Report Title:

Employees' Retirement System; Police Radio Dispatchers



Makes police radio dispatchers class A members of the employees' retirement system.  Exempts Act from prohibition against benefit enhancements, including reduction in retirement age when there is an unfunded liability established in section 88-122(e), HRS by Act 256, SLH 2007, section 3(2).  (HB2849 HD1)



H.B. NO.



H.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  Section 88-21, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new definition to be appropriately inserted and to read as follows:

     ""Police radio dispatcher" means any regularly employed member of any county of the State whose principal duties are to conduct police call taking and radio dispatching."

     SECTION 2.  Section 88-45, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

     "§88-45  Employee contributions.  After June 30, 1988, each class A and class B member shall contribute seven and eight-tenths per cent of the member's compensation to the annuity savings fund; provided that after June 30, 1989, all firefighters, police officers, corrections officers, investigators of the departments of the prosecuting attorney and of the attorney general, narcotics enforcement investigators, water safety officers not making the election under section 88-271, [and] public safety investigations staff investigators, and police radio dispatchers, except for any police radio dispatcher who elected not to become a class A member pursuant to Act   , Session Laws of Hawaii 2008, shall contribute twelve and two-tenths per cent of their compensation to the annuity savings fund for service in that capacity."

     SECTION 3.  Section 88-47, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:

     "(a)  There shall be four classes of members in the system to be known as class A, class B, class C, and class H, defined as follows:

     (1)  Class A shall consist of:

         (A)  Judges, elected officials, and legislative officers;

         (B)  Investigators of the department of the attorney general, narcotics enforcement investigators, water safety officers not making the election under section 88-271, [and] public safety investigations staff investigators[;], and police radio dispatchers;

         (C)  Those members in service prior to July 1, 1984, including those who are on approved leave of absence, not making the election to become a class C member as provided in part VII or to become a class H member as provided in part VIII;

         (D)  The following members in service prior to July 1, 2006, including those who are on approved leave of absence, not making the election to become a class H member as provided in part VIII:

              (i)  Members whose salaries are set forth in sections 26-52 and 26-53 and their county counterparts, managing directors or an administrative assistant to the mayor, other county department heads, and agency heads appointed and subject to removal by the mayor;

             (ii)  First deputies appointed by the county attorney and prosecuting attorney;

            (iii)  The county clerk and deputy county clerk of each county;

             (iv)  The directors of the offices of council services of the county of Maui and the city and county of Honolulu;

              (v)  The administrative director of the courts;

             (vi)  The deputy administrative director of the courts;

            (vii)  The executive officer of the labor and industrial relations appeals board; and

           (viii)  The executive officer of the Hawaii labor relations board;

         (E)  All former class A retirants who return to employment after June 30, 1984, requiring the retirant's active membership; and

         (F)  All former class B retirants who return to employment requiring the retirant's active membership, except for:

              (i)  Former retirants who return in the positions of police officer or firefighter;

             (ii)  Former retirants who were members on July 1, 1957, who elected not to be covered by the Social Security Act; and

            (iii)  Former retirants who were in positions to which coverage under Title II of the Social Security Act was not extended who entered membership after June 30, 1957, but before January 1, 2004;

(2)  Class B shall consist of:

         (A)  Police officers and firefighters, including former retirants who return to service in such capacity;

         (B)  All employees, including former retirants, who were members on July 1, 1957, who elected not to be covered by the Social Security Act; and

         (C)  All employees, including former retirants, in positions to which coverage under Title II of the Social Security Act is not extended, who enter membership after June 30, 1957, but before January 1, 2004, not making the election to become a class H member as provided in part VIII;

(3)  Except for members described in paragraphs (1) and (2), class C shall consist of all employees, not making the election to become a class H member as provided in part VIII, who:

         (A)  First enter service after June 30, 1984, but before July 1, 2006;

         (B)  Reenter service after June 30, 1984, but before July 1, 2006, without vested benefit status as provided in section 88-96(b);

         (C)  Make the election to become a class C member as provided in part VII; [or]

         (D)  Are former class C retirants who return to service requiring the retirant's active membership; [and] or

         (E)  Any police radio dispatcher who elected not to become a class A member pursuant to Act   , Session Laws of Hawaii 2008;


(4)  Except for members described in paragraphs (1) and (2), class H shall consist of all employees who:

         (A)  First enter service after June 30, 2006;

         (B)  Reenter service after June 30, 2006, without vested benefit status as provided in section 88‑96(b);

         (C)  Make the election to become a class H member as provided in part VIII; or

         (D)  Are former class H retirants who return to service requiring the retirant's active membership."

