Report Title:
Volume 11; Housekeeping Amendments
Amends various provisions of volume 11 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes for the purpose of correcting errors and references, and clarifying language. (HB2692 HD1)
H.B. NO. |
2692 |
H.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. Section 476-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definitions of "credit sale contract" or "contract" and "goods" to read as follows:
""Credit sale contract" or
"contract" means any agreement, including a conditional sale
contract, a retail installment contract, or any other form of instrument[,]
evidencing an obligation to pay the price of goods, services, or both,
purchased in a credit sale, either:
(1) [by] By payment thereof over a
period of time subject to a finance charge [or,]; or
(2) [pursuant] Pursuant to a
written agreement, subject to payment in more than four installments not
including a down payment,
[and in either case] whether or not the
contract contains a title retention provision. [This term] "Credit
sale contract" includes any contract for the bailment or leasing of
goods (unless terminable without penalty at any time by the bailee or lessee)
by which the bailee or lessee contracts to pay as compensation a sum
substantially equivalent to or in excess of the value of the goods and services
involved and by which it is agreed that the bailee or lessee is bound to
become, or has the option of becoming, for no additional consideration or for
nominal consideration, the owner of the goods upon full compliance with the
terms of the contract.
"Goods" [include] includes
all things which are movable at the time the credit sale is entered into or
which will be movable when they thereafter come into existence or which are or
will be fixtures (sections 490:9-334 and 490:9-604)[, but except].
Except as provided in this paragraph, "goods" does not
include money, documents, instruments, accounts, chattel paper, general
intangibles, or minerals or the like (including oil and gas) before
extraction. "Goods" [include] includes standing timber
which is to be cut and removed under a conveyance or contract for sale, the
unborn young of animals, growing crops, and merchandise certificates or
coupons, issued by a credit seller, to be used in the face amount in lieu of
cash in exchange for goods sold by such a seller."
SECTION 2. Section 476-8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§476-8 Insurance provisions. (a)
The amount, if any, charged for insurance[,] shall not exceed the
premiums chargeable in accordance with rate filings made with the [commissioner
of insurance] state insurance commissioner under chapter 431 for
similar insurance.
The seller or holder, if dual interest
insurance on the goods is included in a credit sale contract[,] and a
separate charge is made therefor, shall, within thirty days after
execution of the credit sale contract, send or cause to be sent to the
buyer a policy or policies or certificate of insurance, written by an insurance
company authorized to do business in this [State,] state, clearly
setting forth the amount of the premium, the kind or kinds of insurance, and
the scope of the coverage and all the terms, exceptions, limitations,
restrictions, and conditions of the contract or contracts of insurance.
The buyer of goods under a credit sale contract
may purchase [such] any required insurance from [a] an
insurance producer of the buyer's own selection, and in an insurance
company of the buyer's own selection authorized to do business in this [State;]
state; provided that the seller or holder shall have the right for
reasonable cause to disapprove of the insurance company selected by the buyer
to underwrite the insurance.
(b) In any credit sale contract for the
sale of a motor vehicle where insurance is contracted for as a part of the
sale, and the insurance does not include public liability insurance for bodily
injury and property [damages,] damage, the contract shall
contain, on the same page as the disclosures therein concerning insurance, a
notice substantially similar to the following:
(c) If any [such] insurance
policy or certificate is canceled, the unearned insurance premium refund
received by the holder of the contract shall, at the option of the
holder, either be credited to the final maturing installments of the
credit sale contract or be paid to the buyer, except to the extent
applied toward payment for similar insurance protecting the interests of the
buyer and holder of the contract or either of them."
SECTION 3. Section 477E-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "creditor" to read as follows:
""Creditor" means any bank;
savings and loan association; trust company; financial services loan company [or
small loan company]; credit union; mortgage banker, broker, or solicitor;
pawnbroker; mutual benefit society or fraternal benefit society; debt
adjuster; the issuer of a credit card as defined in section 708-800; any person
who initiates, extends, renews, or continues loans of money or credit; any
person who regularly arranges for the initiation, extension, renewal, or
continuation of a loan of money or credit; or any assignee of an original
creditor who participates in the decision to grant, extend, renew, or to
continue such loan or credit."
SECTION 4. Section 477E-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§477E-5 [Civil penalties.]
Unfair or deceptive act or practice. Any creditor who violates or
attempts to violate any provision of this chapter shall be deemed to have
engaged in an unfair [and] or deceptive act or practice in the
conduct of trade or commerce within the meaning of section 480-2."
SECTION 5. Section 480-14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending subsections (a) and (b) to read:
"(a) Whenever the State, any county, [or
city and county] or any of its political subdivisions or governmental
agencies, is injured in its business or property by reason of anything
forbidden or declared unlawful by this chapter, it may sue to recover threefold
the actual damages sustained by it.
(b) The attorney general may bring an action on behalf of the State, any county, or any of its political subdivisions or governmental agencies to recover the damages provided for by this section, or by any comparable provisions of federal law."
2. By amending subsection (d) to read:
"(d) If judgment is in favor of the State,
any county, or any of its political subdivisions or governmental agencies
under any provision of this chapter, the attorney general or the director of
the office of consumer protection shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees
together with the cost of suit; provided [further] that in any class
action lawsuit brought by the attorney general in behalf of indirect
purchasers, the attorney general shall in addition be awarded an amount commensurate
with expenses reasonably expected to be expended in distribution of damages to
the indirect purchasers."
SECTION 6. Section 480-20, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (a) and (b) to read as follows:
"(a) The attorney general shall enforce
the criminal and civil provisions of this chapter. The county attorney [of
any county, the prosecuting attorney and the], corporation counsel,
or prosecuting attorney of [the city and county] any county
shall investigate and report suspected violations of this chapter to the
attorney general.
(b) Whenever this chapter authorizes or
requires the attorney general to commence any action or proceeding, including
proceedings under section 480-18, the attorney general may require the county
attorney, [prosecuting attorney, or] corporation counsel, or
prosecuting attorney of any [county or city and] county, holding
office in the circuit where the action or proceeding is to be commenced or
maintained, to maintain the action or proceeding under the direction of the
attorney general."
SECTION 7. Section 480-22, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (a) and (b) to read as follows:
"(a) A final judgment or decree rendered
in any civil or criminal proceeding brought by the State under this chapter
shall be prima facie evidence against the defendant in any action or proceeding
brought by any other party under this chapter, or by the State, county, [or
city and county,] or any of its political subdivisions or governmental agencies,
under section 480-14, against the defendant as to all matters respecting which
the judgment or decree would be an estoppel between the parties thereto. This
section shall not apply to consent judgments or decrees entered before any
complaint has been filed; provided that when a consent judgment or decree is
filed, the attorney general shall set forth at the same time the alleged
violations and reasons for entering into the consent judgment or decree. No
consent judgment or decree that is entered before any complaint has been filed
shall become final until sixty days from the filing of the consent judgment or
decree or until the final determination of any exceptions filed, as hereinafter
provided, whichever is later. During the sixty-day period any interested party
covered under section 480-13 may file verified exceptions to the form and
substance of the consent judgment or decree, and the court, upon a full hearing
thereon may approve, refuse to approve, or may modify the consent judgment or
(b) A plea of nolo contendere and a final
judgment or decree rendered pursuant to that plea in any criminal action under
this chapter shall not be admissible against the defendant in any action or
proceeding brought by any other party under this chapter, or by the State,
county, [or city and county,] or any of its political subdivisions or
governmental agencies, under section 480-14 against the defendant."
SECTION 8. Section 480-23, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) No individual shall be criminally
prosecuted or subjected to any criminal penalty under this chapter for or on
account of any transaction, matter, evidence, or thing concerning which the
individual may so testify or produce in any investigation brought by the
attorney general pursuant to section 480-18, or any county attorney, [prosecuting
attorney, or] corporation counsel, or prosecuting attorney of any [county
or city and] county, when the individual has done so pursuant to an order
issued under section 480-23.1[,]; provided that no
individual so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution or punishment for
perjury, for giving a false statement, or for an offense involving a failure to
comply with the order."
SECTION 9. Section 480-23.1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) A judge of a circuit court or of a
district court may, upon application by the attorney general[,] or any
county attorney, [prosecuting attorney, or] corporation counsel, or
prosecuting attorney of any [county or city and] county, issue an
order requiring the person to testify or to produce a record, document, or
other object, notwithstanding the person's refusal to do so on the basis of the
person's privilege against self-incrimination. The application shall specify
whether the immunity being sought is use immunity as set forth in section
480-23.2 or transactional immunity as set forth in section 480-23.3."
SECTION 10. Section 480D-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "debt collector" to read as follows:
""Debt collector" means any
person, who is not a collection agency[,] regulated pursuant to
chapter 443B, and who in the regular course of business collects or
attempts to collect consumer debts owed or due or asserted to be owed or due to
the collector."
SECTION 11. Section 480F-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) Any person who is not a consumer and
is injured by a wilful violation of [the] this chapter may bring
an action for the recovery of damages, a proceeding to restrain and enjoin
those violations, or both. If judgment is for the plaintiff, the plaintiff
shall be awarded a sum not less than $1,000 or threefold damages, whichever sum
is greater, and reasonable attorneys' fees together with the costs of
SECTION 12. Section 481B-1.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (e) to read as follows:
"(e) It shall be an unlawful practice and a
violation of this chapter for any person, in any contest or sweepstakes in
which the winning entry or entries are to be determined by a drawing or some
other method based on an element of chance[:] to:
(1) [To promote] Promote a contest or
sweepstakes in which some or all of the prizes may not be awarded, or to fail
to award all prizes or awards offered, unless the person makes the following
disclosures to each offeree in writing and in a conspicuous manner prior to the
acceptance of the offeree's entry:
(A) That some or all of the prizes may not be awarded; and
(B) The date or dates on which a determination of
winners will be made; [and] or
(2) [To offer] Offer a prize of real
property unless the offeror files and maintains with the director of commerce
and consumer affairs a bond in a sum not less than $10,000, executed by the
offeror, and naming the director as the obligee and a surety company authorized
to do business in the [State] state as surety. The bond shall be
continuous in form and conditioned upon the award of the real property to an
eligible participant. The bond shall run to the State for the benefit of any
person who failed to receive the real property due to the failure of the
offeror to award the real property pursuant to the terms of the offer. The
surety may cancel the bond by giving sixty days' notice in writing to the
director[.] of commerce and consumer affairs. Upon cancellation
or expiration of the bond, the surety shall remain liable for any claims
against the bond for a period of one year; provided that the claim arose while
the bond was in effect and the director of commerce and consumer affairs
notifies the surety of any claims within ninety days of discovery of the claim."
