Report Title:
CIP; 42nd Representative District
Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 42nd representative district.
H.B. NO. |
2851 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the forty-second representative district.
SECTION 1. The following sums or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2008-2009:
1. To be expended by the department of education:
A. James Campbell high school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for a new classroom building.
Design $1,230,000
Construction $19,640,000
Equipment $130,000
Total funding $21,000,000
B. James Campbell high school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for air-conditioning for the entire school.
Design $600,000
Construction $10,400,000
Equipment $1,000,000
Total funding $12,000,000
C. James Campbell high school, Oahu
Plans for an athletic complex.
Plans $250,000
Total funding $250,000
D. James Campbell high school, Oahu
Design and construction for electrical upgrades.
Design $85,000
Construction $900,000
Total funding $985,000
E. Ewa elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for a new classroom building.
Design $550,000
Construction $7,350,000
Equipment $100,000
Total funding $8,000,000
F. Ewa elementary school, Oahu
Design and construction of playground equipment.
Design $10,000
Construction $50,000
Total funding $60,000
G. Ewa elementary school, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction for a parking lot.
Plans $50,000
Design $50,000
Construction $1,000,000
Total funding $1,100,000
H. Ewa elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for an eight- classroom building.
Design $700,000
Construction $9,500,000
Equipment $100,000
Total funding $10,300,000
I. Ewa elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for air conditioning in buildings C and D.
Design $65,000
Construction $500,000
Equipment $1,000
Total funding $566,000
J. Ewa Beach elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for air conditioning in all classrooms.
Design $220,000
Construction $3,280,000
Equipment $500,000
Total funding $4,000,000
K. Ewa Beach elementary school, Oahu
Design and construction for electrical upgrades to the school.
Design $60,000
Construction $575,000
Total funding $635,000
L. Ewa makai middle school, Oahu
Land acquisition, construction, and equipment to build a new school facility.
Land $1,000
Construction $66,882,000
Equipment $800,000
Total funding $67,683,000
M. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for air-conditioning of all classrooms and the administration building.
Design $600,000
Construction $9,680,000
Total funding $10,280,000
N. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for renovation and expansion of the library.
Design $570,000
Construction $5,320,000
Equipment $50,000
Total funding $5,940,000
O. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for replacement and installation of the public address system.
Design $35,000
Construction $280,000
Total funding $315,000
P. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction to enlarge and expand school parking lots.
Design $55,000
Construction $600,000
Total funding $655,000
Q. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for air-conditioning for all classrooms and administration building.
Design $600,000
Construction $7,000,000
Total funding $7,600,000
R. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for two portable classrooms.
Design $50,000
Construction $600,000
Equipment $25,000
Total funding $675,000
S. Ilima intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for electrical and technology network upgrades.
Design $175,000
Construction $1,900,000
Total funding $2,075,000
T. Iroquois Point elementary school, Oahu
Design and construction for a volleyball court.
Design $40,000
Construction $230,000
Total funding $270,000
U. Iroquois Point elementary school, Oahu
Design and construction for a grass field with sprinkler system.
Design $40,000
Construction $340,000
Total funding $380,000
V. Kaimiloa elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for a classroom building.
Design $700,000
Construction $7,500,000
Equipment $50,000
Total funding $8,250,000
W. Kaimiloa elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for air conditioning for the entire school.
Design $470,000
Construction $4,959,000
Equipment $1,000
Total funding $5,430,000
X. Keoneula elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for a classroom building.
Design $700,000
Construction $9,500,000
Equipment $100,000
Total funding $10,300,000
Y. Keoneula elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for four portable classrooms.
Design $75,000
Construction $1,100,000
Equipment $40,000
Total funding $1,215,000
Z. Keoneula elementary school, Oahu
Design and construction for installation of gutters on all buildings.
Design $10,000
Construction $100,000
Total funding $110,000
AA. Pohakea elementary school, Oahu
Design, construction, and equipment for air conditioning and electrical system upgrades.
