H.C.R. NO.














requesting the DEPARTMENT OF health to study the use and safety of children's products and toys containing phthalates and bisphenol-a.




     WHEREAS, many common ingredients used for the production of foods, textile, tools, and toys have been found to be toxic for human use or consumption; and


     WHEREAS, growing children are particularly at risk to chemicals in their environment, as they face greater exposure per pound of body weight and are physiologically more susceptible to chemicals; and


     WHEREAS, phthalates, a class of chemicals used in polyvinyl chloride plastic to improve flexibility and in cosmetics to bind fragrance to the product, are also used in many products intended for use by infants and young children, including teethers, toys, and soft plastic books; and


     WHEREAS, bisphenol-A has been used for more than fifty years to make shatter-resistant polycarbonate plastic and versatile epoxy resins and is found in a wide array of consumer products such as reusable baby bottles, food storage containers, and corrective eyeglass lenses; and


     WHEREAS, there is extensive scientific literature reporting the hormone-disrupting effect of phthalates and substantial evidence that the phthalates of concern are found in humans at levels associated with adverse effects; and


     WHEREAS, many studies have suggested that bisphenol-A exposure, even in very low doses, is linked to a staggering number of health problems, including cancer, obesity, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and brain damage; and


     WHEREAS, other studies have claimed no demonstrated health risk from the use of phthalates and bisphenol-A; and


     WHEREAS, many have called for a prohibition on the manufacture, sale, or distribution of certain toys and child care articles containing bisphenol-A or specific types of phthalates in concentrations exceeding 0.1 per cent and to require manufacturers to use safer alternatives when replacing phthalates in their products; and


     WHEREAS, to provide more information and weigh the pros and cons of using products containing phthalates and bisphenol-A, the Department of Health should study the use and safety of children's products and toys containing these chemicals; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the Senate concurring, that the Department of Health is requested to investigate the use and safety of children's products and toys that contain phthalates and bisphenol-A; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to submit a report to the Legislature no later than December 31, 2010 that includes:


     (1)  Analysis of children's toys and products containing either phthalates or bisphenol-A, detailing how these chemicals are used in specific applications and identifying exposure potential and any potential health risk;


     (2)  Assessment and summary of relevant scientific studies on bisphenol-A and phthalates used in children's toys and products, including the scientific reviews and risk assessments conducted by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, the European Union, and other independent scientific panels or bodies; and


     (3)  Recommendations regarding future policy options or the need for further scientific research on exposure of children to phthalates and bisphenol-A used in toys and other children's products; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to appoint a nine-member Scientific Review Panel for the purpose of reviewing scientific studies, to include:


     (1)  The Director of Health or the Director's designee, who is requested to serve as the chairperson;


     (2)  At least three qualified toxicologists;


     (3)  At least one oncologist;


     (4)  At least one epidemiologist or biostatistician; and


     (5)  Individuals with relevant scientific experience and experience in the operation of scientific review or advisory bodies, and in scientific risk assessment.


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health, in convening the Scientific Review Panel, is requested to solicit public input on a pool of nominees to include at least three nominees for each discipline represented on the panel; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to hold a public workshop, prior to the completion of the final report, in order to provide an opportunity for public comment on the draft version of the report; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health is requested to respond to comments in a timely manner and to ensure public accessibility to documents presented at any workshops and used in preparation of the report; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to Director of Health.









Report Title: 

Phthalates and Bisphenol-A Study; Department of Health