SECTION 13. Section 481B-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§481B-4 [Penalty.]
Remedies. Any person who violates this chapter shall be deemed to
have engaged in an unfair method of competition [or] and unfair [and]
or deceptive act or practice in the conduct of any trade or commerce
within the meaning of section 480-2."
SECTION 14. Section 481B-5.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[§481B-5.5] Returns
for refunds, merchandise credits, and exchanges. [(a) As used in this
section, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Ancillary charges" includes all
charges paid to the merchant that are necessary for the use of the goods for
their purchased purpose and all sums paid for agreements for service, warranty,
or replacement.
"Conspicuous sign" means a sign
posted in the merchant's place of business in a location reasonably calculated
to bring the sign to the attention of purchasers before a purchaser makes a
"Exchange" means a transaction
between a merchant and a purchaser in which a previously purchased item is
exchanged for another item.
"Full amount of the payment"
includes the amount paid for the returned goods, including any ancillary
charges or taxes incident to the purchase of the returned goods, and without
any deduction for restocking of the merchant's inventory, or for administration
of the refund, exchange, or merchandise credit.
"Merchandise credit" means the
crediting to the purchaser of the full amount of the payment upon return of the
goods and allowing the purchaser to purchase goods from the merchant with the
merchandise credit, or applying to the purchaser's credit account with the
merchant, in the amount of the merchandise credit.
"Merchant" means any person
engaged in the business of offering goods for sale to purchasers at retail.
"Proof of purchase" means a sales
slip, receipt, credit card slip, or any other documentation that substantiates
the sale of the goods from the merchant and the amount of payment.
"Purchaser" means a natural person
who is returning goods that were purchased or received primarily for personal,
family, or household purposes.
"Refund" means the return to the
purchaser of the full amount of the payment upon return of the goods, in
accordance with this chapter.
"Repacking and transportation charges"
means the charges for repacking, pickup, and transportation of goods previously
delivered, unpacked, and set up by the merchant at the direction of the
"Return" or "return of
goods" means the acceptance by the merchant of goods from a purchaser,
whether for refund, merchandise credit, or exchange, and includes the
cancellation of a custom or special order before the merchant is obligated to
make payment on the order and the cancellation of a layaway.]"
[(b)] (a) Except as provided in
this section, all merchants shall accept the return of goods for refund,
merchandise credit, or exchange, giving purchasers rights that are no less than
those provided in this section. The merchant may:
(1) Choose one of the following policies by posting a conspicuous sign notifying purchasers of any one of the following limitations:
(A) Refunds only;
(B) Refunds or merchandise credit only;
(C) Exchanges or merchandise credit only; or
(D) No refunds, merchandise credits, or exchanges;
(2) Place specific limitations on the policy adopted by posting a conspicuous sign notifying the purchasers of any limitations allowed by subsections (c), (d), (e), and (f).
[(c)] (b) Any merchant who does
not accept the return of goods shall post conspicuous signs bearing the words
"All sales final", or "No returns for refunds, merchandise
credits, or exchanges", or words or phrases of similar import, to inform
customers that no return of goods shall be accepted.
[(d)] (c) Any merchant who
limits the period during which goods may be returned to less than sixty days
after the date of purchase or delivery shall post conspicuous signs informing
purchasers of the limitation of the period during which the return of goods
shall be accepted.
[(e)] (d) Any merchant who
excludes a certain category or type of goods from its return policy shall post
one or more conspicuous signs identifying that type of goods.
[(f)] (e) Any merchant who
excludes custom or specially ordered goods from its return policy shall post
conspicuous signs, or otherwise notify the purchaser, with the purchaser's
written acknowledgment, of the return policy. For custom or specially ordered
goods, the policy may allow the merchant to accept the return of the goods and
to charge the purchaser for the cost of shipping if the charge is disclosed
prior to the purchase.
[(g)] (f) Any person engaged in
the business of offering goods for sale at retail who fails to post a
conspicuous sign as required by this section shall accept the return of goods
from purchasers and make refunds in accordance with subsection (h).
[(h)] (g) All merchants, except
as provided in subsection (c), shall handle returns for refunds in the
following manner:
(1) If payment was made in cash, the refund shall be made in cash at the time of the return of goods, except that if the amount to be returned exceeds $25, cash refunds may be made by check issued within ten days of the date of the return;
(2) If payment was made by check, the refund shall be made in cash upon acceptance of the returned goods by the merchant, or by check issued within ten days of the acceptance of the returned goods by the merchant, except that if the purchaser's check has not cleared the bank on which it was drawn, the refund may be delayed for no more than ten days after the date the purchaser's check has cleared; provided that the merchant shall have complied with this provision if the check is mailed to the purchaser at the address provided by the purchaser within the ten-day period;
(3) If payment was made by credit card, the refund shall be made by credit to the purchaser's credit card account; provided that the merchant shall initiate the submittal of the charge card credit memo or other appropriate documentation to the merchant's financial institution within five banking business days after the return of goods or, at the merchant's option, the refund may be made in cash at the time of the return of the goods or by check issued and mailed within ten days of the acceptance of the returned goods; or
(4) If payment was made by charging a credit account administered by the merchant, the refund shall be made by credit to the purchaser's credit account initiated at the time of the return of the goods.
[(i)] (h) All merchants, except
as provided in subsection (c), shall handle returns for merchandise credit in
the following manner:
(1) If the purchaser does not select goods in exchange for the returned goods within thirty days of the return, the merchant shall make a full refund to the purchaser in cash or in accordance with subsection (h). The merchant shall not be required to return cash in exchange for a merchandise credit issued pursuant to this paragraph if the merchant posts a conspicuous sign to notify purchasers that the merchandise credit cannot be turned into cash;
(2) The merchandise credit shall be valid for a minimum of two years; and
(3) Before exchanging the merchandise credit for cash or, in the case of a purchaser selecting goods in exchange costing less than the amount of the merchandise credit, refunding the difference in cash, the merchant may require proof of purchase and require the surrender of the credit memo.
[(j)] (i) All merchants, except
as provided in subsection (c), shall handle returns for exchanges in the
following manner:
(1) If the exchange involves an exchange for only size or color, the exchange shall be made without regard to the full amount of payment; provided that the merchant may make an appropriate adjustment if the differing size or color normally sells at a different price; and
(2) If the exchange does not involve an exchange for only size or color, then if the full amount of the payment for the goods received in exchange is less than the full amount of the payment for the returned goods, the merchant shall issue a refund or merchandise credit in the amount of the difference.
[(k)] (j) In determining the
full amount of the payment for returns for reasons other than damaged or
defective goods, a deduction for repacking and transportation charges may be
made from the full amount of the payment, if the deduction is disclosed to the
purchaser prior to the purchase.
[(l)] (k) Any return policies
adopted by the merchant pursuant to this section that limits the purchaser's
ability to obtain a refund shall not apply if the goods were damaged or
defective prior to the time of sale, unless the merchant was aware of the
damage or defect and notified the purchaser of the damage or defect in writing
prior to the time of sale.
[(m)] (l) A merchant is not
required to accept a return if:
(1) There is no proof of purchase, by sales slips, receipts, or other evidence of purchase of the goods returned;
(2) The purchaser has retained the goods in excess of sixty days after the purchase;
(3) The goods have been used or damaged after sale, or altered by the purchaser at the time of or after the sale; or
(4) The goods are of a type which are unsuitable for resale, pursuant to any applicable law.
[(n)] (m) The following
constitute unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or
practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce under section 480-2:
(1) Any violation of this section; and
(2) Any act or policy that causes a compromise of the purchaser's rights and protections established by this section.
(n) "Ancillary charges" includes all charges paid to the merchant that are necessary for the use of the goods for their purchased purpose and all sums paid for agreements for service, warranty, or replacement.
"Conspicuous sign" means a sign posted in the merchant's place of business in a location reasonably calculated to bring the sign to the attention of purchasers before a purchaser makes a purchase.
"Exchange" means a transaction between a merchant and a purchaser in which a previously purchased item is exchanged for another item.
"Full amount of the payment" includes the amount paid for the returned goods, including any ancillary charges or taxes incident to the purchase of the returned goods, and without any deduction for restocking of the merchant's inventory, or for administration of the refund, exchange, or merchandise credit.
"Merchandise credit" means the crediting to the purchaser of the full amount of the payment upon return of the goods and allowing the purchaser to purchase goods from the merchant with the merchandise credit, or applying to the purchaser's credit account with the merchant, in the amount of the merchandise credit.
"Merchant" means any person engaged in the business of offering goods for sale to purchasers at retail.
"Proof of purchase" means a sales slip, receipt, credit card slip, or any other documentation that substantiates the sale of the goods from the merchant and the amount of payment.
"Purchaser" means a natural person who is returning goods that were purchased or received primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
"Refund" means the return to the purchaser of the full amount of the payment upon return of the goods, in accordance with this section.
