the residence of Kamaunuaniho, Kamapuaa's grandmother; and
WHEREAS, Pu‘u o Kapolei is also known as the marker for the "change of the seasons" and was used by ancient Polynesians as a site of solar observation to mark the beginning and ending of seasons; and
WHEREAS, Pu‘u o Kapolei was also the site of the Makahiki Games during the rule of Kuali‘i Moi; and
WHEREAS, during and after World War II, Pu‘u o Kapolei, then called Fort Barrette, was used to house canon batteries to defend Oahu from attack; and
WHEREAS, Fort Barrette is no longer used by the military, and the site should be preserved for its cultural and historical importance; and
WHEREAS, recent urban development in the Kapolei area threatens to encroach upon the Pu‘u o Kapolei/Fort Barrette site; and
WHEREAS, cultural and historical resource preservation is consistent with the statutory responsibility of the Historic Preservation Division (Division) of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and to more effectively and efficiently preserve Pu‘u o Kapolei as a cultural and historical resource, it should be managed by the Division as part of its historic preservation program; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, that the City and County of Honolulu is urged to transfer management responsibilities for Pu‘u o Kapolei to the Division; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to Mayor and Chairperson of the Board of Parks and Recreation of the City and County of Honolulu, the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, the Administrator of the State Historic Preservation Division, and the Governor of the State of Hawaii.
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Urging the transfer of Pu‘u o Kapolei to the DLNR Historic Preservation Division