Report Title:

Philippine Language and Filipino-American Studies; Appropriation



Appropriates funds to the University of Hawaii system to provide Philippine language and Filipino-American studies courses systemwide.  Appropriates funds.  (HB3398 HD2)



H.B. NO.



H.D. 2
















     SECTION 1.  The Filipino community has grown since their arrival to Hawaii 101 years ago.  Approximately one out of every four Hawaii residents is of Filipino ancestry, consisting of over a quarter million people.

     Hawaii has the fourth highest percentage of immigrants in the country.  Of the 212,229 foreign-born residents in Hawaii in 2000, almost half (48 per cent) were from the Philippines.  More than 40 per cent of Filipinos living in Hawaii are under the age of 25.  About 36,595 Filipino students (21 per cent) are enrolled in Hawaii’s public school system, in grades kindergarten through twelve.

     However, despite their representation in the general population and in elementary and high school, Filipinos are underrepresented in higher education.  Filipinos represent 21 per cent of the public school enrollment, yet only 15 per cent of the Filipino population 25 years of age and over has earned a bachelor’s degree or higher, placing Filipinos below all other major ethnic groups in Hawaii in terms of higher education.

     Although underrepresented among the student population at Windward community college (six per cent), University of Hawaii at Hilo (five per cent), and University of Hawaii at Manoa (eight per cent), Filipino student representation is more substantial on the following campuses:  Hawaii community college (13 per cent), Honolulu community college (21 per cent), Kapiolani community college (14 per cent), Kauai community college (23 per cent), Leeward community college (26 per cent), Maui community college (18 per cent), and the University of Hawaii at West Oahu (14 per cent).

     A significant issue for Filipino students and the Filipino community is the availability and stability of curriculum offerings in the Philippine languages, as well as course offerings on Filipino-American ethnic and Philippine studies.  The three major Philippine languages that are prevalent in Hawaii are Filipino, Ilokano, and Cebuano.  There is an important need to increase the representation of Filipino students, as well as professionals trained in the Philippine languages and cultures who can work in the area of education, health, legal services, and commerce.  Offering courses in the Philippine languages and cultures on University of Hawaii campuses will increase academic interest and student success.  Providing these educational opportunities at the various campuses is consistent with the University of Hawaii's strategic plans and is responsive to state needs.

     The University of Hawaii boasts the largest number of students on any United States college campus taking a Philippine language course, and the University of Manoa is the only institution that offers a bachelor of arts in the languages and literature of the Philippines.  Leeward community college offers Philippine studies courses and Kapiolani community college offers lectures on Philippine languages.  However, Filipino students and community leaders have expressed concern that these courses are not offered on many of the University of Hawaii system campuses.

     There has been strong interest at Kauai community college and Hawaii community college to have language courses taught onsite and complemented by online instruction.  In addition, the University of Hawaii at Hilo is also interested in offering Filipino-related courses.  Filipinos at the University of Hawaii at West Oahu have expressed interest in Hawaii ethnic studies and service learning courses.  Expertise is available at the University of Hawaii campus at Manoa to assist in developing the curriculum of these language courses as well as Philippine courses and ethnic studies and service learning opportunities.

     Funding is needed for partnerships between student affairs units working with recruitment and retention issues and academic units that can offer Philippine language courses and ethnic studies and service learning projects, as well as for development of partnerships with the public schools, other University of Hawaii campuses, community groups, and government agencies.

     Although providing full-time positions at every campus would be ideal, the purpose of this Act is to provide funding for:

     (1)  Limited resources that can be shared by more than one campus (e.g. curriculum development of language courses by faculty from more than one campus, and online courses); and

     (2)  Development, instructional delivery, community service opportunity, online courses, and recruitment and retention of student services for the vice chancellor for student services at the various University of Hawaii system campuses.

     SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $       or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 for the vice chancellor for student affairs at the various University of Hawaii system campuses for shared resources for Philippine language and culture programs as follows:

     (1)  $        for the University of Hawaii at Hilo;

     (2)  $        for Hawaii, Honolulu, Kauai, Kapiolani, Leeward, Maui, and Windward community colleges;

     (3)  $        for the University of Hawaii at West Oahu; and

     (4)  $        for the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.