"Repacking and transportation charges" means the charges for repacking, pick up, and transportation of goods previously delivered, unpacked, and set up by the merchant at the direction of the purchaser.
"Return" or "return of goods" means the acceptance by the merchant of goods from a purchaser, whether for refund, merchandise credit, or exchange, and includes the cancellation of a custom or special order before the merchant is obligated to make payment on the order and the cancellation of a layaway."
SECTION 15. Section 481B-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
"§481B-6 Sale of solar energy devices;
disclosure requirements[; penalty]."
SECTION 16. Section 481B-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
"§481B-11 [Refunds; offer of
services.] Sensitivity-awareness group seminars."
SECTION 17. Section 481B-13, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (d) to read as follows:
"(d) Any violation of this section shall
constitute an unfair [and] or deceptive act or practice in the
conduct of trade or commerce within the meaning of section 480-2."
SECTION 18. Section 481C-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§481C-1 Definitions. In this
chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:
[(1) (A) "Door-to-door sale" means
(i) a sale of goods or services solicited in person and signed by the buyer at
a place other than the seller's business address shown on the contract; or (ii)
a sale of goods or services solicited in person or by mail, telephone; or
public or private notice or advertisement if the solicitation includes an offer
of a gift, prize, premiums, stamps, coupons, tickets or other redeemable
devices as an inducement for the person solicited or a member of the person's
immediate family to go to the seller's place of business, whether the buyer
signs at the seller's place of business or elsewhere.
(B) The term "door-to-door sale"
does not include a transaction:
(i) Made pursuant to prior negotiations in
the course of a visit by the buyer to a retail business establishment having a
fixed permanent location where the goods are exhibited or the services are
offered for sale on a continuing basis; or
(ii) In which the buyer has initiated the
contact and the goods or services are needed to meet a bona fide immediate
personal emergency of the buyer, and the buyer furnishes the seller with a
separate dated and signed personal statement in the buyer's handwriting
describing the situation requiring immediate remedy and expressly acknowledging
and waiving the right to cancel the sale within three business days; or
(iii) Conducted and consummated entirely by
mail or telephone; and without any other contact between the buyer and the
seller or its representative prior to delivery of the goods or performance of
the services; or
(iv) In which the buyer has initiated the
contact and specifically requested the seller to visit the buyer's home for the
purpose of repairing or performing maintenance upon the buyer's personal property.
If in the course of such a visit, the seller sells the buyer the right to
receive additional services or goods other than replacement parts necessarily
used in performing the maintenance or in making the repairs, the sale of those
additional goods or services would not fall within this exclusion.
(2) "Goods" means all chattels personal,
other than money and things in action, except as herein provided, and includes
emblements, growing crops, and things which attach to or form a part of land
which are agreed to be severed before sale under the contract and things which
at the time of sale or subsequently are to be so affixed to real property as to
become a part thereof, whether or not severable therefrom. The term includes
merchandise certificates or coupons, issued by a seller, to be used in their
face amount in lieu of cash in exchange for goods sold by such a seller. The
term also includes services as herein defined.
(3) "Services" means work, labor, or
service of any kind whether purchased primarily for personal, family or
household use, and whether or not furnished in connection with the delivery,
installation, servicing, repair, or improvement of goods, and includes repairs,
alterations, or improvements upon or in connection with real property.
(4) "Seller" means any person,
partnership, corporation, association, or other group, however organized,
engaged in the door-to-door sale of goods or services.
(5) "Sale" means and includes any sale
with a purchase price of $5 or more, or $25 if the merchandise is capable of
being delivered at one time, other than for resale, of goods to a buyer
pursuant to a contract. It does not include a sale to a business
(6) "Contract" means and includes any
agreement, including a conditional sales contract or any other form of
instrument, evidencing an obligation to pay the purchase price, or moneys
advanced in payment of the purchase price of goods, by payment thereof in one
payment, or more than one payment made in installments over a period of time,
whether or not the contract contains a title retention provision.
(7) "Cash sale price" means the cash
sale price stated in a contract for which the seller would sell to the buyer,
and the buyer would buy from the seller, the goods which are the subject matter
of the contract if the sale were a sale for cash instead of by payments made in
installments over a period of time. The cash sale price may include taxes,
registration, license, and other fees and charges for accessories and their installation
and for delivering, servicing, repairing, or improving the goods.
(8) "Business day" means any calendar
day, except Saturday, Sunday, or any state or federal holiday.]
"Business day" means any calendar day, except Saturday, Sunday, or any state or federal holiday.
"Cash sale price" means the cash sale price stated in a contract for which the seller would sell to the buyer, and the buyer would buy from the seller, the goods which are the subject matter of the contract if the sale were a sale for cash instead of by payments made in installments over a period of time. The cash sale price may include taxes, registration, license, and other fees and charges for accessories and their installation and for delivering, servicing, repairing, or improving the goods.
"Contract" means any agreement, including a conditional sales contract or any other form of instrument, evidencing an obligation to pay the purchase price, or moneys advanced in payment of the purchase price of goods, by payment thereof in one payment, or more than one payment made in installments over a period of time, whether or not the contract contains a title retention provision.
"Door-to-door sale"
(1) Means:
(A) A sale of goods or services solicited in person and signed by the buyer at a place other than the seller's business address shown on the contract;
(B) A sale of goods or services solicited in person or by mail, or telephone; or
(C) A public or private notice or advertisement if the solicitation includes an offer of a gift, prize, premiums, stamps, coupons, tickets, or other redeemable devices as an inducement for the person solicited or a member of the person's immediate family to go to the seller's place of business, whether the buyer signs at the seller's place of business or elsewhere; and
(2) Does not include a transaction:
(A) Made pursuant to prior negotiations in the course of a visit by the buyer to a retail business establishment having a fixed permanent location where the goods are exhibited or the services are offered for sale on a continuing basis;
(B) In which the buyer has initiated the contact and the goods or services are needed to meet a bona fide immediate personal emergency of the buyer, and the buyer furnishes the seller with a separate dated and signed personal statement in the buyer's handwriting describing the situation requiring immediate remedy and expressly acknowledging and waiving the right to cancel the sale within three business days;
(C) Conducted and consummated entirely by mail or telephone and without any other contact between the buyer and the seller or its representative prior to delivery of the goods or performance of the services; or
(D) In which the buyer has initiated the contact and specifically requested the seller to visit the buyer's home for the purpose of repairing or performing maintenance upon the buyer's personal property. If in the course of such a visit, the seller sells the buyer the right to receive additional services or goods other than replacement parts necessarily used in performing the maintenance or in making the repairs, the sale of those additional goods or services would not fall within this exclusion.
"Goods" means all chattels personal, other than money and things in action, except as herein provided, and includes emblements, growing crops, and things which attach to or form a part of land which are agreed to be severed before sale under the contract and things which at the time of sale or subsequently are to be so affixed to real property as to become a part thereof, whether or not severable therefrom. The term includes merchandise certificates or coupons, issued by a seller, to be used in their face amount in lieu of cash in exchange for goods sold by such a seller. The term also includes services as herein defined.
"Sale" means any sale with a purchase price of $5 or more, or $25 if the merchandise is capable of being delivered at one time, other than for resale, of goods to a buyer pursuant to a contract. It does not include a sale to a business establishment.
"Seller" means any person, partnership, corporation, association, or other group, however organized, engaged in the door-to-door sale of goods or services.
"Services" means work, labor, or service of any kind whether purchased primarily for personal, family, or household use, and whether or not furnished in connection with the delivery, installation, servicing, repair, or improvement of goods, and includes repairs, alterations, or improvements upon or in connection with real property."
SECTION 19. Section 481D-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Posting of notice. (a) A person required to post notice under this
chapter shall post a notice which shall be not less than twenty-two inches by thirty-three
inches in size and posted in a conspicuous place [which] that is
visible and readable outside the place of business where the sale is to be
held. The notice shall be signed under penalty of perjury. Where the person
is a corporation, the notice shall be signed by two officers. Where the person
is a partnership, the notice shall be signed by two partners. The notice shall
include the following:
(1) The name and address of the owner of the goods
being sold. If the [person] owner is a partnership, corporation,
firm, or association, the notice shall contain the full name and
position of the individual filing the notice;
(2) The type of sale and manner in which the sale is to be conducted and the address where the sale is to be conducted;
(3) The dates and [time] times during
which the sale is to be conducted;
(4) The name and street address of the person in charge of and responsible for the conduct of the sale;
(5) An explanation regarding the condition or necessity for the sale, including a statement of the descriptive name of the sale and the reasons why the name is truthfully descriptive of the sale. The notice shall contain a statement that the business will be discontinued at the premises where the sale is to be conducted upon termination of the sale. If the sale is with respect to a removal sale, it shall contain a statement that the business will be discontinued at the premises where the sale is to be conducted upon termination of the sale, in addition to the location of the premises to which the business is to be moved. If the sale is with respect to the sale of goods damaged by fire, smoke, water, or otherwise, the notice shall contain a statement as to the time, location, and cause of the damage;
(6) The notice shall state that an inventory report
form, containing a detailed list and inventory of each item of inventory
costing over $100 to be sold, itemizing the goods to be sold, and containing
sufficient information concerning each item, including make and brand name,
shall be available for inspection on the store premises on request. The
inventory report form shall list separately goods [which] that
were purchased during the sixty-day period immediately prior to the date of
posting the notice showing the cost price of each item to the owner of the
inventory together with the name and address of the seller of the item to the
owner of the inventory, the date of purchase, the date of delivery to the owner
of the inventory, and the total value of the inventory at cost;
(7) A statement that no goods will be added to the inventory after posting the notice or during the sale, and that the inventory contains no goods received on consignment; and
(8) A statement disclosing the date from which the
person has maintained a place of business within the [State] state
prior to the posting of the notice.
