Report Title:
Wireless Enhanced 911; Surcharge
Eliminates the $0.66 monthly surcharge on wireless telephone accounts and terminates the wireless enhanced 911 fund once all moneys in the fund are expended. Effective 7/1/2008.
H.B. NO. |
2831 |
relating to wireless enhanced 911 service.
SECTION 1. Section 138-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Wireless enhanced 911 fund. There is established outside the state
treasury a special fund, to be known as the wireless enhanced 911 fund, to be
administered by the board. The fund shall consist of amounts collected under
section 138-4. Moneys paid into the fund are not general fund revenues of the
State. The board shall place the funds in an interest-bearing account at any
federally insured financial institution, separate and apart from the general
fund of the State. Moneys in the fund shall be expended exclusively by the
board for the purposes of ensuring adequate cost recovery for the deployment of
phase I and phase II wireless enhanced 911 service and for expenses of
administering the fund. The fund shall cease to exist once all moneys in
the fund have been expended."
SECTION 2. Section 138-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Report to the legislature. The board shall submit an annual report to the
legislature, including:
(1) The total aggregate surcharge collected by the State in the last fiscal year;
(2) The amount of disbursement from the fund;
(3) The recipient of each disbursement and a description of the project for which the money was disbursed;
(4) The conditions, if any, placed by the board on disbursements from the fund;
(5) The planned expenditures from the fund in the
next fiscal year[;] and each fiscal year until all moneys in the fund
have been expended;
(6) The amount of any unexpended funds carried forward for the next fiscal year;
[(7) A cost study to guide the legislature
towards necessary adjustments to the fund and the monthly surcharge;] and
[(8)] (7) A progress report of
jurisdictional readiness for wireless E911 services, including public safety
answering points, wireless providers, and wireline providers. The report shall
include the status of requirements outlined in the Federal Communications
Commission Order 94-102 and subsequent supporting orders related to phase I and
phase II wireless 911 services."
SECTION 3. Section 138-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§138-4] Surcharge.
(a) A monthly wireless enhanced 911 surcharge, subject to this chapter, shall
be imposed upon each commercial mobile radio service connection.
(b) The effective date of the surcharge
shall be July 1, 2004. The rate of the surcharge shall be set at 66 cents
per month for each commercial mobile radio service connection. The surcharge
shall have uniform application and shall be imposed on each commercial mobile
radio service connection operating within the State except:
(1) Connections billed to federal, state,
and county government entities; and
(2) Prepaid connections.
(c) All wireless providers and resellers
shall bill to and collect from each of their customers a monthly surcharge at
the rate established for each commercial mobile radio service connection. The
wireless provider or reseller may list the surcharge as a separate line item on
each bill. If a wireless provider or reseller receives a partial payment for a
monthly bill from a commercial mobile radio service customer, the wireless
provider or reseller shall apply the payment against the amount the customer
owes the wireless provider or reseller, before applying the partial payment
against the surcharge.
(d) A wireless provider that:
(1) Is collecting the surcharge and
remitting appropriate portions of the surcharge to the fund pursuant to this
chapter; and
(2) Has been requested by a public safety
answering point to provide phase I or phase II wireless enhanced 911 service in
a particular county or counties,
may recover wireless enhanced 911 commercial
mobile radio service costs as provided in this chapter.
(e) Each wireless provider or reseller may
retain two per cent of the amount of surcharges collected to offset
administrative expenses associated with billing and collecting the surcharge.
(f) A wireless provider or reseller shall
remit to the wireless enhanced 911 fund, within sixty days after the end of the
calendar month in which the surcharge is collected, an amount that represents
the surcharges collected less amounts retained for administrative expenses
incurred by the wireless provider or reseller, as provided in subsection (e).
(g) The surcharges collected by the
wireless provider or reseller pursuant to this section shall not be subject to
any tax, fee, or assessment, nor are they considered revenue of the provider or
(h) Each customer who is subject to this
chapter shall be liable to the State for the surcharge until it has been paid
to the wireless provider. Wireless providers shall have no liability to remit
surcharges that have not been paid by customers. A wireless provider or
reseller shall have no obligation to take any legal action to enforce the
collection of the surcharge for which any customer is billed. However, the
board may initiate a collection action against the customer. If the board
prevails in such a collection action, reasonable attorney's fees and costs
shall be awarded.
(i) At any time the members deem it
necessary and appropriate, the board may meet to make recommendations to the
legislature as to whether the surcharge and fund should be discontinued,
continued as is, or amended.
(j) When considering whether to
discontinue, continue as is, or amend the fund or surcharge, the board's
recommendations shall be based on the latest available information concerning
costs associated with providing wireless enhanced 911 service in accordance
with the Federal Communications Commission order."]
SECTION 4. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2008.
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