Design $80,000
Construction $600,000
Equipment $1,000
Total funding $681,000
BB. Waipahu high school, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction to complete fencing project.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $73,000
Total funding $75,000
CC. Waipahu high school, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction for the carpeting of the band room.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $28,000
Total funding $30,000
DD. Waipahu high school, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction for electrical upgrades to buildings H, G, and Q.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $58,000
Total funding $60,000
EE. Waipahu intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for telecommunications and electrical system upgrades.
Design $140,000
Construction $1,200,000
Total funding $1,340,000
FF. Waipahu intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for additional parking stalls to ease traffic flow into Waikele road.
Design $30,000
Construction $450,000
Total funding $480,000
GG. Waipahu intermediate school, Oahu
Design and construction for a fence along the back of the campus.
Design $10,000
Construction $90,000
Total funding $100,000
2. To be expended by the University of Hawaii:
A. University of Hawaii-West Oahu, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction for an east-west connector road.
Plans $500,000
Design $1,500,000
Construction $10,000,000
Total funding $12,000,000
3. To be expended by the department of Hawaiian home lands:
A. Design and construction for first phase of an east- west connector road.
Design $1,000
Construction $17,224,000
Total funding $17,225,000
4. To be expended by the department of transportation:
A. Ocean pointe marina, Oahu
Land acquisition and construction for an intra-island ferry.
Land $10,000,000
Construction $10,000,000
Total funding $20,000,000
B. North-south road, Oahu
Design and construction for widening of the north south road from four lanes to six lanes.
Design $1,000
Construction $19,999,000
Total funding $20,000,000
C. Fort Weaver road, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction for road improvements for the area fronting the state child and family services complex and extending to old Fort Weaver road.
Plans $25,000
Design $250,000
Construction $5,000,000
Total funding $5,275,000
D. Fort Weaver road, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction for widening of the road, from four lanes to six lanes, from Geiger road to Papipi drive.
Plans $50,000
Design $100,000
Construction $20,000,000
Total funding $20,150,000
E. Keaunui drive, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction to extend the road to Renton road.
Plans $10,000
Design $50,000
Construction $250,000
Total funding $310,000
F. Renton road and Roosevelt avenue, Oahu
Plans, design, and construction to add a street light at the intersection.
Plans $1,000
Design $1,000
Construction $10,000
Total funding $12,000
G. Leeward bikeway, Oahu
Plans, land acquisition, design, and construction for phases one and two.
Plans $100,000
Land $10,000,000
Design $2,000,000
Construction $13,000,000
Total funding $25,100,000
SECTION 2. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 are appropriated or authorized, as the case may be, from moneys in the treasury received from federal grants and revenue bond funds to finance the following project on Oahu. The letter symbols used after the specific project appropriations indicate the source of financing and have the following meaning: (E) revenue bond funds, and ( ) federal funds.
North–south road, Oahu
Construction of north-south road from Kapolei parkway to the vicinity of H-1. $7,000,000(E)
$28,000,000( )
The sums appropriated shall be expended, and the bonds authorized shall be issued, by the department of transportation for the purposes of this section. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance of any appropriation made by this Act as of the close of business on June 30, 2010, shall lapse into the fund from which appropriated. Any unissued balance of any authorization made by this section as of the close of business on June 30, 2010, shall lapse.
SECTION 4. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 are appropriated or authorized, as the case may be, from moneys in the treasury received from special funds and the general obligation bond fund to finance the following project on Oahu. The letter symbols used after the specific project appropriations indicate the source of financing and have the following meaning: (B) special funds, (C) general obligation bond fund.
University of Hawaii West Oahu campus, Oahu
Development of a West Oahu campus. $100,000,000(B)
$ 35,000,000(C)
The sums appropriated shall be expended, and the bonds authorized shall be issued, by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this section. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance of any appropriation made by this Act as of the close of business on June 30, 2010, shall lapse into the fund from which appropriated. Any unissued balance of any authorization made by this section as of the close of business on June 30, 2010, shall lapse.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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