H.C.R. NO.














REQUESTING THAT the waikikI marine life conservation district and its immediately surrounding areas include projects to manage or enhance fisheries for long-term sustainability of the resources, protect and restore the aquatic environment, protecting native and resident aquatic species and their habitat.




     WHEREAS, the exact boundaries of the Waikiki Marine Life Conservation District are set forth in Hawaii Administrative Rules Title 13, Chapter 36, section 1; and


     WHEREAS, a reef flat extends out from the Waikiki Aquarium seawall, a distance of about 35 yards to a dredged channel, then continues on the other side of the channel where numerous arches, crevices and other features are found, along with an abundance of fish; and


     WHEREAS, coral reefs, and their associated systems of mangroves and seagrasses, are the world's most biologically diverse marine ecosystems where reef building corals contain tiny cells of symbiotic algae that convert

sunlight and nutrients into fuel for coral growth and

production; and


     WHEREAS, healthy coral reefs are some of the most biologically diverse and economically valuable ecosystems on earth, providing food, jobs, recreational opportunities, coastal protection and other important services to billions of people world-wide; and


     WHEREAS, coral reefs provide habitat for one-third of all marine fish species, build tropical islands, protect coasts from waves and storms, contain an array of potential pharmaceuticals, and support tourism and fishing industries worth billions of dollars; and


     WHEREAS, coral reefs are also fundamental to the fabric of local communities, providing a source of food, materials and traditional activities; and


     WHEREAS, most fish in this area are found along the channel's shoreline side, which has a number of small caves, and near the exposed parts of the reef on the channel's seaward side; and


     WHEREAS, population increases, shoreline development, land-based sources of pollution, increased sediments in the water, damage by tourists and divers, poor water quality from runoff and sewage treatment, over-fishing, and increased stress from global warming and natural factors such as hurricanes and disease add to the degrading

reefs; and


     WHEREAS, Waikiki’s Marine Life Conservation District is designed to protect nearshore habitats and fish populations within them; and


     WHEREAS, the Division of Aquatic Resources purpose is to manage, conserve and restore the state's unique aquatic resources and ecosystems for present and future generations; and


     WHEREAS, 2008 is the year of the International Year of the Coral Reef; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the Senate concurring, that the Waikiki Marine Life Conservation District and its immediately surrounding areas include projects to manage or enhance fisheries for long-term sustainability of the resources, protect and restore the aquatic environment, while protecting native and resident aquatic species and their habitat; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Chairperson of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, and the members of the Honolulu City Council.









Report Title: 

Waikiki Marine Life Conservation District and surrounding areas; enhance sustainability