[(9)] (b) This section shall not apply
to any person who acquired a right, title, or interest in the goods:
[(A)] (1) As an heir, devisee,
legatee, or surviving joint tenant;
[(B)] (2) As an executor,
administrator, trustee, guardian, or conservator; or
[(C)] (3) Pursuant to an order or
process of a court of competent jurisdiction."
SECTION 20. Section 481D-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
Violation; penalties.] Violations."
SECTION 21. Section 481G-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Exceptions. No action may be brought under section 481G-4 in connection
with the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of a dealership if the
dealership provides for the binding arbitration of disputes arising thereunder,
including disputes related to the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of
the dealership, in accordance with chapter 658A or the rules of
the American Arbitration Association."
SECTION 22. Section 481H-8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
Penalty and remedies.] Remedies."
SECTION 23. Section 481I-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definitions of "lessee," "motor vehicle," "purchase price," and "replacement motor vehicle" to read as follows:
""Lessee" means any consumer who
leases a motor vehicle [for]:
(1) For one year or more pursuant to a
written lease agreement which provides that the lessee is responsible for
repairs to such motor vehicle[, or any consumer who leases a motor vehicle
(2) Pursuant to a lease-purchase agreement.
"Motor vehicle" [means]:
(1) Means a self-propelled vehicle
primarily designed for the transportation of persons or property over public
streets and highways which is used primarily for personal, family, or household
purposes[. For purposes of this definition, a "motor vehicle"
also includes a];
(2) Includes but shall not be limited to:
(A) A "demonstrator",
which means a vehicle assigned by a dealer for the purpose of demonstrating
qualities and characteristics common to vehicles of the same or similar model
or type[, but does not];
(B) An individually registered vehicle used for an individual's business purposes, as well as for personal, family, or household purposes; and
(C) A vehicle owned or leased by a sole proprietorship, corporation, or partnership which has purchased or leased no more than one vehicle per year, used for household, individual, or personal use in addition to business use;
(3) Shall not include mopeds,
motorcycles, or motor scooters, as those terms are defined in chapter 286, or
vehicles over [10,000] ten thousand pounds, gross vehicle weight
rating. [For purposes of this definition, a "motor vehicle" also
includes (1) an individually registered vehicle used for an individual's
business purposes and for personal, family, or household purposes; and (2) a
vehicle owned or leased by a sole proprietorship, corporation or partnership
which has purchased or leased no more than one vehicle per year, used for
household, individual, or personal use in addition to business use.]
"Purchase price" means the cash price
appearing in the sales agreement or contract and paid for the motor vehicle,
including any net allowance for a trade-in vehicle. Where the consumer is a
second or subsequent purchaser and the arbitration award is for a refund of the
purchase price of the motor vehicle, "purchase price" means
the purchase price of the second or subsequent purchase and shall not [to]
exceed the purchase price paid by the original purchaser.
"Replacement motor vehicle" means a
motor vehicle which is identical or reasonably equivalent to the motor vehicle
to be replaced, as the motor vehicle to be replaced existed at the time of
original acquisition, including any service contract, undercoating,
rustproofing, and [factory or dealer installed] factory-installed or
dealer-installed options."
SECTION 24. Section 481J-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (i) and (j) to read as follows:
"(i) The dealer shall provide to the
consumer, each time the consumer's vehicle is returned from being diagnosed or
repaired under the warranty, a fully itemized, legible warranty repair receipt
indicating any diagnosis made and all work performed on the vehicle, including[,]
but not limited to:
(1) The defect or malfunction complained of;
(2) The work performed in an attempt to correct the defect or malfunction and the identity of the repairer if it is not the dealer;
(3) The parts replaced in performing [such] the
(4) The date and odometer reading when the vehicle was submitted for repair; and
(5) The date when the vehicle was made available to the consumer.
The consumer shall sign a copy of the warranty repair receipt.
(j) A dealer may repair, within the meaning of
this section, either by performing the repair itself or, if the dealer does not
have a repair facility, by arranging and making payment for prompt repair by a
motor vehicle repair dealer [registered] licensed under chapter
SECTION 25. Section 481J-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) If the dealer or its agent fails to
correct a defect or malfunction as required by the warranty specified in
section 481J-2 after a reasonable period of time, the dealer shall accept
return of the used motor vehicle from the consumer and refund the full purchase
price, including [sales] general excise tax, less a reasonable
allowance for any damage not attributable to normal wear or usage, and with an
adjustment for any modifications which either increase or decrease the market
value of the vehicle. A reasonable allowance for use shall be fifteen cents
for each mile the used motor vehicle has been operated between its sale and its
SECTION 26. Section 481J-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
1. By amending subsections (a) and (b) to read:
"(a) A consumer of a used motor
vehicle shall have a private right of action against a dealer to enforce this [section]
chapter and recover costs, including reasonable attorney's fees,
incurred in the civil action.
(b) It shall be an affirmative defense to any claim under this section that:
(1) The alleged malfunction or defect does not substantially impair the use or safety of the used motor vehicle;
(2) The alleged malfunction or defect is the result of abuse, neglect, or unreasonable modifications or alterations of the used motor vehicle; or
(3) The alleged malfunction or defect was covered or warranted
under an express warranty issued by the manufacturer of the used motor vehicle,
and that such warranty issued by the manufacturer of the used motor vehicle was
in effect during the warranty period established by this [section.] chapter."
2. By amending subsection (e) to read:
"(e) A [motor vehicle] dealer's
failure to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter may result in
disciplinary action pursuant to chapter 437, which may result in sanctions,
including[,] but not limited to[,] suspension or revocation of
license, and the imposition of fines or restitution."
SECTION 27. Section 481K-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) For purposes of subsection (a):
(1) The "current value of the written
lease" equals the total amount for which that lease obligates the consumer
during the period of the lease remaining after its early termination, plus the
assistive device [dealer's] lessor's early termination costs and
the value of the assistive device at the lease expiration date if the lease
sets forth that value, less the assistive device lessor's early termination
(2) A "reasonable allowance for use" shall not exceed the amount obtained by multiplying the total amount the consumer paid or for which the written lease obligates the consumer to pay by a fraction, the denominator of which is one thousand eight hundred twenty-five and the numerator of which is the number of days that the consumer used the assistive device before first reporting the nonconformity to the manufacturer, its agent, assistive device lessor, or assistive device dealer; and
(3) It shall be presumed that a manufacturer has had
a "reasonable opportunity to repair" if the manufacturer or its
agents fails to repair the same nonconformity [with] within two
attempts, or the assistive device is out of service, including by reason of
attempts to repair one or more nonconformities, for a cumulative total of more
than thirty business days after the consumer has returned it for repair."
SECTION 28. Section 481L-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Civil remedies. A retail lessor who fails to comply with the requirements
of this chapter shall be deemed to have engaged in an unfair [and] or
deceptive act or practice in the conduct of trade or commerce within the
meaning of section 480-2."
SECTION 29. Section 481M-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Provisions prohibited in agreements. A lease-purchase agreement may not
(1) A confession of judgment;
(2) A negotiable instrument;
(3) A security interest or any other claim of a property interest in any goods except those goods delivered by the lessor pursuant to the lease-purchase agreement;
(4) A wage assignment;
(5) A waiver by the [consumer] lessee
of claims or defenses; or
(6) A provision authorizing the lessor or a person
acting on the lessor's behalf to enter upon the [consumer's] lessee's
premises or to commit any breach of the peace in the repossession of
SECTION 30. Section 481M-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Additional charges. (a) A lessor may contract for and receive an
initial nonrefundable fee not to exceed $10 per [contract.] lease-purchase
agreement. If the lessor requires a security deposit, the amount of the
deposit and the conditions under which it will be returned shall be disclosed
pursuant to section 481M-13.
(b) A lessor may contract for and receive an
initial delivery charge per [contract] lease-purchase agreement that
shall not [to] exceed $15 in the case of [a lease-purchase] an
agreement covering five or fewer items if[, in either case,] the lessor
actually delivers the items to the lessee's dwelling and the delivery charge is
disclosed pursuant to section 481M-14. The delivery charge shall be assessed
in lieu of and not in addition to the initial [charge] fee in
subsection (a). A lessor may not contract for or receive a delivery charge on
property redelivered after repair or maintenance.
(c) A lessor may contract for and receive a
charge for picking up late payments from the lessee if the lessor is required
to do so pursuant to the [rental purchase] lease-purchase
agreement or is requested to visit the lessee to pick up a payment. In a
lease-purchase agreement with payment or renewal dates [which] that
are on a monthly basis, this charge may not be assessed more than three times
in any six-month period. In lease-purchase agreements with payments or renewal
options on a weekly or biweekly basis, this charge may not be assessed more
than six times in any six-month period. No charge assessed pursuant to this
subsection may exceed $10. A pickup fee may be assessed pursuant to this
subsection only in lieu of and not in addition to any late charge assessed
pursuant to subsection (d).
(d) The parties may contract for late charges as follows:
(1) For lease-purchase agreements with monthly renewal dates, a late charge not exceeding $5 may be assessed on any payment not made within five days after payment is due, or return of the property is required; or
(2) For lease-purchase agreements with weekly or biweekly
renewal dates, a late charge not exceeding $3 may be assessed on any [payments]
payment not made within three days after payment is due, or return of
the property is required.
A late charge on lease-purchase agreements may
be collected only once on any accrued payment, no matter how long it remains
unpaid. A late charge may be collected at the time it accrues or at any time
thereafter. A lessor may elect to waive imposition of a late charge due on an
accrued payment in accordance with the terms of the lease-purchase agreement; [except
that,] provided that the waiver shall be in writing and, once a late
charge is waived for a specific payment, the lessor may not seek to
impose a late [fee] charge for the accrued payment in question.
