H.C.R. NO.














Requesting the office of planning to petition the Land use Commission to reclassify certain parcels along the north kohala coastline on the island of hawaii to the conservation district.




     WHEREAS, the North Kohala coastline on the island of Hawaii provides cultural, historic, and scenic benefits to the people of Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, the significance of the North Kohala coastline lies in the important role it played in the history of the missionary, paniolo, and plantation eras; and


     WHEREAS, the North Kohala coastline is also renowned for its Lapakahi state park, an ancient Hawaiian coastal settlement, Mookini Heiau state monument, the birthplace of Kamehameha the Great, and numerous other historic and sacred native Hawaiian sites; and


     WHEREAS, in 1988, the Legislature recognized the scenic significance of the North Kohala coastline and adopted Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 179, H.D. 1, which urged the State and County of Hawaii to work together to preserve the public view and open space makai of the Kawaihae Mahukona, Hawi road, and to discourage subdivision and building development there; and


     WHEREAS, in 2000, over 600 members of the community responded to an update of the Hawaii County Comprehensive Plan by petitioning to preserve and protect the North Kohala coastline from Kawaihae to Polulu Valley; and


     WHEREAS, in 2001, the Legislature adopted Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 146, S.D. 1, which urged the State and County of Hawaii to collaborate with the community and residents of Kohala to develop and implement a plan that would protect the openness of the Kohala coast, preserve its valuable historic sites, and provide greater awareness and appreciation of the historic and cultural significance of the area; and


     WHEREAS, despite years of advocating for the protection of the North Kohala coastline, the area has continued to be developed and more subdivisions are planned; and


     WHEREAS, development is permitted because of the area's current classification as agricultural land, and current zoning allowing development for low density residential uses; and


     WHEREAS, reclassification of the lands from the agricultural to the conservation district would serve to preserve and protect the North Kohala coastline; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the Senate concurring, that the Office of Planning is requested to petition the Land Use Commission to reclassify the following parcels of land located on the North Kohala coastline from agricultural to conservation district:


(1)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 357003015;


(2)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 357003004;


(3)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 358001012;


(4)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 358001013;


(5)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 356001036;


(6)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 356001037;


(7)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 357003013;


(8)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 357001021;


(9)  Designated on the state tax map as TMK 357001022;


(10) Designated on the state tax map as TMK 356001060;


(11) Designated on the state tax map as TMK 359003001; and

(12) Designated on the state tax map as TMK 356001011;




     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Hawaii is requested not to issue any special permits or land use, subdivision, building, or other permits to allow development of the specified parcels pending the preparation, filing, and final disposition of the land reclassification petition; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Director of the Office of Planning, Executive Officer of the Land Use Commission, and the Director of the Planning Department and Mayor of the County of Hawaii.









Report Title: 

North Kohala Coastline; Reclassify to Conservation Land