H.C.R. NO. |
117 |
S.D. 1 |
WHEREAS, the Hanapepe Salt Ponds, on the southwestern coast of Kauai at the mouth of the Hanapepe Valley, are home to ancient authentic Hawaiian salt ponds; and
WHEREAS, the Hanapepe Salt Ponds are listed on the State Historic Preservation Register and are an extremely important cultural resource to the community; and
WHEREAS, salt from the Hanapepe Salt Ponds is created by accessing underground saltwater from a deep ancient source through wells and transferring the saltwater to shallow pools called wai ku, then into salt pans that are shaped carefully with clay from the area, and dried with brine shrimp that add sweetness to the salt; and
WHEREAS, this type of salt-making is unique and authentic, and the harvested traditional Hawaiian sea salt mixed with alaea, a form of red dirt from Kokee, is used for traditional Hawaiian ceremonies to cleanse, purify, and bless, as well as for healing rituals for medicinal purposes; and
WHEREAS, over the years, the Hanapepe Salt Ponds have been burdened by the surrounding uses of land, which pollute surface water runoff that flows into the salt ponds; and
WHEREAS, Hanapepe Bay or Harbor was placed on the federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d), 2004 final list of impaired waters in Hawaii for its excessive levels of total suspended solids, nutrients, and temperature, and toxic substances; and
WHEREAS, the development of an airfield runway, a heavily used beach park, a road cutting through the salt beds, a makeshift beach access route blocking drainage, and the cutting down of the kiawe forest (which provides evapotranspiration), and runoff from the cane fields and highway, have all potentially contributed to the decline of the health of the salt ponds; and
WHEREAS, a close examination of the watershed, moku, and ahupuaa to identify the sources of pollution is needed to recommend projects to reduce the sources of pollution and create a comprehensive resource management plan to revitalize the Hanapepe Salt Ponds; and
WHEREAS, the Hanapepe and native Hawaiian communities are eager to assist in planning for ways to ensure the long-term protection and management of the Hanapepe Salt Ponds; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaiian community possesses unique and inherent rights (i.e. konohiki and genealogical) and claims to the Hanapepe Salt Ponds; and
WHEREAS, a prudent comprehensive resource management plan should encompass coastal zone management and ocean resources management planning, as the Hanapepe Salt Ponds are affected both by tidal influence and land activities; and
WHEREAS, the development of a comprehensive resource management plan would require:
(1) The identification and assessment of the problems and
(2) The involvement of all applicable stakeholders,
government agencies, and the Hawaiian community to ensure the plans are workable and acceptable to all parties; and
(3) The identification of the source of the salt and brine shrimp, and explanation of how they migrate to the area; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2008, the Senate concurring, that the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Land Division, is requested to assemble various state, county, and community agencies, rights holders, and stakeholders to conduct meetings to develop a comprehensive Hanapepe Salt Ponds Resource Management Plan (Management Plan); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the meetings include representatives of the:
(1) Office of Hawaiian Affairs Kauai Trustee;
(2) Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Division;
(3) Department of Transportation, Airports Division;
(4) Department of Planning of the County of Kauai;
(5) Office of Planning;
(6) Hui Hana Paakai O Hanapepe (two members);
(7) Hui O Paakai (two members); and
(8) Aha Kiole Advisory Committee, to be replaced by the Aha Moku Council, when established; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Management Plan include:
(1) Identification of the watershed, moku, and ahupuaa of Hanapepe/Makaweli;
(2) Identification of all sources of pollution, particularly those that affect coastal water quality and cultural and historical resources in the area surrounding the Hanapepe Salt Ponds;
(3) Preparation of a watershed implementation plan (Implementation Plan) similar to those prepared by the Department of Health Polluted Runoff Control Program in other areas of the state, to include identification and recommendation of small-scale, local projects that can be undertaken to reduce sources of pollution in the watershed;
(4) Consultation with local Hawaiian practitioners and kupuna in the Waimea moku about local best management principles and practices, and documentation of the principles and practices in a report, to be integrated with the Implementation Plan;
(5) Identification of Hawaiian community rights holders, such as Konohiki, genealogical, or other inherent Hawaiian rights, and stakeholders, and results of meetings therewith;
(6) Protection measures for the Hawaiian community presently mining salt, and protection measures for rights in perpetuity to genealogical ties and user rights to the salt ponds;
(7) Preparation of a comprehensive resource management plan for the Hanapepe Salt Ponds; and
(8) Recommendations for long-term protection measures; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Land Division, is requested to submit to the Legislature a preliminary report of the Management Plan and the Implementation Plan, including best management practices and principles and recommended legislation, no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2009, and a final report no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources.
Hanapepe Salt Ponds Resource Management Plan