No late charge shall be assessed against a payment that is timely, even though
an earlier late charge has not been paid in full."
SECTION 31. Section 481M-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) In case of a violation by a lessor
of any provision of this chapter with respect to any lease-purchase agreement,
the lessee may bring a suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover actual
damages from the lessor, or may set off or counterclaim in any
action by the lessor [actual damages]. If the court finds that any
violation by the lessor has occurred, the court shall award to the
lessee a minimum recovery of $250 or twenty-five per cent of the total cost
to acquire ownership under the lease-purchase agreement, whichever is
SECTION 32. Section 481M-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Waivers. A lessor shall not require a lessee to waive:
(1) Service of process;
(2) Any defense;
(3) Any counterclaim; or
(4) Right of action against the lessor or a person
acting on the lessor's behalf as the lessor's agent[;],
in collection of payments under the [lease] lease-purchase
agreement or in repossession of the [lease] leased
SECTION 33. Section 481M-13, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Disclosure of information. (a) The lessor shall disclose to the
lessee the information required by this chapter. In a transaction involving
more than one lessor, only one lessor need make the disclosures, but all
lessors shall be bound by these disclosures. The disclosures shall be made
before consummation of the lease-purchase agreement.
(b) The disclosures shall be made
clearly and conspicuously in writing [and a copy of] and in not less
than ten-point standard type. A copy of the disclosures shall be included with
the lease-purchase agreement provided to the lessee [in not less than
ten-point standard type]. All disclosures required by this chapter shall
be printed or typed in a color or shade that clearly contrasts with the
background. The disclosures required under section 481M-14 shall be made on
the face of the [contract] lease-purchase agreement above the
line for the lessee's signature. Before any payment is due, the lessor shall
furnish the lessee with an exact copy of the lease-purchase agreement, which
shall be signed by the lessee and which shall evidence the lessee's agreement.
(c) If a disclosure becomes inaccurate as the result of any act, occurrence, or agreement by the lessee after delivery of the required disclosures, the resulting inaccuracy shall not be a violation of this chapter."
SECTION 34. Section 481M-14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending subsection (a) to read:
"(a) For each lease-purchase agreement, the lessor shall disclose in the agreement the following items, as applicable:
(1) The total number, total amount, and timing of all payments necessary to acquire ownership of the property;
(2) A statement that the lessee shall not own the property until the lessee has made the total payment necessary to acquire ownership;
(3) A statement that the lessee shall be responsible for the fair market value of the property if, and as of the time, it is lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed;
(4) A brief description of the leased property[,]
sufficient to identify the property to the lessee and the lessor, including an
identification number, if applicable, and a statement indicating whether the
property is new or used[, but]; provided that a statement that
indicates that new property is used property does not violate
this chapter;
(5) A brief description of any damages to the leased property;
(6) A statement of the cash price of the property.
If the agreement involves a lease of two or more items as a set[,] in
one agreement, a statement of the aggregate cash price of all items is
(7) The total of initial payments [paid] made
or required at or before consummation of the agreement or delivery of the
property, whichever is later;
(8) A statement that the total of payments shall not
include other charges, such as delivery, taxes, late payment, pickup, and
reinstatement fees, which fees shall be separately disclosed in the [contract;]
(9) A statement clearly summarizing the terms of the lessee's option to purchase, including a statement that the lessee has the right to exercise an early-purchase option and the price, formula, or method for determining the price at which the property may be so purchased;
(10) A statement identifying the party responsible for maintaining or servicing the property while it is being leased, together with a description of that responsibility, and a statement that if any part of a manufacturer's express warranty covers the leased property at the time the lessee acquires ownership of the property, the warranty shall be transferred to the lessee, if allowed by the terms of the warranty;
(11) The date of the transaction and the identities of the lessor and lessee;
(12) A statement that the lessee may terminate the agreement without penalty by voluntarily surrendering or returning the property in good repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted, upon expiration of any lease term along with any past due rental payments; and
(13) Notice of the right to reinstate an agreement as provided in this chapter."
2. By amending subsection (c) to read:
"(c) With respect to matters specifically
governed by the [Federal] federal Consumer Credit Protection Act
(15 U.S.C. sections 1601 to 1674), compliance with that Act satisfies
the requirements of this section."
SECTION 35. Section 481M-15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) A lessee who breaches any
lease-purchase agreement, including but not limited to the failure to make
timely [rental] lease payments, shall have the right to reinstate
the original lease-purchase agreement without losing any rights or options
previously acquired under the lease-purchase agreement if both of the following
(1) Subsequent to having failed to make a timely [rental]
lease payment, the lessee has promptly surrendered the property to the
lessor, in the manner as set forth in the lease-purchase agreement, and if and
when requested by lessor; and
(2) Not more than thirty days have passed since the
lessee returned the [lease] property; [except] provided
that if the lessee has made more than sixty per cent of the total number of
payments required under the lease-purchase agreement to acquire ownership, the
thirty-day period shall be extended to a sixty-day period."
SECTION 36. Section 481M-17, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Renegotiation for new agreement and extensions. (a) A
renegotiation shall occur when an existing lease-purchase agreement is
satisfied and replaced by a new agreement undertaken by the same lessor and
lessee. A renegotiation shall be considered a new agreement requiring new
disclosures. [However, the]
(b) The following events shall not be treated as renegotiations:
(1) The addition or return of property in a
multiple-item agreement or in the substitution of the [lease] leased
property, if in either case the average payment allocable to a payment period
is not changed by more than twenty-five per cent;
(2) A deferral or extension of one or more periodic payments, or portions of a periodic payment;
(3) A reduction in charges in the lease or agreement;
[and] or
(4) A lease or agreement involved in a court proceeding.
(c) No disclosures are required for any extension of a lease-purchase agreement."
SECTION 37. Section 481P-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
"§481P-2 [Unfair or
deceptive acts or practices prohibited.] Violations."
SECTION 38. Section 481P-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Abusive telemarketing acts or practices. It is an abusive telemarketing
act or practice and a violation of this chapter for any seller or telephone
solicitor to engage in the following conduct:
(1) Threaten, intimidate, or use profane or obscene language;
(2) Request a fee to remove derogatory information from or to improve a consumer's credit history or credit record until:
(A) The time frame in which the seller or telephone solicitor has represented that all of the goods or services will be provided to that consumer has expired; and
(B) The seller or telephone solicitor has
provided the consumer with documentation in the form of a credit report from a
credit reporting agency demonstrating that the promised results have been
achieved, the report having been issued more than six months after the results
were achieved. Nothing in this chapter [should] shall be
construed to affect the requirement of Section 604 of the Fair Credit
Reporting Act, [15 U.S.C. section 1681b,] 15 U.S.C. Section 1618b,
that a consumer report may only be obtained for a specified permissible
(3) Request or receive payment from a consumer to recover or otherwise aid in the return of money or any other item lost by the consumer in a telemarketing transaction, until seven business days after the money or other item is delivered to the consumer;
(4) Request or actually receive payment of any fee in advance of obtaining a loan or other extension of credit when a high likelihood of success has been represented to the consumer by the seller or telephone solicitor;
(5) Cause the telephone to ring more than ten times in an outbound telephone call;
(6) Engage any consumer repeatedly or continuously with behavior a reasonable person would deem to be annoying, abusive, or harassing;
(7) Initiate an outbound telephone call to a
consumer, when the person has stated previously that the consumer does not wish
to receive telephone calls from that seller or telephone solicitor; provided
that the seller or telephone solicitor [will] shall not be liable
for violating this paragraph if:
(A) It has established and implemented written
procedures to comply with this paragraph, which procedures shall meet the
minimum standards set forth in Title 47 [C.F.R.] Code of
Federal Regulations Section 64.1200(e)(2);
(B) It has trained its personnel in the procedures established pursuant to subparagraph (A);
(C) The seller, or telephone solicitor acting on behalf of the seller, has maintained and recorded lists of persons who may not be contacted in compliance with this paragraph; and
(D) The call is the result of error;
(8) Initiate an outbound telephone call to a consumer's residence at any time other than between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. local time at the location of the consumer called."
SECTION 39. Section 481P-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Exemptions. This chapter shall not apply to:
(1) A person who initiates telephone calls to a residence for the sole purpose of polling or soliciting the expression of ideas, opinions, or votes, or a person soliciting solely for a political or religious cause or purpose;
(2) A securities broker-dealer, salesperson, investment
[[]adviser[]], or investment [[]adviser[]]
representative who is registered with this State to sell securities or who is
authorized to sell securities in this [State] state pursuant to
federal securities laws, when soliciting over the telephone within the scope of
the person's registration;
(3) A financial institution that is authorized to
accept deposits under its chartering or licensing authority where such deposits
are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit
Union Administration, [such as] including but not limited to a
bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, depository financial services
loan company, or credit union, or a nondepository financial services loan
company that is licensed or authorized to conduct business in this State by the
commissioner of financial institutions, or an affiliate or subsidiary of a
financial institution as defined in chapter 412;
(4) A person or organization that is licensed or
authorized to conduct business in this [State] state by the [commissioner
of insurance] insurance commissioner including but not limited to an
insurance company and its employees, while engaged in the business of selling
or advertising the sale of insurance products or services;
(5) A college or university accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the United States Department of Education;
(6) A person who publishes a catalog of at least fifteen pages, four times a year, with a circulation of at least one hundred thousand, where the catalog includes clear disclosure of sale prices, shipping, handling, and other charges;
(7) A political subdivision or instrumentality of the United States, or any state of the United States;
(8) The sale of goods or services by
telecommunications or landline (i.e., cable) or wireless video service
providers, for which the terms and conditions of the offering, production, or
sale are regulated by the public utilities commission or the Federal
Communications Commission, or pursuant to chapter 440G, including the sale of
goods or services by affiliates of these telecommunications or video service
providers[; provided that nothing]. Nothing herein shall be
construed to preclude or preempt actions brought under any other laws including
chapter 480;
(9) A real estate broker or salesperson who is licensed by this State to sell real estate, when soliciting within the scope of the license; or
(10) A travel agency that is registered with this State, when engaging in the business of selling or advertising the sale of travel services."