     SECTION 4.  Section 88-74, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

     "§88-74  Allowance on service retirement.  (a)  Upon retirement from service, a member shall receive a maximum retirement allowance as follows:

     (1)  If the member has attained age fifty-five, a retirement allowance of two per cent of the member's average final compensation multiplied by the total number of years of the member's credited service as a class A and B member, excluding any credited service as a judge, elective officer, or legislative officer, plus a retirement allowance of one and one-fourth per cent of the member's average final compensation multiplied by the total number of years of prior credited service as a class C member, plus a retirement allowance of two per cent of the member's average final compensation multiplied by the total number of years of prior credited service as a class H member; provided that:

         (A)  After June 30, 1968, if the member has at least ten years of credited service of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service as a firefighter, police officer, or an investigator of the department of the prosecuting attorney;

         (B)  After June 30, 1977, if the member has at least ten years of credited service of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service as a corrections officer;

         (C)  After June 16, 1981, if the member has at least ten years of credited service of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service as an investigator of the department of the attorney general;

         (D)  After June 30, 1989, if the member has at least ten years of credited service of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service as a narcotics enforcement investigator;

         (E)  After December 31, 1993, if the member has at least ten years of credited service of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service as a water safety officer;

         (F)  After June 30, 1994, if the member has at least ten years of credited service, of which the last five or more years prior to retirement are credited service as a public safety investigations staff investigator;

         (G)  After June 30, 2002, if the member:

              (i)  Has at least ten years of credited service as a firefighter;

             (ii)  Is deemed permanently medically disqualified due to a service related disability to be a firefighter by the employer's physician; and

            (iii)  Continues employment in a class A or B position other than a firefighter; [and]

         (H)  After June 30, 2004, if the member:

              (i)  Has at least ten years of credited service as a police officer;

             (ii)  Is deemed permanently medically disqualified due to a service related disability to be a police officer by the employer's physician; and

            (iii)  Continues employment in a class A or B position other than a police officer;


         (I)  After December 31, 2008, if the member has at least ten years of credited service of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service as a police radio dispatcher,

          then for each year of service as a firefighter, police officer, corrections officer, investigator of the department of the prosecuting attorney, investigator of the department of the attorney general, narcotics enforcement investigator, water safety officer, police radio dispatcher, or public safety investigations staff investigator, the retirement allowance shall be two and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation.  The maximum retirement allowance for those members shall not exceed eighty per cent of the member's average final compensation.  If the member has not attained age fifty-five, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed as though the member had attained age fifty-five, reduced for age as provided in subsection (b);

     (2)  If the member has credited service as a judge, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed on the following basis:

         (A)  For a member who has credited service as a judge before July 1, 1999, irrespective of age, for each year of credited service as a judge, three and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation in addition to an annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated contributions allocable to the period of service; and

         (B)  For a member who first earned credited service as a judge after June 30, 1999, for each year of credited service as a judge, three and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation in addition to an annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated contributions allocable to the period of service.  If the member has not attained age fifty-five, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed as though the member had attained age fifty-five, reduced for age as provided in subsection (b); or

         (C)  For a judge with other credited service, as provided in paragraph (1).  If the member has not attained age fifty-five, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed as though the member had attained age fifty-five, reduced for age as provided in subsection (b); or

         (D)  For a judge with credited service as an elective officer or as a legislative officer, as provided in paragraph (3).

