H.C.R. NO.



H.D. 1











URGING THE board OF EDUCATION TO Establish an integrating REHABILITATION PROGRAMS FOR students with anger problems.




     WHEREAS, today's world of modern technology is capable of exposing us to events occurring across the globe, such as the Iraq war, and we are constantly reminded that the issues of aggression and antagonism remain a huge challenge for people to overcome; and


     WHEREAS, the violence that exists within our own country is  made sadly evident by the actions of our youth, including shootings and reports of violence within colleges, high schools, and even in middle and elementary schools; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii's unique island location serves as a bridge between the East and the West, bringing many different cultures together to create a wonderfully diverse place to live, but such diversity can also lead to tensions; and


     WHEREAS, there have been instances of hostilities within our own schools involving firearms on campus, extreme hazing, and psychological abuse among peers; and


     WHEREAS, currently, Hawaii public school students who engage in acts of violence are not given the tools they need to change their behavior because the most prevalent method of dealing with such behavior is to remove the student from school instead of teaching the student how to properly manage feelings of anger; and


     WHEREAS, as a result of Act 205, Session Laws of Hawaii 2006, programs have been developed to assist students who have used drugs or alcohol, by screening and evaluating the student to determine if they have substance abuse problems and identify the underlying issues that have led them to such behavior; and


     WHEREAS, if a student is diagnosed as having a substance abuse problem, they are placed in a program with a specialist who helps them overcome their addiction; and


     WHEREAS, a similar intervention and rehabilitation program should be put into place to provide students with anger management issues with the help they need to manage their feelings of frustration and antagonism learn more productive outlets for such feelings and avoid acting out in violence; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the Senate concurring, that the Board of Education (BOE) is requested to establish an anger management and rehabilitation program to provide students who commit acts of violence or harassment at their school with the rehabilitation that they need to change their behavior; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Education and Superintendent of Education.










Report Title: 

Anger Management; BOE Programs (HD 1)