SECTION 40. Section 481P-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Unfair or deceptive act or practice. Any person who violates this chapter
shall be deemed to have engaged in an unfair method of competition [or] and
unfair [and] or deceptive act or practice in the conduct [[]of[]]
any trade or commerce within the meaning of section 480-2."
SECTION 41. Section 481R-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending its title to read:
Registration requirements[.]; exemptions."
2. By amending subsection (b) to read:
"(b) Warrantor registration records shall be updated annually and shall contain the following information:
(1) The address of the principal office of the warrantor;
(2) The name and address of the warrantor's agent for
the service of process in this [State] state if other than the [provider;]
(3) The identities of the warrantor's executive officer or officers directly responsible for the warrantor's vehicle protection product business;
(4) The name, address, and telephone number of any
administrators designated by the warrantor to be responsible for the
administration of vehicle protection product warranties in this [State;]
(5) A copy of each warranty form the warrantor
proposes to use in this [State;] state; and
(6) A statement that the warrantor is in compliance
with the financial [responsibility] security requirements of
section 481R-5 and that details how the warrantor intends to meet the
requirements, and proof of compliance with the requirements."
SECTION 42. Section 481R-9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
"(c) The vehicle protection product
warranty shall state the name and address of the insurer and state that if a
covered service is not provided by the warrantor before the sixty-first day
after the date the consumer provides proof of loss, the consumer may apply for
reimbursement directly to the vehicle protection [product's] product
warrantor's reimbursement insurance company."
SECTION 43. Section 482-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
"§482-5 [Penalty.]
Unlawful use of trade name; penalty."
SECTION 44. Section 482B-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Short title. This chapter may be cited as the Uniform [Trades] Trade
Secrets Act."
SECTION 45. Section 482D-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "article of merchandise" to read as follows:
"["Article] "Article"
or "article of merchandise" means any goods, wares, works of art,
commodities, or other things which may be lawfully kept or offered for sale,
imported into, or exported from the [State.] state."
SECTION 46. Section 482E-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Purpose and intent. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to regulate
the sale of franchises in the [State] state to minimize losses to
the franchisee in cases where the franchisor or the franchisor's representative
has not provided full and complete information regarding:
(1) [the] The franchisor-franchisee
(2) [the] The details of the contract
between the franchisor and franchisee; and
(3) [the] The prior business experience
of the franchisor.
(b) It is the intent of the legislature to:
(1) [provide] Provide each prospective
franchisee with the information necessary to make an intelligent decision
regarding franchises being offered;
(2) [prohibit] Prohibit the sale of
franchises [which] that would lead to fraud or a likelihood that
the franchisor's promises would not be fulfilled; and
(3) [protect] Protect the franchisor or
subfranchisor by providing a better understanding of the relationship between
the franchisor or subfranchisor and the franchisee with regard to their
business relationship."
SECTION 47. Section 482E-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) It is unlawful for any person to
sell a franchise in this [State] state unless such person has
presented to the prospective franchisee or the franchisee's representative, at
least seven days prior to the sale of the franchise, an offering circular
containing the following information:
(1) The name of the franchisor, the name under which
the franchisor is doing or intends to do business, and the name of any parent
or affiliated company that will engage in business transactions with
(2) The franchisor's principal business address and
the name and address of the franchisor's agent in the [State] state
authorized to receive service of process[.];
(3) The business form of the franchisor whether
corporate, partnership, or otherwise[.];
(4) [Such] Any other information
concerning the identity and business experience of persons affiliated with the
franchisor, including franchise brokers and selling agents as the
director may by rule prescribe[.];
(5) A statement whether any person identified in the offering circular, within ten years preceding the date of the offering circular:
(A) Has been found guilty of a felony or held liable in a civil action by final judgment if the civil action involved fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of property; or
(B) Is subject to any currently effective
order of the Securities and Exchange Commission or the securities administrator
of any state denying registration to or revoking or suspending the registration
of [such] the person as a securities broker or dealer or
investment [advisor] adviser or is subject to any currently
effective order of any national security association or national securities
exchange (as defined in the Securities [and] Exchange Act of 1934)
suspending or expelling such person from membership [of] in such
association or exchange; or
(C) Is subject to any currently effective order or ruling of the Federal Trade Commission or is subject to any currently effective order relating to the business activity as a result of an action brought by any public agency or department.
[Such] The statement shall set
forth the court, the date of conviction or judgment, any penalty imposed[,]
or damages assessed, or the date, nature, and issue of [such] the
(6) A statement of when, where, and how long the franchisor has:
(A) Conducted a business of the type to be operated by the franchisees;
(B) Has granted franchises for such business; and
(C) Has granted franchises in other lines of
(7) A recent financial statement of the franchisor,
together with a statement of any material changes in the financial condition of
the franchisor from the date [thereof.] of the financial statement.
The director may [describe:] prescribe:
(A) [Form] The form and content
of the financial statements required under this chapter;
(B) The circumstances under which consolidated
financial statements [can] may be filed; and
(C) The circumstances under which financial
statements shall be audited by independent, certified public accountants[.];
(8) A copy of the typical franchise contract or
agreement proposed for use in this [State.] state;
(9) A statement of the franchise fee charged, the
proposed application of the proceeds of the fee by the franchisor, and the
formula by which the amount of the fee is determined if the fee is not the same
in all cases[.];
(10) A statement describing a payment of fees other
than franchise fees that the franchisee or subfranchisor is required to pay to
the franchisor, including royalties and payments or fees [which] that
the franchisor collects in whole or in part on behalf of a third party or
(11) A statement of the conditions under which the
franchise agreement may be terminated or renewed or renewal refused, or
repurchased at the option of the franchisor[.];
(12) A statement of the conditions under which the
franchise may be sold, transferred, or assigned[.];
(13) A statement of the conditions imposed by the
franchisor whether by the terms of the franchise agreement or by other device
or practice whereby the franchisee or subfranchisor is required to purchase
services, supplies, products, fixtures, or other goods relating to the
establishment or operation of the franchise business from the franchisor or the
franchisor's designee[.];
(14) A statement of any restriction or condition
imposed by the franchisor whether by the terms of the franchise agreement or by
other device or practice whereby the franchisee is limited or required in the
goods and services offered by the franchisee[.];
(15) A statement of the terms and conditions of any
financing arrangements when offered directly or indirectly by the franchisor or
the franchisor's agent or affiliate[.];
(16) A statement of any intent of the franchisor to
sell, assign, or discount to a third party any note, contract, or other
obligation of the franchisee in whole or in part[.];
(17) A copy of any financial statement prepared for
presentation to prospective franchisees or other persons together with a
statement setting forth the basis for such statements[.];
(18) A statement of the number of franchise businesses
in each of the following categories [which] that within the
three-year period preceding the date of the offering circular have:
(A) Been canceled or terminated by either the franchisor or franchisee;
(B) Not been renewed by either the franchisor or franchisee;
(C) Been reacquired through purchase by the franchisor;
(D) Been otherwise reacquired by the franchisor; and
(E) Been transferred or sold by the franchisee
to persons other than a corporation or other business entity controlled by the
transferring or selling franchisee[.];
(19) A statement describing the training program,
supervision, and assistance the franchisor has and will provide the franchisee[.];
(20) A statement as to whether franchisees or
subfranchisors receive an exclusive area or territory[.];
(21) A statement of any compensation or other benefit given or promised to a public figure arising, in whole or in part, from:
(A) [the] The use of the public
figure in the name or symbol of the franchise; or
(B) [the] The endorsement or
recommendation of the franchise by the public figure in advertisements[.];
(22) [Such] Any other information as the
director may reasonably require[.];
(23) [Such] Any other information as the
franchisor may wish to present[.];
(24) When the person selling the franchise is a
subfranchisor, the offering circular shall also include the same information
concerning the subfranchisor as is required from the franchisor pursuant to
this subsection[.]; and
(25) List of names and addresses of all franchisees of
the franchisor whose franchise businesses are situated in this [State.] state."
SECTION 48. Section 483-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§483-1 Definitions; limitations of
law. In this chapter, unless otherwise expressly stated[, obligation]:
"Obligation" does not include
a liability in tort[; obligor].
"Obligor" does not include a
person liable for a tort[; obligee].
"Obligee" does not include a
person having a right based on a tort. [Several obligors]
"Several obligors" means obligors severally bound for the same performance."
SECTION 49. Section 484-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By adding a new definition to be appropriately inserted and to read:
""Director" means the director of commerce and consumer affairs."
2. By amending the definition of "commissioner of securities" to read:
""Commissioner of securities"
means the [director of commerce and consumer affairs in the director's
capacity as] commissioner of securities[.] as defined in section
SECTION 50. Section 484-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§484-2 [Administrative
director.] Administration. This chapter shall be administered
by the director of commerce and consumer affairs[, hereinafter called the
SECTION 51. Section 484-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) Unless the method of disposition is adopted for the purpose of evasion of this chapter, or unless the subdivider files in writing with the director that this chapter shall apply to the subdivider's subdivision, this chapter shall not apply to offers or dispositions of an interest in land:
(1) By a purchaser of subdivided lands for the purchaser's own account in a single or isolated transaction;
(2) If fewer than twenty separate lots, parcels, units, or interests in subdivided lands are offered by a person in a period of twelve months;
(3) Where the division of lands is a leasehold
agricultural lot within state agricultural districts on which no dwelling
structures are constructed as provided in section [205-4.5(e);] 205-4.5(f);
(4) On which there is a residential, commercial, or
industrial building, or as to which there is a legal obligation on the part of
the seller to construct a building on the land within two years from the date
of disposition; provided that the obligation to construct shall not be,
directly [[]or[]] indirectly, transferred to or otherwise imposed
upon the purchaser;
(5) To persons who are engaged in, and are duly licensed to engage in, the business of construction of buildings for resale, or to persons who acquire an interest in subdivided lands for the purpose of engaging, and do engage in, and are duly licensed to engage in, the business of construction of buildings for resale;
(6) Pursuant to court order;
(7) By any government or government agency;
(8) As cemetery lots or interests; or
(9) Registered as a condominium property regime pursuant to chapter 514B."
