Report Title:
Demolish Aloha Stadium; New Stadium in Kapolei; DAGS Plans
Requires department of accounting and general services, prior to the convening of the 2009 and 2010 regular sessions, to submit preliminary and final plans to the legislature to demolish Aloha Stadium and build low- and moderate-income housing on the site and identify a new location and build a new stadium in Kapolei.
H.B. NO. |
2599 |
relating to a new stadium at kapolei.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the Aloha Stadium, which first opened on September 12, 1975, has served as the venue for numerous sporting, music, and other events but that its useful life is drawing to an end. Remediation of the corrosion of Aloha Stadium's structural steel from 1985 to 1995 has already cost $80,000,000 and yet the structural certification performed in 1995 did not examine wind loads on the structure so that the structural safety of Aloha Stadium under wind loading is still unknown. A plethora of other issues still need to be addressed concerning structural safety and general conditions. A 2005 study identified a host of capital improvements to Aloha Stadium that, if fully implemented together with a systematic, cyclic capital improvement program throughout its remaining life, would extend the useful life of the stadium twenty to thirty years. However, the anticipated cost for the initial improvements needed would total $99,200,000 with an additional $115,400,000 anticipated to be expended for ongoing maintenance over a twenty-year period.
The purpose of this Act is to explore an alternative approach to maintaining an aging and costly Aloha Stadium.
SECTION 2. Department of accounting and general services; stadium preliminary and final reports. (a) The department of accounting and general services shall immediately:
(1) Undertake plans for the demolition of Aloha Stadium and salvaging of scrap and debris;
(2) Enter into discussions with the city and county of Honolulu and, with the assistance of Hawaii's congressional delegation, responsible agencies of the United States government concerning the removal of the condition in the quitclaim deed of the Aloha Stadium site to the city and county of Honolulu and the State that requires that the land be used for public recreational purposes, including the operation of a stadium;
(3) Engage in the conceptual planning and engineering for a predominantly low- and moderate-income housing development, along with appropriate mixed-uses and the inclusion of a mass transit station, at the Aloha Stadium site;
(4) Prepare a preliminary project package for a request for proposals to solicit proposals for the private development of the housing and mixed-use development, including the demolition of Aloha Stadium and salvaging of scrap and debris;
(5) Identify available public lands in Kapolei on Oahu for the development of a new stadium with a minimum seating capacity of , to be developed publicly, in joint venture with a private developer, or on a turn-key or lease-back basis; and
(6) Study whether a new stadium should continue to be under the stadium authority or transferred to the University of Hawaii or another existing or new state agency.
(b) The department of accounting and general services shall submit a preliminary report to the legislature not later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2009 on the progress of its planning activities, which shall include the following:
(1) A preliminary timetable for:
(A) The demolition of Aloha Stadium and salvaging of scrap and debris;
(B) The request for proposals process;
(C) The housing and mixed-use development at the Aloha Stadium site; and
(D) The development of the new stadium; and
(2) A conceptual site and development plan for the development of the new stadium in Kapolei on Oahu;
(3) A conceptual site and development plan for the housing and mixed-use development at the Aloha Stadium site;
(4) The preliminary estimated costs for:
(A) The demolition of Aloha Stadium and salvaging of scrap and debris;
(B) The housing and mixed-use development at the Aloha Stadium site; and
(C) The development of the new stadium in Kapolei, including the costs of all necessary infrastructure to serve the new facility;
(5) A preliminary real estate appraisal of a vacant Aloha Stadium site; and
(6) A report on the status of the discussions with the city and county of Honolulu and the responsible agencies of the United States government on the removal of the condition in the deed to the city and county of Honolulu and the State that the Aloha Stadium site must be used for public recreational purposes.
(c) The department of accounting and general services shall submit a final report to the legislature not later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2010, which shall include the following:
(1) A final timetable, updating the preliminary timetable submitted in the 2009 preliminary report;
(2) The conceptual plan for the development of the new stadium in Kapolei on Oahu, including a proposal for the public development of the stadium or, if the stadium is to be privately developed, a complete request for proposals package for the development of the stadium, including architect renderings, engineering report, and specifications and guidelines for the development;
(3) A request for proposals package for the development of the former Aloha Stadium site, including the conceptual plan, architect renderings, engineering report, and specifications and guidelines for the development;
(4) The final estimated costs for the demolition of Aloha Stadium, redevelopment at the Aloha Stadium site, and the development of the new stadium, updating the preliminary cost estimates submitted in the preliminary report;
(5) The final real estate appraisal of the vacant Aloha Stadium site;
(6) A final determination on the removal of the condition in the deed to the city and county of Honolulu and the State that the Aloha Stadium site must be used for public recreational purposes; and
(7) A recommendation on the state agency that should manage, operate, and maintain the new stadium.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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