          No allowance shall exceed seventy-five per cent of the member's average final compensation.  If the allowance exceeds this limit, it shall be adjusted by reducing the annuity included in subparagraphs (A) and (B) and the portion of the accumulated contributions specified in the subparagraphs in excess of the requirements of the reduced annuity shall be returned to the member upon the member's retirement or paid to the member's designated beneficiary upon the member's death while in service or while on authorized leave without pay.  The allowance for judges under this paragraph, together with the retirement allowance provided by the federal government for similar service, shall in no case exceed seventy-five per cent of the member's average final compensation; or

     (3)  If the member has credited service as an elective officer or as a legislative officer, the member's retirement allowance shall be derived by adding the allowances computed separately under subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) as follows:

         (A)  Irrespective of age, for each year of credited service as an elective officer, three and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation as computed under section 88-81(e)(1), in addition to an annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated contributions allocable to the period of service; and

         (B)  Irrespective of age, for each year of credited service as a legislative officer, three and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation as computed under section 88-81(e)(2), in addition to an annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated contributions allocable to the period of service;

         (C)  If the member has credited service as a judge, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed on the following basis:

              (i)  For a member who has credited service as a judge before July 1, 1999, irrespective of age, for each year of credited service as a judge, three and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation as computed under section 88-81(e)(3), in addition to an annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated contributions allocable to the period of service; and

             (ii)  For a member who first earned credited service as a judge after June 30, 1999, and has attained the age of fifty-five, for each year of credited service as a judge, three and one-half per cent of the member's average final compensation as computed under section 88-81(e)(3), in addition to an annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated contributions allocable to the period of service.  If the member has not attained age fifty-five, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed as though the member had attained age fifty-five, reduced for age as provided in subsection (b); and

         (D)  For each year of credited service not included in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C), the average final compensation as computed under section 88-81(e)(4) shall be multiplied by two per cent for credited service earned as a class A or class H member, two and one-half per cent for credited service earned as a class B member, and one and one-quarter per cent for credited service earned as a class C member.  If the member has not attained age fifty-five, the member's retirement allowance shall be computed as though the member had attained age fifty-five, reduced for age as provided in subsection (b).

          The total retirement allowance shall not exceed seventy-five per cent of the member's highest average final compensation calculated under section 88-81(e)(1), (2), (3), or (4).  If the allowance exceeds this limit, it shall be adjusted by reducing any annuity accrued under subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) and the portion of the accumulated contributions specified in these subparagraphs in excess of the requirements of the reduced annuity shall be returned to the member upon the member's retirement or paid to the member's designated beneficiary upon the member's death while in service or while on authorized leave without pay.  If a member has service credit as an elective officer or as a legislative officer in addition to service credit as a judge, then the retirement benefit calculation contained in this paragraph shall supersede the formula contained in paragraph (2).

     (b)  Except as provided in subsection (a), if a member has not attained age fifty-five at the date of retirement, the member's retirement allowance shall be reduced, for each month the member's age at the date of retirement is below age fifty-five, as follows:

     (1)  0.4166 per cent for each month below age fifty-five and above age forty-nine and eleven months; plus

     (2)  0.3333 per cent for each month below age fifty and above age forty-four and eleven months; plus

     (3)  0.2500 per cent for each month below age forty-five and above age thirty-nine and eleven months; plus

     (4)  0.1666 per cent for each month below age forty;

provided that no reduction shall be made if the member has at least twenty-five years of credited service as a firefighter, police officer, corrections officer, investigator of the department of the prosecuting attorney, investigator of the department of the attorney general, narcotics enforcement investigator, public safety investigations staff investigator, sewer worker, police radio dispatcher, or water safety officer, of which the last five or more years prior to retirement is credited service in these capacities."

     SECTION 5.  (a)  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, police radio dispatchers who are in service prior to January 1, 2008, may elect to convert their existing class A or class C membership to the class A membership status provided for in this Act; provided that the service credit of any member electing such a conversion earned before January 1, 2008, shall remain at the class level in which the service credit was earned.  An election indicating the option selected shall be filed with the board of trustees prior to October 1, 2008.  The election filed with the board of trustees shall be irrevocable.

     (b)  All police radio dispatchers hired after December 31, 2008, shall be designated as class A members of the employees' retirement system.

     SECTION 6.  For purposes of this Act, the amendment made to section 88-122(e), Hawaii Revised Statutes by Act 256, Session Laws of Hawaii 2007, section 3(2) prohibiting benefit enhancements, including reduction of retirement age, when there is an unfunded accrued liability, shall not apply.

     SECTION 7.  The revisor of statutes shall insert the number of this Act after the word "Act" in sections 88-45 and 88-47(a)(3)(E), Hawaii Revised Statutes.

     SECTION 8.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 9.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050.