SECTION 52. Section 484-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
"(c) The application shall be submitted
with payment of the appropriate registration[,] and consultant[,]fees
and inspection [fees.] expenses."
SECTION 53. Section 486-77, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§486-77 [Tampering with
passenger car odometer prohibited; misrepresentation of distance traveled
prohibited.] Odometers; prohibitions; exemptions. (a)
It shall be unlawful to:
(1) Tamper with an odometer, installed in a passenger
car, for any purpose. This [section] paragraph shall not be
construed to preclude legitimate repair, replacement, or adjustment of
an odometer[,]; provided that the administrator may require
documentation of [such] the repair, replacement, or
(2) Advertise for sale, or sell, rent, lease,
or export any passenger car, the odometer of which has been tampered with in
such a fashion or manner as to mislead the prospective buyer to believe that
the passenger car traveled a lesser distance than it actually has traveled[.];
(3) Operate a passenger car on any street or highway,
knowing that the odometer of the passenger car is disconnected or nonfunctional[.];
(4) Disconnect, turn back, advance, or reset
the odometer of any passenger car with intent to alter the distance indicated
on the odometer[.]; or
(5) Misrepresent the true distance traveled by any passenger car subject to this part, so as to mislead a prospective buyer.
(b) This section shall not preclude the
installation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of odometers when [such]
the action is necessary to cause compliance with this part. Any such
action, however, shall expressly be noted on the certificate of ownership and
called to the attention of a prospective buyer, in writing."
SECTION 54. Section 486-79, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
"§486-79 Citation and notice to appear[;
SECTION 55. Section 486-134, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Optional licensing. The following persons shall not be required, but shall
be permitted, to obtain licenses as public measuremasters:
(1) A law enforcement or measurement standards
officer, or other qualified employee of a state[, city,] or county
agency or institution when acting within the scope of the officer's or
employee's official duties;
(2) A person weighing property, produce, commodities,
or articles that the person, or the person's employer[, if any,]
is either buying or selling; and
(3) A person weighing property, produce, commodities,
or articles in conformity with the requirements of federal statutes or the
statutes of this State relative to [warehousepersons] warehouse
workers or processors."
SECTION 56. Section 486B-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "person" to read as follows:
""Person" means an individual,
corporation, government[,] or governmental subdivision or agency,
business trust, estate, trust, partnership, unincorporated association, two or
more of any of the foregoing having a joint or common interest, or any other
legal or commercial entity."
SECTION 57. Section 486H-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending the definitions of "non-refiner marketer," "retail," "retail service station," and "secondary brand" to read:
""Non-refiner marketer" means
any person who acquires gasoline for sale in the [State of Hawaii,] state
and who is not a refiner located and operating in the [State of Hawaii],
nor an importer owned by or affiliated with, directly or indirectly, [by]
a refiner located and operating in the [State of Hawaii.] state.
"Retail" means [the sale of a
product for purposes other than resale.] a sale of gasoline made to the
general public at prices that are displayed on the dispensing equipment.
"Retail service station" or
"retail station" means a place of business where motor vehicle
fuel is sold and delivered into the tanks of motor vehicles[.
"Retail station" means] and
includes a company retail station, a dealer retail station, and an independent
retail station.
"Secondary brand" means a trade name
or trademark, other than a major brand, used to identify a [manufacturer's]
company retail [service] station."
2. By repealing the definition of "self-serve basis."
"["Self-serve basis" means
that the retail station allows customers to dispense gasoline into vehicles.]"
SECTION 58. Section 486H-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Exceptions.] Wrongful termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal;
exception to actions. No action may be brought under section 486H-2 in
connection with the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of a franchise if
the franchise agreement provides for the binding arbitration of disputes
arising under the agreement, including disputes related to the termination,
cancellation, or nonrenewal of the franchise, in accordance with chapter
658A and the rules of the American Arbitration Association."
SECTION 59. Section 486H-10.4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§486H-10.4 Restrictions on
manufacturers or jobbers in operating service stations; lease rent controls[;
definitions]. (a) Beginning August 1, 1997, no manufacturer or
jobber shall convert an existing dealer retail station to a company retail
station; provided that nothing in this section shall limit a manufacturer or
jobber from:
(1) Continuing to operate any company [operated]
retail [service stations] station legally in existence on July
31, 1997;
(2) Constructing and operating any new retail service
[stations] station as a company retail [stations] station
constructed after August 1, 1997, subject to subsection (b); or
(3) Operating a former dealer retail station for up
to twenty-four months until a replacement dealer can be found if the former
dealer vacates the [service] retail station, cancels the
franchise, or is properly terminated or not renewed.
(b) No new company retail station shall be located within one-eighth mile of a dealer retail station in an urban area, and within one-quarter mile in other areas.
(c) All leases as part of a franchise as defined in section 486H-1, existing on August 1, 1997, or entered into thereafter, shall be construed in conformity with the following:
(1) Such renewal shall not be scheduled more frequently than once every three years; and
(2) Upon renewal, the lease rent payable shall not
exceed fifteen per cent of the gross sales, except for gasoline, which shall
not exceed fifteen per cent of the gross profit of product, excluding all
related taxes by the dealer [operated] retail [service] station
as defined in section 486H-1 [and 486H-10.4], plus, in the case
of a retail service station at a location where the manufacturer or jobber is
the lessee and not the owner of the ground lease, a percentage increase equal
to any increase [which] that the manufacturer or jobber is
required to pay the lessor under the ground lease for the service station. [For
the purposes of this subsection, "gross amount" means all monetary
earnings of the dealer from a dealer operated retail service station after all
applicable taxes, excluding income taxes, are paid.]
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any existing contracts that may be in conflict with its provisions.
(d) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a gasoline dealer from selling a retail service station in any manner."
SECTION 60. Section 486H-10.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Violation; penalties. Any person who violates section [486H-10]
486H-10.4 shall be assessed a civil penalty of $1,000 per day for each
SECTION 61. Section 486H-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Enforcement of prohibition. (a) The attorney general shall commence a
civil action to enforce section [486H-10,] 486H-10.4 by seeking
injunctive or any other appropriate relief. The civil action shall be brought
in the circuit court of the circuit where the alleged violation occurred, or
where the defendant resides or is doing business.
(b) Any person who is injured in [another]
that person's business or property by the violation of section [486H-10,]
486H-10.4 may bring a civil action for damages or injunctive relief, or
both, against the person violating section [486H-10.] 486H-10.4.
If the plaintiff prevails, the plaintiff shall be awarded reasonable [attorneys]
attorneys' and expert witness fees; provided that if a court awards only
nominal damages to the plaintiff, those fees, in the court's discretion, need
not be awarded to the plaintiff. Any action brought under this subsection
shall be brought in the circuit court of the circuit where the alleged
violation occurred, or where the defendant resides or is doing business."
SECTION 62. Section 486K-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definitions of "guest," "hotel/hotel-condo," and "keeper" to read as follows:
""Guest" means a person who is registered at the hotel and to whom a bedroom is assigned. The term "guest" shall include not only the guest, but the members of the guest's family and other persons who accompany the guest.
["Hotel/hotel-condo"] "Hotel",
"hotel-condominium" or "condominium-hotel" means an
establishment consisting of any building or structure used primarily for the
business of providing for consideration transient accommodation lodging
facilities and that furnishes, as part of its routine operations, one or more
customary lodging services, other than living accommodations and the use of
furniture and fixtures, including[,] but not limited to[,]
restaurant facilities, or room attendant, bell, telephone switchboard,
laundering, or concierge services, and is subject to the transient
accommodations tax under chapter 237D.
["Keeper"] "Hotelkeeper"
or "keeper" includes any [person,] individual,
firm, or corporation actually operating a hotel."
SECTION 63. Section 486K-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
Hotelkeepers] Hotelkeeper's lien on baggage, etc., of
guests; summary ejectment of delinquents."
SECTION 64. Section 486K-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) If the keeper of any hotel provides
a safe or vault in its office [thereof,] at the hotel for the
safekeeping of any valuables belonging to the guests of the hotel, and
prominently posts a notice in the room or rooms occupied by the guest stating
that a safe or vault is provided in which valuables may be deposited and if any
guest neglects to deliver valuables to the person in charge of the safe or
vault, the keeper of the hotel shall not be liable in any sum for any loss of
valuables sustained by the guest by theft or otherwise unless the loss is due
to the negligence or fault of the keeper of the hotel. If the guest delivers
valuables to the person in charge of the office for deposit in the safe or
vault, the keeper shall not be liable for any loss [thereof] sustained
by the guest[,] by theft or otherwise[,] in any sum exceeding
$500; provided that the keeper's liability is limited to $500 only if:
(1) [the] The keeper gives a receipt
for the valuables on a form which states, in type large enough to be clearly
noticeable, that the keeper is not liable for any loss exceeding $500 except by
special agreement in writing in which the keeper agrees to accept liability for
losses in excess of $500; and
(2) [the] The loss is not due to the
negligence or fault of the keeper of the hotel.
The keeper may accept liability for losses in excess of $500 by special agreement in writing between a guest and the keeper or the keeper's duly authorized representative."
