H.C.R. NO. |
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strongly urging ENTITIES IN the cruise industry that operate cruises visiting the State to fully participate in good faith with the ongoing study entitled the Hawaii Cruise Industry Study, intended to assess the current and potential impacts of the cruise industry on each island and the State until the year 2018.
WHEREAS, the State has funded a study, tentatively entitled the Hawaii Cruise Industry Study, to assess the current and potential impacts of the cruise industry on each island and the State until the year 2018; and
WHEREAS, ICF International and Menlo Consulting Group, Inc. are currently in the process of conducting this study, which will be used by policymakers to assess the need, if any, to make decisions in response to the cruise industry's impacts; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaii Tourism Authority and the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, in collaboration with the Departments of Land and Natural Resources and Transportation, represent the State in the ongoing study; and
WHEREAS, the study is planned to consist of nine modules as follows:
(1) Assessment of cruise industry;
(2) Assessment of Hawaii's cruise industry;
(3) Impact on the economy;
(4) Impact on infrastructure and government services;
(5) Impact on the environment;
(6) Impact on historical sites;
(7) Cost benefit analysis;
(8) Comparison with on-shore accommodations; and
(9) Best management practices; and
WHEREAS, at present, only module 1 has been completed; and
WHEREAS, even though subsequent modules specifically aimed at exploring the various types of impacts of the cruise industry have not yet been completed, module 1 already touches on various economic, environmental, and community impacts that the cruise industry has on the State and ways to address, monitor, and manage cruise-related impacts and issues; and
WHEREAS, there have been credible reports that the cruise industry has not fully participated or has not participated in good faith with the conduct of the study; and
WHEREAS, this lack of cooperation and participation from the cruise industry, which is the main subject of the study, will critically obstruct the successful completion of this study and limit the usefulness of any findings and conclusions that may be reached in the study; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the Senate concurring, that entities in the cruise industry that operate cruises visiting the State are strongly urged to fully participate in good faith with the ongoing study entitled the Hawaii Cruise Industry Study, intended to assess the current and potential impacts of the cruise industry on each island and the State until the year 2018; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of the Hawaii Tourism Authority who, in turn, is requested to transmit copies to the various cruise line companies that operate cruises visiting Hawaii; the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; the Director of Transportation; the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources; and ICF International and Menlo Consulting Group, Inc.
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Urge Cruise Industry to Participate in Cruise Industry Study