SECTION 65. Section 486K-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Hotelkeeper's liability for personal property. (a) No [keeper
of any hotel] hotelkeeper shall be liable in any sum to any guest of
the hotel for the loss of wearing apparel, goods, merchandise, or other
personal property not mentioned in section 486K-4, unless it appears that the
loss occurred through the fault or negligence of the [keeper. Nor shall any
keeper] hotelkeeper.
(b) No hotelkeeper shall be
liable in any event in any sum for the loss of any article or articles of
wearing apparel, cane, umbrella, satchel, valise, bag, box, bundle, or other
chattel belonging to any guest of, or in, any hotel, and not within a room or
rooms assigned to the guest, unless the same is specially [intrusted] entrusted
to the care and custody of the keeper or the keeper's duly authorized agent[,
and if]. If so specially [intrusted] entrusted with
any such article belonging to the guest, the keeper shall not be liable for the
loss of the [same] article in any sum exceeding $500 [except];
provided that the keeper's liability may be in excess of $500 by special
agreement in writing with the keeper or the keeper's duly authorized
SECTION 66. Section 486K-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Hotelkeeper's [responsibility] liability in case of
fire, etc. [The keeper of any hotel] A hotelkeeper shall
only be liable to any guest of the hotel[,] for ordinary and reasonable
care in the custody of money, jewels, bank notes, precious stones,
transportation tickets, negotiable or valuable papers, ornaments, baggage,
wearing apparel, or other chattels or property belonging to any guest, whether
specially [intrusted] entrusted to the keeper or the keeper's
agent, or deposited in the safe of the hotel, for any loss occasioned by fire
or by any other cause or force[,] over which the [proprietor] hotelkeeper
had no control."
SECTION 67. Section 487-13, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending its title to read:
"§487-13 [Penalties for
unlicensed] Unlicensed acts[.];
2. By amending subsection (c) to read:
"(c) Any contract for the furnishing of
commodities or services by an unlicensed, unregistered, or [uncertified]
uncertificated person shall be void and shall prevent such person from
recovering the contract price or the reasonable value thereof."
SECTION 68. Section 487J-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), a business or government agency may not do any of the following:
(1) Intentionally communicate or otherwise make available to the general public an individual's entire social security number;
(2) Intentionally print or imbed an individual's
entire social security number on any card required for the individual to access
products or services provided by the [person or entity;] business or
government agency;
(3) Require an individual to transmit the individual's
entire social security number over the [internet,] Internet,
unless the connection is secure or the social security number is encrypted[;].
For purposes of this paragraph, "encrypted" means that an algorithmic
process has been used to transform data into a form in which the data is
rendered unreadable or unusable without the use of a confidential process or
(4) Require an individual to use the individual's
entire social security number to access an internet website, unless a password
or unique personal identification number or other authentication device is also
required to access the internet website; [and] or
(5) Print an individual's entire social security number on any materials that are mailed to the individual, unless the materials are employer-to-employee communications, or where specifically requested by the individual."
SECTION 69. Section 487N-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "encryption" to read as follows:
""Encryption" or "encrypted" means the use of an algorithmic process to transform data into a form in which the data is rendered unreadable or unusable without the use of a confidential process or key."
SECTION 70. Section 487N-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (g) to read as follows:
"(g) The following businesses shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section:
(1) A financial institution that is subject to the [Federal]
federal Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized
Access to [Consumer] Customer Information and Customer Notice
published in the Federal Register on March 29, 2005, by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of
Thrift Supervision, or subject to 12 [C.F.R.] Code of Federal
Regulations Part 748, and any revisions, additions, or substitutions
relating to [said] the interagency guidance; and
(2) Any health plan or healthcare provider that is subject to and in compliance with the standards for privacy or individually identifiable health information and the security standards for the protection of electronic health information of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996."
SECTION 71. Section 487R-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "personal information" to read as follows:
""Personal information" means an individual's first name or first initial and last name in combination with any one or more of the following data elements, when either the name or the data elements are not encrypted:
(1) Social security number;
(2) Driver's license number or Hawaii identification card number; or
(3) Account number, credit or debit card number, access code, or password that would permit access to an individual's financial account.
"Personal information" shall not include publicly available information that is lawfully made available to the general public from federal, state, or local government records. "Encrypted", as used in this definition, means the use of an algorithmic process to transform data into a form in which the data is rendered unreadable or unusable without the use of a confidential process or key."
SECTION 72. Section 487R-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
"(c) A business or government agency may
satisfy its obligation hereunder by exercising due diligence and entering into
a written contract with, and thereafter monitoring compliance by, another party
engaged in the business of [record] records destruction to
destroy personal information in a manner consistent with this section. Due
diligence should ordinarily include one or more of the following:
(1) Reviewing an independent audit of the disposal
business' operations or its compliance with this [statute or its equivalent;]
(2) Obtaining information about the disposal business from several references or other reliable sources and requiring that the disposal business be certified by a recognized trade association or similar third party with a reputation for high standards of quality review; or
(3) Reviewing and evaluating the disposal business' information security policies or procedures, or taking other appropriate measures to determine the competency and integrity of the disposal business."
SECTION 73. Section 488-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§488-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
[(1) "Department" means the department of
commerce and consumer affairs.
(2) "Plan administrator" means those
persons who have discretionary authority for the management of the plan or for
the collection, management, or disbursement of plan moneys.
(3) "Prepaid legal service plan"
("Plan") means a group legal service plan in which the cost of the
services are prepaid by the group member or by some other person or
organization in the member's behalf. A group legal service plan is a plan by
which legal services are rendered to individual members of a group identifiable
in terms of some common interest.]
"Department" means the department of commerce and consumer affairs.
"Group legal service plan" means a plan by which legal services are rendered to individual members of a group identifiable in terms of some common interest.
"Plan administrator" means those persons who have discretionary authority for the management of the plan or for the collection, management, or disbursement of plan moneys.
"Prepaid legal service plan" or "plan" means a group legal service plan in which the cost of the services are prepaid by the group member or by some other person or organization in the member's behalf."
SECTION 74. Section 488-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Applicability; other statutes, rules of court. (a) This chapter shall
apply to all plans in the [State] state other than:
(1) Plans in which either the group or the plan
administrator is otherwise subject to regulation under chapter 431 or [433.]
(2) Plans in which any party to the plan is the
federal government or any agency thereof[.]; or
(3) Any employer-employee plan [which] that
is subject to the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
Public Law 93-406.
(b) The operation of all plans subject to this
chapter shall also be subject to chapters 480, [481, part I,] part I
of chapter 481, 481A, and 481B, and other provisions of law [which] that
may be applicable. Chapters 431[, 433, and 434] and 432 shall
not apply to any plans or the operations thereof [which] that are
subject to this chapter, except as provided in sections 488-5 and 488-6.
(c) No plan subject to this chapter shall contravene rules of court adopted by the Hawaii supreme court."
SECTION 75. Section 488-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Annual exhibits; examination by director. (a) Each plan shall file
with the director of commerce and consumer affairs within thirty days after the
end of its fiscal year, a statement under oath in such form as the
director prescribes containing:
(1) A statement setting forth the total amount of gross receipts and expenditures of the plan during its fiscal year;
(2) The assets and liabilities of the plan at the close of its fiscal year; and
(3) The profit and loss of the plan during its fiscal year.
(b) The powers, authorities, and duties
relating to examinations vested in and imposed upon the insurance commissioner
under chapter 431 are extended to and imposed upon the director in respect to
examinations of the plans; provided that no examination shall attempt to obtain
or inspect written or oral information or documents in violation of the [attorney-client
privilege] rules for client-lawyer confidentiality as [it is]
contained in the [Code of Professional Responsibility] Hawaii Rules
of Professional Conduct adopted by the supreme court."
SECTION 76. Section 488-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Investments of certain plans. No plan promising or offering to pay for legal
services in an amount equal to or in excess of $25 a year shall invest any of
its assets other than as authorized and provided for in respect to domestic
insurance companies and societies under [chapter] chapters 431[,]
and 432, which provisions are hereby extended to and made applicable to
prepaid legal service plans."
SECTION 77. Section 489D-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the definition of "permissible investments" to read as follows:
""Permissible investments" means:
(1) Cash;
(2) Certificates of deposit or other debt obligations of a financial institution, either domestic or foreign;
(3) Bills of exchange or time drafts drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank, known as bankers' acceptances, that are eligible for purchase by member banks of the Federal Reserve System;
(4) Any investment bearing a rating of one of the three highest grades as defined by a nationally recognized organization that rates securities;
(5) Investment securities that are obligations of the United States, its agencies, or its instrumentalities, obligations that are guaranteed fully as to principal and interest of the United States, or any obligations of any state, municipality, or any political subdivision thereof;
(6) Shares in a money market mutual fund, interest‑bearing
bills, notes, or bonds, debentures or stock traded on any national securities
exchange or on a national over-the-counter market, mutual funds primarily
composed of these securities, or a fund composed of one or more permissible investments
as set forth in [this subsection;] paragraphs (1) to (5);
(7) Any demand borrowing agreement or agreements made with a corporation or a subsidiary of a corporation whose capital stock is listed on a national exchange;
(8) Receivables that are due to a licensee from its authorized delegates pursuant to a contract under section 489D-21, that are not past due or doubtful of collection; or
(9) Any other investments or security device approved by the commissioner."
SECTION 78. Section 489E-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) This chapter shall apply to
electronic records and electronic signatures relating to a transaction. [A
transaction subject to this chapter shall be subject to other applicable
substantive law.]"
SECTION 79. This Act shall be amended to conform to all other acts passed by the legislature during the regular session of 2008, whether enacted before or after the effective date of this Act, unless the other act specifically provides otherwise.
SECTION 80. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 81. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.